2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 746.89
Other specified congenital anomalies of heart
- Short description: Cong heart anomaly NEC.
- ICD-9-CM 746.89 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 746.89 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2011 version of ICD-9-CM 746.89.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 746.89: 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
746.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q23.8 Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q24.8 Other specified congenital malformations of heart
Approximate Synonyms
- Abnormal atrioventricular connection
- Abnormal atrioventricular connection - biventricular
- Abnormal atrioventricular connection - univentricular
- Abnormal number of leaflets
- Abnormal position of cardiac valve
- Abnormality of atrioventricular valve
- Abnormality of common atrioventricular valve papillary muscle
- Aborted systole
- Absent atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
- Absent left sided atrioventricular connection
- Absent right atrioventricular valve leaflets
- Accessory tissue on aortic valve cusp
- Accessory tissue on common atrioventricular valve leaflet
- Accessory tissue on left atrioventricular valve leaflet
- Accessory tissue on mitral leaflet
- Accessory tissue on right atrioventricular valve leaflet
- Accessory tissue on tricuspid leaflet
- Accessory tissue on truncal valve cusp
- Anomalous muscle bands of left ventricle
- Anomalous muscle bands of right ventricle
- Anomalous valve of coronary sinus
- Anterior leaflet of mitral valve attached to septum
- Aortic orifice anterior left with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic orifice anterior right with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic orifice anterior with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic orifice left side by side with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic orifice posterior left with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic orifice posterior with respect to pulmonary orifice
- Aortic valve atresia, congenital
- Aortic valve dysplasia
- Aortic valve ring hypoplasia
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
- Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, congenital
- Atresia of common atrioventricular valve
- Atrioventricular septal defect - ventricular component under inferior bridging leaflet
- Atrioventricular septal defect - ventricular component under superior bridging leaflet
- Atrioventricular septal defect with ventricular imbalance consisting of dominant left ventricle and hypoplastic right ventricle
- Bifid apex of heart
- Bilateral atria
- Bilateral isomeric atria
- Brugada syndrome
- Cardiomegaly, congenital
- Cardiomegaly, congenital (enlarged heart, at birth)
- Chiari's network
- Cleft leaflet of mitral valve
- Cleft leaflet of tricuspid valve
- Commissural fusion of aortic cusp
- Commissural fusion of aortic valve
- Common atrioventricular valve stenosis
- Complex congenital heart defect
- Congenital (at birth) cleft leaflet of mitral valve
- Congenital abnormality of atrioventricular valves in atrioventricular septal defect
- Congenital absence of aortic valve
- Congenital absence of chordae tendineae
- Congenital absence of coronary sinus
- Congenital aneurysm of heart
- Congenital anomaly of aortic valve
- Congenital anomaly of heart valve
- Congenital anomaly of pericardium
- Congenital aortic valve atresia
- Congenital aortic valve atresia (at birth)
- Congenital arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
- Congenital arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (at birth)
- Congenital atresia of aortic valve
- Congenital atresia of cardiac valve
- Congenital atresia of cardiac vein
- Congenital atresia of mitral valve
- Congenital cardiomegaly
- Congenital cardiomegaly (at birth)
- Congenital cleft of cardiac valve
- Congenital conduction defect
- Congenital dilatation of atrium
- Congenital dilatation of cardiac ventricle
- Congenital disease and abnormality of heart, thoracic aorta and pericardium
- Congenital diverticulum of left ventricle
- Congenital enlargement of coronary sinus
- Congenital epicardial cyst
- Congenital heart defect, complex
- Congenital heart heterotaxy syndrome
- Congenital heart heterotaxy syndrome (at birth)
- Congenital His bundle tachycardia
- Congenital hypertrophy of cardiac ventricle
- Congenital hypoplasia of aortic valve
- Congenital hypoplasia of cardiac vein
- Congenital hypoplasia of cardiac vein (at birth)
- Congenital hypoplasia of cardiac ventricle
- Congenital hypoplasia of heart
- Congenital hypoplasia of mitral valve
