2006 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 724.9
Other unspecified back disorders
- Short description: BACK DISORDER NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 724.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 724.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2006 version of ICD-9-CM 724.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 724.9: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
724.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M43.8X9 Other specified deforming dorsopathies, site unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M53.9 Dorsopathy, unspecified
Approximate Synonyms
- Ankylosis of lumbosacral joint
- Ankylosis of sacrococcygeal spine
- Ankylosis of spine
- Back disorder
- Back problem
- Cervical spine ankylosis
- Cervical spine stiff
- Cervicothoracic ankylosis
- Cervicothoracic disorder
- Complete ankylosis of the spine
- Compression of spinal nerve root
- Disorder of back
- Disorder of cervical spine
- Disorder of cervicothoracic area
- Disorder of cervicothoracic spine
- Disorder of lumbar disc
- Disorder of lumbar spine
- Disorder of sacrococcygeal spine
- Disorder of spinal region
- Disorder of spine
- Disorder of thoracic spine
- Dorsopathies
- Dorsopathy
- Flatback syndrome
- Fusion of cervical (neck) spine
- Fusion of cervical spine
- Fusion of cervicothoracic spine
- Fusion of lumbar spine
- Fusion of lumbosacral spine
- Fusion of sacrococcygeal spine
- Fusion of thoracic spine
- Fusion of thoracolumbar spine
- Joint stiffness of spine
- Lesion of thoracic spine
- Lumbar ache - renal
- Lumbar spine ankylosis
- Lumbar spine unstable
- On examination - lumbar spine abnormal
- On examination - thoracic spine abnormal
- Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
- Recurrent dislocation of vertebra
- Spine stiffness
- Thoracic spine ankylosis
- Thoracic spine cool
- Thoracic spine hot
- Thoracic spine inflamed
- Thoracic spine instability
- Thoracolumbar ankylosis
- Vertebral column syndromes
- Weakness of back
724.9 Excludes
Applies To
- Ankylosis of spine NOS
- Compression of spinal nerve root NEC
- Spinal disorder NOS
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Adhesion(s), adhesive (postinfectional) (postoperative)
- Ankylosis (fibrous) (osseous) 718.50
- spine NEC 724.9
- Compression
- nerve NEC - see also Disorder, nerve
- arm NEC 354.9
- autonomic nervous system (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
- axillary 353.0
- cranial NEC 352.9
- due to displacement of intervertebral disc 722.2
- iliohypogastric 355.79
- ilioinguinal 355.79
- leg NEC 355.8
- lower extremity NEC 355.8
- median (in carpal tunnel) 354.0
- obturator 355.79
- optic 377.49
- plantar 355.6
- posterior tibial (in tarsal tunnel) 355.5
- root (by scar tissue) NEC 724.9
- saphenous 355.79
- sciatic (acute) 355.0
- sympathetic 337.9
- traumatic - see Injury, nerve
- ulnar 354.2
- upper extremity NEC 354.9
- spinal (cord) (old or nontraumatic) 336.9
- by displacement of intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc
- nerve
- root NEC 724.9
- postoperative 722.80
- traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal
- traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal
- spondylogenic 721.91
- traumatic - see also Injury, spinal, by site
- with fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- Deformity 738.9
- spinal
- column - see Deformity, spine
- cord (congenital) 742.9
- nerve root (congenital) 742.9
- Derangement
- low back NEC 724.9
- spine (recurrent) NEC 724.9
- current - see Dislocation, spine
- Destruction
- articular facet (see also Derangement, joint) 718.9
- vertebra 724.9
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- spine, spinal 733.90
- combined system (see also Degeneration, combined) 266.2 [336.2]
- cord NEC 336.9
- demyelinating NEC 341.8
- joint (see also Disease, joint, spine) 724.9
- tuberculous 015.0 [730.8]
- Dislocation (articulation) (closed) (displacement) (simple) (subluxation) 839.8
- spine (articular process) (see also Dislocation, vertebra) (closed) 839.40
- atlanto-axial (closed) 839.01
- cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic (closed) (see also Dislocation, vertebrae, cervical) 839.00
- coccyx 839.41
- congenital 756.19
- due to birth trauma 767.4
- open 839.50
- recurrent 724.9
- sacroiliac 839.42
- sacrum (sacrococcygeal) (sacroiliac) 839.42
- vertebra (articular process) (body) (closed) 839.40
- Disorder - see also Disease
- low back NEC 724.9
- spine NEC 724.9
- ligamentous or muscular attachments, peripheral 720.1
- Fusion, fused (congenital)
- spine (acquired) 724.9
- Irritation
- spinal (cord) (traumatic) - see also Injury, spinal, by site
- nerve - see also Disorder, nerve
- root NEC 724.9
- traumatic - see Injury, nerve, spinal
- nontraumatic - see Myelitis
- Loose - see also condition
- facet (vertebral) 724.9
- Rheumatism, rheumatic (acute NEC) 729.0
- back 724.9
- neck 724.9
- spine 724.9
- Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- Stiffness, joint NEC 719.50
- spine 724.9
- Unstable
- back NEC 724.9
- spine NEC 724.9