290.20 can be converted using the following scenario:
Scenario 1
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F03.90 Unspecified dementia without behavioral disturbance
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F05 Delirium due to known physiological condition
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Dementia 294.8

senile 290.0


acute confusional state 290.3

delirium 290.3

delusional features 290.20

depressive features 290.21

depressed type 290.21

exhaustion 290.0

paranoid type 290.20
- Disorder - see also Disease
mental (nonpsychotic) 300.9

affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.4

drug-induced 292.9

hallucinogen persisting perception 292.89

specified type NEC 292.89

due to or associated with
induced by drug 292.9

neurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9

of infancy, childhood or adolescence 313.9



due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.8


due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.9

presenile 310.1

previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.89

psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9

psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9

specific, following organic brain damage 310.9

cognitive or personality change of other type 310.1

frontal lobe syndrome 310.0

postconcussional syndrome 310.2

specified type NEC 310.8


in conditions classified elsewhere 293.9
- Failure, failed
senile (general) 797

with psychosis 290.20
- Insanity, insane (see also Psychosis) 298.9

senile 290.20
- Paranoia 297.1

senile 290.20
- Paranoid
dementia (see also Schizophrenia) 295.3

praecox (acute) 295.3

senile 290.20
state 297.9

alcohol-induced 291.5

climacteric 297.2

drug-induced 292.11

due to or associated with

arteriosclerosis (cerebrovascular) 290.42

presenile brain disease 290.12

senile brain disease 290.20

involutional 297.2

menopausal 297.2

senile 290.20
simple 297.0

specified type NEC 297.8
- Psychosis 298.9

organic NEC 294.9

due to or associated with


alcohol (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9

drug (see also Psychosis, drug) 292.9

alcohol intoxication, acute (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9

alcoholism (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9

arteriosclerosis (cerebral) (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40

cerebrovascular disease

acute (psychosis) 293.0

arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40

childbirth - see Psychosis, puerperal


alcohol (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9

drug 292.9


alcoholic liver (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9


arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40


acute (psychosis) 293.0

arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40

endocrine or metabolic 293.9

Jakob-Creutzfeldt (new variant)

liver, alcoholic (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9



endocrine or metabolic 293.9


Huntington's chorea



alcoholic (acute) (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9

drug (see also Psychosis, drug) 292.9


cerebrovascular (generalized) (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40

Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (syndrome) (new variant)

multiple sclerosis

physical condition NEC 293.9

presenility 290.10

puerperium - see Psychosis, puerperal

sclerosis, multiple

senility 290.20

status epilepticus


brain (birth) (from electrical current) (surgical) 293.9

unspecified physical condition 293.9

infective 293.9

posttraumatic 293.9

specified type NEC 294.8

transient 293.9
paroxysmal 298.9

senile 290.20
senile NEC 290.20

delusional features 290.20

depressive features 290.21

depressed type 290.21

paranoid type 290.20
simple deterioration 290.20
specified type - see categories 295
- Reaction
- Senility 797

acute confusional state 290.3

delirium 290.3

mental changes 290.9

psychosis NEC (see also Psychosis, senile) 290.20
- State
- Syndrome - see also Disease