- Congenital insufficiency of tricuspid valve
- Congenital left ventricle diverticulum
- Congenital left ventricle diverticulum (at birth)
- Congenital left ventricular aneurysm
- Congenital mitral valve atresia
- Congenital mitral valve atresia (at birth)
- Congenital mitral valve cleft leaflet
- Congenital mitral valve cleft leaflet (at birth)
- Congenital pericardial cyst
- Congenital pericardial cyst (at birth)
- Congenital pericardial defect
- Congenital right ventricular aneurysm
- Congenital right ventricular diverticulum
- Congenital stenosis of cardiac valve
- Congenital tricuspid valve regurgitation
- Congenital tricuspid valve regurgitation (at birth)
- Congenital valvular insufficiency
- Coronary sinus abnormality
- Coronary sinus defect in left atrium
- Criss-cross heart
- Defect, heart, complex congenital (at birth)
- Diffuse hypoplasia of left ventricle
- Dilatation of common atrioventricular valve annulus
- Dilatation of left atrioventricular valve annulus
- Dilatation of mitral annulus
- Dilatation of right atrioventricular valve annulus
- Dilatation of tricuspid annulus
- Discordant atrioventricular connection
- Discordant ventriculoarterial connection
- Diverticulum of left ventricle, congenital (at birth)
- Divided left atrium
- Divided right atrium
- Double aortic valve
- Double inlet left ventricle
- Double inlet right ventricle
- Double inlet to ventricle of indeterminate morphology
- Double inlet ventricle
- Double mitral valve
- Double orifice of common atrioventricular valve
- Double orifice of left atrioventricular valve
- Double orifice of mitral valve
- Double orifice of right atrioventricular valve
- Double orifice of tricuspid valve
- Double outlet from ventricle of indeterminate morphology
- Ebstein-like downward displacement of mitral valve
- Ebstein-like malformation of the mitral valve
- Eccentric opening of aortic valve
- Hemicardia
- Heterotaxy syndrome, heart, congenital
- Heterotaxy syndrome, heart, congenital (at birth)
- Holt Oram syndrome
- Holt-Oram syndrome
- Hypoplasia of aortic valve cusp
- Hypoplasia of cardiac vein
- Hypoplasia of cardiac vein, congenital
- Hypoplasia of left ventricular outflow tract
- Hypoplasia of left ventricular outflow tract and trabecular area
- Hypoplasia of right heart
- Hypoplastic (abnormally small) right heart syndrome
- Hypoplastic common atrioventricular valve papillary muscle
- Hypoplastic mitral papillary muscle
- Hypoplastic right atrioventricular valve papillary muscle
- Hypoplastic right heart syndrome
- Hypoplastic tricuspid papillary muscle
- Imperforate common atrioventricular valve
- Imperforate left atrioventricular valve
- Imperforate right atrioventricular valve
- Insufficiency of tricuspid valve congenital (at birth)
- Leakage of conduit from right atrium to pulmonary artery
- Left atrial appendage - right - juxtaposition
- Left atrial appendage aneurysm
- Left atrial dilatation
- Left atrial hypoplasia
- Left atrioventricular valve atresia
- Left atrioventricular valve dysplasia
- Left atrioventricular valve hypoplasia
- Left atrioventricular valve leaflet abnormality
- Left atrioventricular valve leaflet dysplasia
- Left atrioventricular valve prolapse
- Left atrioventricular valve stenosis
- Left ventricle diverticulum, congenital
- Left ventricular diverticulum
- Left ventricular hypoplasia
- Left ventricular outflow tract abnormality
- Left ventricular outflow tract atresia
- Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
- Levoatrial cardinal vein
- Mitral valve atresia, congenital
- Mitral valve atresia, congenital (present at birth)
- Mitral valve cleft leaflet, congenital
- Mitral valve dysplasia
- Monocuspid cardiac valve
- Myxomatosis of cardiac valve
- Overriding left atrioventricular valve
- Overriding mitral valve
- Overriding right atrioventricular valve
- Overriding tricuspid valve
- Partial agenesis of pericardium
- Pericardial anomaly
- Pericardial cyst, congenital
- Pericardial defect
- Pericardial diverticulum
- Pleuropericardial cyst
- Prolapse of Eustachian valve
- Quadricuspid aortic valve
- Quadricuspid cardiac valve
- Quadricuspid pulmonary valve
- Regurgitation of common atrioventricular valve
- Right atrial appendage aneurysm
- Right atrial endocardial fibroelastosis
- Right atrioventricular valve atresia
- Right atrioventricular valve chordae too long
- Right atrioventricular valve chordae too short
- Right atrioventricular valve leaflets absent in double inlet ventricle
- Right hypoplastic heart syndrome
- Right to left cardiac shunt
- Right ventricular diverticulum
- Right ventricular outflow obstruction - localized
- Rudimentary left ventricle
- Septoparietal trabeculations
- Situs ambiguus
