Convert to ICD-10-CM:
306.0 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Contraction, contracture, contracted
- muscle (postinfectional) (postural) NEC 728.85
- neck (see also Torticollis) 723.5
- congenital 754.1
- psychogenic 306.0
- Disorder - see also Disease
- limb NEC 729.9
- psychogenic 306.0
- low back NEC 724.9
- psychogenic 306.0
- muscle 728.9
- psychogenic 306.0
- specified type NEC 728.3
- musculoskeletal system NEC 729.9
- psychogenic 306.0
- psychogenic NEC (see also condition) 300.9
- psychosomatic NEC 306.9
- allergic NEC
- articulation, joint 306.0
- cardiovascular (system) 306.2
- cutaneous 306.3
- digestive (system) 306.4
- dysmenorrheic 306.52
- dyspneic 306.1
- endocrine (system) 306.6
- eye 306.7
- gastric 306.4
- gastrointestinal (system) 306.4
- genitourinary (system) 306.50
- heart (functional) (rhythm) 306.2
- hyperventilatory 306.1
- intestinal 306.4
- joint 306.0
- limb 306.0
- lymphatic (system) 306.8
- menstrual 306.52
- micturition 306.53
- monoplegic NEC 306.0
- muscle 306.0
- musculoskeletal 306.0
- neurocirculatory 306.2
- organs of special sense 306.7
- paralytic NEC 306.0
- pruritic 306.3
- rectal 306.4
- respiratory (system) 306.1
- rheumatic 306.0
- sexual (function) 302.70
- skin 306.3
- specified part of body NEC 306.8
- stomach 306.4
- Monoplegia 344.5
- psychogenic 306.0
- specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Neurosis, neurotic 300.9
- incoordination 306.0
- musculoskeletal 306.0
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- arm 344.40
- affecting
- both 344.2
- hysterical 300.11
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- psychogenic 306.0
- transient 781.4
- traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, upper limb) 955.9
- leg 344.30
- affecting
- both (see also Paraplegia) 344.1
- crossed 344.89
- hysterical 300.11
- psychogenic 306.0
- transient or transitory 781.4
- traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, lower limb) 956.9
- psychogenic 306.0
- Paraplegia 344.1
- psychogenic 306.0
- Polyarthralgia 719.49
- psychogenic 306.0
- Reaction
- psychophysiologic NEC (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- Rheumatism, rheumatic (acute NEC) 729.0
- psychogenic 306.0
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
- nervous 306.0
- psychogenic 306.0
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- low
- atmospheric pressure 993.2
- back 724.2
- output (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic) 723.5
- psychogenic 306.0
- specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Tremor 781.0
- psychogenic 306.0
- specified as conversion reaction 300.11