Convert to ICD-10-CM:
344.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G83.9 Paralytic syndrome, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Palsy (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- brain - see also Palsy, cerebral
- noncongenital or noninfantile 344.89
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- syphilitic 094.89
- bulbar (chronic) (progressive) 335.22
- cerebral (congenital) (infantile) (spastic) 343.9
- athetoid 333.7
- diplegic 343.0
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- hemiplegic 343.1
- monoplegic 343.3
- noncongenital or noninfantile 437.8
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- paraplegic 343.0
- quadriplegic 343.2
- spastic, not congenital or infantile 344.89
- syphilitic 094.89
- tetraplegic 343.2
- cranial nerve - see also Disorder, nerve, cranial
- Erb's (birth injury) 767.6
- Klumpke (-Déjérine) 767.6
- lead 984.9
- specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- median nerve (tardy) 354.0
- peroneal nerve (acute) (tardy) 355.3
- progressive supranuclear 333.0
- radial nerve (acute) 354.3
- shaking (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0
- spastic (cerebral) (spinal) 343.9
- specified nerve NEC - see Disorder, nerve
- ulnar nerve (tardy) 354.2
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- with
- broken
- back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, with spinal cord injury
- fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- syphilis 094.89
- abdomen and back muscles 355.9
- apoplectic (current episode) (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- arm 344.40
- affecting
- both 344.2
- hysterical 300.11
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- psychogenic 306.0
- transient 781.4
- traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, upper limb) 955.9
- arteriosclerotic (current episode) 437.0
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- ascending (spinal), acute 357.0
- atrophic 356.9
- infantile, acute (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1
- muscle NEC 355.9
- progressive 335.21
- spinal (acute) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1
- attack (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- bowel, colon, or intestine (see also Ileus) 560.1
- brain
- congenital - see Palsy, cerebral
- current episode 437.8
- diplegia 344.2
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- hemiplegia 342.9
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
- monoplegia - see also Monoplegia
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- paraplegia 344.1
- quadriplegia - see Quadriplegia
- syphilitic, congenital 090.49
- triplegia 344.89
- bulbar (chronic) (progressive) 335.22
- infantile (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0
- poliomyelitic (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0
- pseudo 335.23
- supranuclear 344.89
- cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- cerebral
- current episode 437.8
- spastic, infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
- cervical
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth type 356.1
- childhood - see Palsy, cerebral
- colon (see also Ileus) 560.1
- compression
- arm NEC 354.9
- cerebral - see Paralysis, brain
- leg NEC 355.8
- lower extremity NEC 355.8
- upper extremity NEC 354.9
- congenital (cerebral) (spastic) (spinal) - see Palsy, cerebral
- conjugate movement (of eye) 378.81
- cortical (nuclear) (supranuclear) 378.81
- cordis (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- cortical (see also Paralysis, brain) 437.8
- cranial or cerebral nerve (see also Disorder, nerve, cranial) 352.9
- descending (spinal) NEC 335.9
- diaphragm (flaccid) 519.4
- due to accidental section of phrenic nerve during procedure 998.2
- diplegic - see Diplegia
- due to intracranial or spinal birth injury - see Palsy, cerebral
- embolic (current episode) (see also Embolism, brain) 434.1
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- enteric (see also Ileus) 560.1
- with hernia - see Hernia, by site, with obstruction
- Erb's syphilitic spastic spinal 094.89
- Erb (-Duchenne) (birth) (newborn) 767.6
- essential, infancy (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- extremity
- lower - see Paralysis, leg
- spastic (hereditary) 343.3
- noncongenital or noninfantile 344.1
- transient (cause unknown) 781.4
- upper - see Paralysis, arm
- glossopharyngeal (nerve) 352.2
- glottis (see also Paralysis, vocal cord) 478.30
- heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- hemifacial, progressive 349.89
- hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
- hyperkalemic periodic (familial) 359.3
- hypertensive (current episode) 437.8
- hypoglossal (nerve) 352.5
- hypokalemic periodic 359.3
- Hyrtl's sphincter (rectum) 569.49
- ileus (see also Ileus) 560.1
- infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- atrophic acute 045.1
- bulbar 045.0
- cerebral - see Palsy, cerebral
- paralytic 045.1
- progressive acute 045.9
- spastic - see Palsy, cerebral
- spinal 045.9