- Solitary aortic trunk with pulmonary atresia
- Solitary pulmonary trunk with aortic atresia
- Straddling left atrioventricular valve
- Straddling mitral valve
- Straddling right atrioventricular valve
- Straddling tricuspid valve
- Totally absent pericardium
- Tricuspid annulus hypoplasia
- Tricuspid valve regurgitation, congenital
- Unicuspid aortic valve
Applies To
- Atresia of cardiac vein
- Hypoplasia of cardiac vein
- Congenital:
- cardiomegaly
- diverticulum, left ventricle
- pericardial defect
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
- aortic valve (congenital) 746.89
- pericardium (congenital) 746.89
- Accessory (congenital)
- cusp(s), heart valve NEC 746.89
- heart 746.89
- valve NEC 746.89
- leaflet, heart valve NEC 746.89
- valve, heart NEC 746.89
- Agenesis - see also Absence, by site, congenital
- heart 746.89
- valve NEC 746.89
- aortic 746.89
- mitral 746.89
- pulmonary 746.01
- pericardium 746.89
- Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (ruptured) (saccular) (varicose) 442.9
- heart (chronic or with a stated duration of over 8 weeks) (infectional) (wall) 414.10
- acute or with a stated duration of 8 weeks or less (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- congenital 746.89
- valve - see Endocarditis
- Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
- coronary
- heart 746.9
- auricle 746.9
- bands 746.9
- fibroelastosis cordis 425.3
- folds 746.9
- malposition 746.87
- maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
- obstructive NEC 746.84
- patent ductus arteriosus (Botalli) 747.0
- septum 745.9
- acquired 429.71
- aortic 745.0
- aorticopulmonary 745.0
- atrial 745.5
- auricular 745.5
- between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
- endocardial cushion type 745.60
- interatrial 745.5
- interventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- specified type NEC 745.8
- ventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- specified type NEC 746.89
- tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- valve NEC 746.9
- ventricle 746.9
- mitral (leaflets) (valve) 746.9
- atresia 746.89
- insufficiency 746.6
- specified type NEC 746.89
- stenosis 746.5
- pericardium 746.89
- specified type NEC
- adrenal (gland) 759.1
- alimentary tract (complete) (partial) 751.8
- ankle 755.69
- anus, anal (canal) 751.5
- aorta, aortic 747.29
- appendix 751.5
- arm 755.59
- artery (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- auditory canal 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.02
- bile duct or passage 751.69
- bladder 753.8
- bone(s) 756.9
- brain 742.4
- breast 757.6
- broad ligament 752.19
- bronchus 748.3
- canal of Nuck 752.89
- cardiac septal closure 745.8
- carpus 755.59
- cartilaginous 756.9
- cecum 751.5
- cervix 752.49
- chest (wall) 756.3
- chin 744.89
- ciliary body 743.46
- circulatory system 747.89
- clavicle 755.51
- clitoris 752.49
- coccyx 756.19
- colon 751.5
- common duct 751.69
- connective tissue 756.89
- cricoid cartilage 748.3
- cystic duct 751.69
- diaphragm 756.6
- digestive organ(s) or tract 751.8
- duodenum 751.5
- ear 744.29
- auricle 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.02
- causing impairment of hearing 744.09
- inner (causing impairment of hearing) 744.05
- middle, except ossicles 744.03
- ejaculatory duct 752.89
- endocrine 759.2
- epiglottis 748.3
- esophagus 750.4
- Eustachian tube 744.24
- eye 743.8
- face 744.89
- fallopian tube 752.19
- fascia 756.89
- femur 755.69
- fibula 755.69
- finger 755.59
- foot 755.67
- fovea centralis 743.55
- gallbladder 751.69
- Gartner's duct 752.89
- gastrointestinal tract 751.8
- genitalia, genital organ(s)
- genitourinary tract NEC 752.89
- glottis 748.3
- hair 757.4
- hand 755.59
- heart 746.89
- hepatic duct 751.69
- hydatid of Morgagni 752.89
- hymen 752.49
- integument 757.8
- intestine (large) (small) 751.5
- iris 743.46
- jejunum 751.5
- joint 755.8
- kidney 753.3
- knee 755.64
- labium (majus) (minus) 752.49
- labyrinth, membranous 744.05
- larynx 748.3
- leg 755.69
- lens 743.39
- limb, except reduction deformity 755.8
- lower 755.69
- reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.30
- upper 755.59
- reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.20
- lip 750.26
- liver 751.69
- lung (fissure) (lobe) 748.69
- meatus urinarius 753.8
- metacarpus 755.59
- mouth 750.26
- Müllerian
- muscle 756.89
- musculoskeletal system, except limbs 756.9
- nail 757.5
- neck 744.89
- nerve 742.8
- nervous system 742.8
- nipple 757.6
- nose 748.1
- organ NEC 759.89
- osseous meatus (ear) 744.03
- ovary 752.0
- oviduct 752.19
- pancreas 751.7
- parathyroid 759.2
- patella 755.64
- pelvic girdle 755.69
- penis 752.69
