2006 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 300.9
Unspecified nonpsychotic mental disorder
- Short description: NONPSYCHOTIC DISORD NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 300.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 300.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2006 version of ICD-9-CM 300.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 300.9: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
300.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F48.9 Nonpsychotic mental disorder, unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F99 Mental disorder, not otherwise specified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Aberration - see also Anomaly
- mental (see also Disorder, mental, nonpsychotic) 300.9
- Breakdown
- nervous (see also Disorder, mental, nonpsychotic) 300.9
- Cacergasia 300.9
- Collapse 780.2
- nervous (see also Disorder, mental, nonpsychotic) 300.9
- Complex
- castration 300.9
- Disorder - see also Disease
- mental (nonpsychotic) 300.9
- affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.4
- drug-induced 292.9
- hallucinogen persisting perception 292.89
- specified type NEC 292.89
- due to or associated with
- induced by drug 292.9
- neurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- of infancy, childhood or adolescence 313.9
- persistent
- other
- due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.8
- unspecified
- due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.9
- presenile 310.1
- previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.89
- psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9
- specific, following organic brain damage 310.9
- cognitive or personality change of other type 310.1
- frontal lobe syndrome 310.0
- postconcussional syndrome 310.2
- specified type NEC 310.8
- transient
- in conditions classified elsewhere 293.9
- neurotic 300.9
- psychogenic NEC (see also condition) 300.9
- psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- Disturbance - see also Disease
- mental (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
- associated with diseases classified elsewhere 316
- Emotional
- disorder (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
- upset 300.9
- Illness - see also Disease
- mental (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
- Kakergasia 300.9
- Mental - see also condition
- disorder (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
- upset (see also Disorder, mental) 300.9
- Merergasia 300.9
- Nervous (see also condition) 799.2
- breakdown 300.9
- Neurosis, neurotic 300.9
- anancastic, anankastic 300.3
- climacteric, unspecified type 627.2
- compulsive, compulsion 300.3
- depressive (reaction) (type) 300.4
- functional (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- menopause, unspecified type 627.2
- obsessive-compulsive 300.3
- organ (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- posttraumatic (acute) (situational) 309.81
- state 300.9
- with depersonalization episode 300.6
- Neurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- Problem (with) V49.9
- psychiatric 300.9
- Psychiatric disorder or problem NEC 300.9
- Psychoneurosis, psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- obsessive-compulsive 300.3
- Reaction
- neurogenic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- neurotic NEC 300.9
- psychogenic NEC 300.9
- psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- Risk
- suicidal 300.9
- Self-mutilation 300.9
- Situation, psychiatric 300.9
- State
- neurotic NEC 300.9
- with depersonalization episode 300.6
- tension (see also Anxiety) 300.9
- Suicide, suicidal (attempted)
- risk 300.9
- tendencies 300.9
- Symptoms, specified (general) NEC 780.99
- neurotic NEC 300.9
- Tendency
- suicide 300.9
- Tension
- state 300.9
- Upset
- mental 300.9