- infective (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- inferior nuclear 344.9
- insane, general or progressive 094.1
- intestine (see also Ileus) 560.1
- intracranial (current episode) (see also Paralysis, brain) 437.8
- due to birth injury 767.0
- ischemic, Volkmann's (complicating trauma) 958.6
- isolated sleep, recurrent 327.43
- Jamaica ginger (jake) 357.7
- Klumpke (-Déjérine) (birth) (newborn) 767.6
- labioglossal (laryngeal) (pharyngeal) 335.22
- laryngeal nerve (recurrent) (superior) (see also Paralysis, vocal cord) 478.30
- larynx (see also Paralysis, vocal cord) 478.30
- due to diphtheria (toxin) 032.3
- late effect
- due to
- birth injury, brain or spinal (cord) - see Palsy, cerebral
- edema, brain or cerebral - see Paralysis, brain
- lesion
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- spinal (cord) - see Paralysis, spinal
- lead 984.9
- specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- left side - see Hemiplegia
- levator palpebrae superioris 374.31
- limb NEC 344.5
- all four - see Quadriplegia
- quadriplegia - see Quadriplegia
- lower limb - see also Paralysis, leg
- both (see also Paraplegia) 344.1
- monoplegic - see Monoplegia
- motor NEC 344.9
- cerebral - see Paralysis, brain
- spinal - see Paralysis, spinal
- multiple
- cerebral - see Paralysis, brain
- spinal - see Paralysis, spinal
- muscle (flaccid) 359.9
- due to nerve lesion NEC 355.9
- eye (extrinsic) 378.55
- iris sphincter 364.8
- ischemic (complicating trauma) (Volkmann's) 958.6
- pseudohypertrophic 359.1
- muscular (atrophic) 359.9
- musculocutaneous nerve 354.9
- nerve - see also Disorder, nerve
- normokalemic periodic 359.3
- obstetrical, newborn 767.7
- oculofacial, congenital 352.6
- oculomotor (nerve) (partial) 378.51
- palatopharyngolaryngeal 352.6
- periodic (familial) (hyperkalemic) (hypokalemic) (normokalemic) (secondary) 359.3
- peripheral
- autonomic nervous system - see Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic
- nerve NEC 355.9
- pneumogastric nerve 352.3
- poliomyelitis (current) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1
- pressure (see also Neuropathy, entrapment) 355.9
- quadriplegic (see also Quadriplegia) 344.0
- recurrent
- isolated sleep 327.43
- laryngeal nerve (see also Paralysis, vocal cord) 478.30
- respiratory (muscle) (system) (tract) 786.09
- right side - see Hemiplegia
- saturnine 984.9
- specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- secondary - see Paralysis, late effect
- seizure (cerebral) (current episode) (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- senile NEC 344.9
- shaking (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0
- shock (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- spasmodic - see Paralysis, spastic
- spastic 344.9
- cerebral infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
- congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral
- familial 334.1
- hereditary 334.1
- infantile 343.9
- noncongenital or noninfantile, cerebral 344.9
- syphilitic 094.0
- sphincter, bladder (see also Paralysis, bladder) 596.53
- spinal (cord) NEC 344.1
- accessory nerve 352.4
- acute (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- ascending acute 357.0
- atrophic (acute) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1
- congenital NEC 343.9
- hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
- hereditary 336.8
- infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- late effect NEC 344.89
- monoplegic - see Monoplegia
- nerve 355.9
- progressive 335.10
- quadriplegic - see Quadriplegia
- spastic NEC 343.9
- traumatic - see Injury, spinal, by site
- stroke (current episode) - see Infarct, brain
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- superior nuclear NEC 334.9
- sympathetic
- cervical NEC 337.0
- nerve NEC (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9
- nervous system - see Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic
- syndrome 344.9
- syphilitic spastic spinal (Erb's) 094.89
- thrombotic (current episode) (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- Todd's (postepileptic transitory paralysis) 344.89
- transient
- arm or leg NEC 781.4
- traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, by site) 957.9
- traumatic, transient NEC (see also Injury, nerve, by site) 957.9
- trembling (see also Parkinsonism) 332.0
- upper limb - see also Paralysis, arm
- both (see also Diplegia) 344.2
- uremic - see Uremia
- uveoparotitic 135
- vesical (see also Paralysis, bladder) 596.53
- Volkmann's (complicating trauma) 958.6
- Paraparesis (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- Paresis (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- bladder (spastic) (sphincter) (see also Paralysis, bladder) 596.53
- bowel, colon, or intestine (see also Ileus) 560.1
- brain or cerebral - see Paralysis, brain
- heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- late effect - see Paralysis, late effect
- peripheral progressive 356.9
- senile NEC 344.9
- syphilitic (general) 094.1
- vesical (sphincter) NEC 596.53
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- paralytic 344.9