- pericardium 746.89
- peripheral vascular system NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- pharynx 750.29
- pituitary 759.2
- prostate 752.89
- radius 755.59
- rectum 751.5
- respiratory system 748.8
- rib 756.3
- round ligament 752.89
- sacrum 756.19
- salivary duct or gland 750.26
- scapula 755.59
- sclera 743.47
- scrotum 752.89
- seminal duct or tract 752.89
- shoulder girdle 755.59
- site NEC 759.89
- skin 757.39
- skull (bone(s)) 756.0
- specified organ or site NEC 759.89
- spermatic cord 752.89
- spinal cord 742.59
- spine 756.19
- spleen 759.0
- sternum 756.3
- stomach 750.7
- tarsus 755.67
- tendon 756.89
- testis 752.89
- thorax (wall) 756.3
- thymus 759.2
- thyroid (gland) 759.2
- tibia 755.69
- toe 755.66
- tongue 750.19
- trachea (cartilage) 748.3
- ulna 755.59
- urachus 753.7
- ureter 753.4
- urethra 753.8
- urinary tract 753.8
- uterus (Müllerian) 752.39
- uvula 750.26
- vagina 752.49
- vascular NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- vas deferens 752.89
- vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- vena cava (inferior) (superior) 747.49
- vertebra 756.19
- vulva 752.49
- tricuspid (leaflet) (valve) 746.9
- valve (heart) NEC 746.9
- formation, ureter 753.29
- pulmonary 746.00
- specified type NEC 746.89
- vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- Aplasia - see also Agenesis
- aortic valve (congenital) 746.89
- Atresia, atretic (congenital) 759.89
- aortic (orifice) (valve) 746.89
- cardiac
- valve 746.89
- aortic 746.89
- mitral 746.89
- pulmonary 746.01
- tricuspid 746.1
- heart
- valve NEC 746.89
- aortic 746.89
- mitral 746.89
- pulmonary 746.01
- tricuspid 746.1
- mitral valve 746.89
- with atresia or hypoplasia of aortic orifice or valve, with hypoplasia of ascending aorta and defective development of left ventricle 746.7
- vein NEC (see also Atresia, blood vessel) 747.60
- Bifid (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
- apex, heart 746.89
- Brugada syndrome 746.89
- Cardiomegaly (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) 429.3
- congenital 746.89
- Chiari's
- network 746.89
- Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
- celomic (pericardium) 746.89
- pericardial (congenital) 746.89
- acquired (secondary) 423.8
- spring water (pericardium) 746.89
- Defect, defective 759.9
- pericardium 746.89
- Deformity 738.9
- heart (congenital) 746.9
- auricle (congenital) 746.9
- septum 745.9
- valve (congenital) NEC 746.9
- acquired - see Endocarditis
- pulmonary (congenital) 746.00
- specified type NEC 746.89
- ventricle (congenital) 746.9
- mitral (leaflets) (valve) (congenital) 746.9
- acquired - see Endocarditis, mitral
- Ebstein's 746.89
- parachute 746.5
- specified type NEC 746.89
- stenosis, congenital 746.5
- tricuspid (leaflets) (valve) (congenital) 746.9
- acquired - see Endocarditis, tricuspid
- atresia or stenosis 746.1
- specified type NEC 746.89
- valve, valvular (heart) (congenital) 746.9
- acquired - see Endocarditis
- pulmonary 746.00
- specified type NEC 746.89
- Degeneration, degenerative
- myocardium, myocardial (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.1
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
- amyloid 277.39[425.7]
- congenital 746.89
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- gouty 274.82
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- ischemic 414.8
- rheumatic (see also Degeneration, myocardium, with rheumatic fever) 398.0
- syphilitic 093.82
- Dilatation
- cardiac (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) 429.3
- congenital 746.89
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- heart (acute) (chronic) (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) 429.3
- congenital 746.89
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- valve - see also Endocarditis
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- heart (organic) 429.9
- with
- acute pulmonary edema (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1
- hypertensive 402.91
- kidney disease - see Hypertension, cardiorenal
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- amyloid 277.39[425.7]
- aortic (valve) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1
- arteriosclerotic or sclerotic (minimal) (senile) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
- artery, arterial - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
- atherosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
- beer drinkers' 425.5
- beriberi 265.0 [425.7]
- black 416.0
- congenital NEC 746.9
- cyanotic 746.9
- maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
- specified type NEC 746.89
- congestive (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- coronary 414.9
