Convert to ICD-10-CM:
292.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F19.99 Other psychoactive substance use, unspecified with unspecified psychoactive substance-induced disorder
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Disorder - see also Disease
- drug-related 292.9
- mental (nonpsychotic) 300.9
- affecting management of pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 648.4
- drug-induced 292.9
- hallucinogen persisting perception 292.89
- specified type NEC 292.89
- due to or associated with
- alcoholism 291.9
- drug consumption NEC 292.9
- physical condition NEC 293.9
- induced by drug 292.9
- neurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- of infancy, childhood or adolescence 313.9
- persistent
- other
- due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.8
- unspecified
- due to conditions classified elsewhere 294.9
- presenile 310.1
- previous, affecting management of pregnancy V23.89
- psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9
- psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9
- specific, following organic brain damage 310.9
- cognitive or personality change of other type 310.1
- frontal lobe syndrome 310.0
- postconcussional syndrome 310.2
- specified type NEC 310.8
- transient
- in conditions classified elsewhere 293.9
- Drug - see also condition
- induced
- circadian rhythm sleep disorder 292.85
- hypersomnia 292.85
- insomnia 292.85
- mental disorder 292.9
- parasomnia 292.85
- persisting
- psychotic disorder
- sleep disorder 292.85
- Psychosis 298.9
- drug 292.9
- organic NEC 294.9
- due to or associated with
- addiction
- alcohol (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- drug (see also Psychosis, drug) 292.9
- alcohol intoxication, acute (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- alcoholism (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- arteriosclerosis (cerebral) (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40
- cerebrovascular disease
- acute (psychosis) 293.0
- arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40
- childbirth - see Psychosis, puerperal
- dependence
- alcohol (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- drug 292.9
- disease
- alcoholic liver (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- brain
- arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40
- cerebrovascular
- acute (psychosis) 293.0
- arteriosclerotic (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40
- endocrine or metabolic 293.9
- Jakob-Creutzfeldt (new variant)
- liver, alcoholic (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- disorder
- cerebrovascular
- endocrine or metabolic 293.9
- epilepsy
- Huntington's chorea
- infection
- intoxication
- alcoholic (acute) (see also Psychosis, alcoholic) 291.9
- drug (see also Psychosis, drug) 292.9
- ischemia
- cerebrovascular (generalized) (see also Psychosis, arteriosclerotic) 290.40
- Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (syndrome) (new variant)
- multiple sclerosis
- physical condition NEC 293.9
- presenility 290.10
- puerperium - see Psychosis, puerperal
- sclerosis, multiple
- senility 290.20
- status epilepticus
- trauma
- brain (birth) (from electrical current) (surgical) 293.9
- unspecified physical condition 293.9
- infective 293.9
- posttraumatic 293.9
- specified type NEC 294.8
- transient 293.9