- cryptogenic 429.9
- due to
- fetal 746.9
- fibroid (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
- functional 427.9
- glycogen storage 271.0 [425.7]
- gonococcal NEC 098.85
- gouty 274.82
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- hyperthyroid (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9 [425.7]
- incompletely diagnosed - see Disease, heart
- ischemic (chronic) (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9
- acute (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- without myocardial infarction 411.89
- with coronary (artery) occlusion 411.81
- asymptomatic 412
- diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation but currently presenting no symptoms 412
- kyphoscoliotic 416.1
- mitral (see also Endocarditis, mitral) 394.9
- muscular (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
- postpartum 674.8
- psychogenic (functional) 306.2
- pulmonary (chronic) 416.9
- rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (old) (quiescent) (with chorea) 398.90
- active or acute 391.9
- with chorea (active) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- specified type NEC 391.8
- maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
- rheumatoid - see Arthritis, rheumatoid
- sclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
- senile (see also Myocarditis) 429.0
- specified type NEC 429.89
- syphilitic 093.89
- thyroid (gland) (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9 [425.7]
- thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9 [425.8]
- valve, valvular (obstructive) (regurgitant) - see also Endocarditis
- congenital NEC (see also Anomaly, heart, valve) 746.9
- pulmonary 746.00
- specified type NEC 746.89
- vascular - see Disease, cardiovascular
- valve, valvular - see also Endocarditis
- congenital NEC (see also Anomaly, heart, valve) 746.9
- pulmonary 746.00
- specified type NEC 746.89
- Displacement, displaced
- ventricular septum 746.89
- with rudimentary ventricle 746.89
- Distortion (congenital)
- heart (auricle) (ventricle) 746.89
- valve (cusp) 746.89
- Diverticula, diverticulosis, diverticulum (acute) (multiple) (perforated) (ruptured) 562.10
- heart (congenital) 746.89
- pericardium (congenital) (cyst) 746.89
- ventricle, left (congenital) 746.89
- Double
- orifice
- heart valve NEC 746.89
- Endocarditis (chronic) (indeterminate) (interstitial) (marantic) (nonbacterial thrombotic) (residual) (sclerotic) (sclerous) (senile) (valvular) 424.90
- aortic (heart) (nonrheumatic) (valve) 424.1
- with
- mitral (valve) disease 396.9
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- bacterial 421.0
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- active - see Endocarditis, acute, rheumatic
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 395.9
- with mitral disease 396.9
- acute or subacute 421.9
- arteriosclerotic 424.1
- congenital 746.89
- hypertensive 424.1
- rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) 395.9
- with mitral (valve) disease 396.9
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- specified cause, except rheumatic 424.1
- syphilitic 093.22
- mitral (chronic) (double) (fibroid) (heart) (inactive) (valve) (with chorea) 394.9
- with
- aortic (valve) disease 396.9
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- active - see Endocarditis, acute, rheumatic
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 394.9
- with aortic valve disease 396.9
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- bacterial 421.0
- arteriosclerotic 424.0
- congenital 746.89
- hypertensive 424.0
- nonrheumatic 424.0
- syphilitic 093.21
- tricuspid (chronic) (heart) (inactive) (rheumatic) (valve) (with chorea) 397.0
- with
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- active - see Endocarditis, acute, rheumatic
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 397.0
- active or acute 391.1
- with chorea (acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0
- arteriosclerotic 424.2
- congenital 746.89
- hypertensive 424.2
- nonrheumatic 424.2
- specified cause, except rheumatic 424.2
- syphilitic 093.23
- Fenestration, fenestrated - see also Imperfect, closure
- cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
- Folds, anomalous - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC
- heart 746.89
- Fusion, fused (congenital)
- cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
- mitral 746.5
- tricuspid 746.89
- Hemicardia 746.89
- Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
- cardiac (chronic) (idiopathic) 429.3
- with
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- congenital NEC 746.89
- fatty (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- rheumatic (with chorea) 398.99
- valve (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- heart (idiopathic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
- valve - see also Endocarditis
- ventricle, ventricular (heart) (left) (right) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
- congenital 746.89
- due to hypertension (left) (right) (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- right with ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, and dextraposition of aorta 745.2
- Hypoplasia, hypoplasis 759.89
- cardiac 746.89
- valve - see Hypoplasia, heart, valve
- vein 746.89
- heart 746.89
- left (complex) (syndrome) 746.7
- valve NEC 746.89
- vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Hypoplasia, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- Imperfect
- closure (congenital)
- alimentary tract NEC 751.8
- atrioventricular ostium 745.69
- atrium (secundum) 745.5
- branchial cleft or sinus 744.41
- choroid 743.59
- cricoid cartilage 748.3
- cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
- ductus
- ear drum 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.03
- endocardial cushion 745.60
- epiglottis 748.3
- esophagus with communication to bronchus or trachea 750.3
- Eustachian valve 746.89
- eyelid 743.62
- face, facial (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10
- foramen
- genitalia, genital organ(s) or system
- glottis 748.3
- heart valve (cusps) NEC 746.89
- interatrial ostium or septum 745.5
- interauricular ostium or septum 745.5
- interventricular ostium or septum 745.4
- iris 743.46
- kidney 753.3
- larynx 748.3
- lens 743.36
- lip (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10
- nasal septum or sinus 748.1
- nose 748.1
- omphalomesenteric duct 751.0
- optic nerve entry 743.57
- organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type, by site
- ostium
- palate (see also Cleft, palate) 749.00
- preauricular sinus 744.46
- retina 743.56
- roof of orbit 742.0
- sclera 743.47
- septum
- aortic 745.0
- aorticopulmonary 745.0
- atrial (secundum) 745.5
- between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
- heart 745.9
- interatrial (secundum) 745.5
- interauricular (secundum) 745.5
- interventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- nasal 748.1
- ventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- skull 756.0
- spine (with meningocele) (see also Spina bifida) 741.90
- thyroid cartilage 748.3
- trachea 748.3
- tympanic membrane 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.03
- uterus (with communication to bladder, intestine, or rectum) 752.39
- uvula 749.02
- with cleft lip (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20
- vitelline duct 751.0
- Incompetency, incompetence, incompetent
- heart valve, congenital 746.89
- Insufficiency, insufficient
- heart - see also Insufficiency, myocardial
- myocardial, myocardium (with arteriosclerosis) 428.0
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
- congenital 746.89
- due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following cardiac surgery 429.4
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91
- postoperative 997.1
- long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- rheumatic 398.0
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- with chorea (Sydenham's) 392.0
- syphilitic 093.82
- tricuspid (see also Endocarditis, tricuspid) 397.0
- congenital 746.89
- syphilitic 093.23
- Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly
- heart NEC 746.9
- specified type NEC 746.89
- valve 746.9
- Morbus
- caeruleus 746.89
- Myocarditis (fibroid) (interstitial) (old) (progressive) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.0
- congenital 746.89
- Nonclosure - see also Imperfect, closure
- Eustachian valve 746.89
- Nondevelopment
- heart 746.89
- Patent - see also Imperfect closure
- Eustachian
- Quadricuspid aortic valve 746.89
- Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- heart valve (acquired) - see also Endocarditis
- congenital NEC 746.89
- valve (cardiac) (heart) (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- congenital NEC 746.89
- valvular (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- congenital NEC 746.89
- Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
- heart - see also Disease, heart
- congenital NEC 746.89
- valve - see also Endocarditis
- valve (cardiac) (heart) (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- congenital (cardiac) (heart) NEC 746.89
- Supernumerary (congenital)
- aortic cusps 746.89
- cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Brugada 746.89
- Undeveloped, undevelopment - see also Hypoplasia
- heart 746.89