Convert to ICD-10-CM:
306.0 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Contraction, contracture, contracted
muscle (postinfectional) (postural) NEC 728.85
neck (see also Torticollis) 723.5

congenital 754.1

psychogenic 306.0
- Disorder - see also Disease
limb NEC 729.9

psychogenic 306.0
low back NEC 724.9

psychogenic 306.0
muscle 728.9

psychogenic 306.0
specified type NEC 728.3
musculoskeletal system NEC 729.9

psychogenic 306.0
psychogenic NEC (see also condition) 300.9
psychosomatic NEC 306.9

allergic NEC
articulation, joint 306.0
cardiovascular (system) 306.2

cutaneous 306.3

digestive (system) 306.4

dysmenorrheic 306.52

dyspneic 306.1

endocrine (system) 306.6

eye 306.7

gastric 306.4

gastrointestinal (system) 306.4

genitourinary (system) 306.50

heart (functional) (rhythm) 306.2

hyperventilatory 306.1

intestinal 306.4

joint 306.0
limb 306.0
lymphatic (system) 306.8

menstrual 306.52

micturition 306.53

monoplegic NEC 306.0
muscle 306.0
musculoskeletal 306.0
neurocirculatory 306.2

organs of special sense 306.7

paralytic NEC 306.0
pruritic 306.3

rectal 306.4

respiratory (system) 306.1

rheumatic 306.0
sexual (function) 302.70

skin 306.3

specified part of body NEC 306.8

stomach 306.4
- Monoplegia 344.5

psychogenic 306.0
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Neurosis, neurotic 300.9

incoordination 306.0
musculoskeletal 306.0
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9

arm 344.40

both 344.2

hysterical 300.11

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
psychogenic 306.0
transient 781.4

traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, upper limb) 955.9
leg 344.30

both (see also Paraplegia) 344.1

crossed 344.89

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.0
transient or transitory 781.4

traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, lower limb) 956.9
psychogenic 306.0
- Paraplegia 344.1

psychogenic 306.0
- Polyarthralgia 719.49

psychogenic 306.0
- Reaction
psychophysiologic NEC (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- Rheumatism, rheumatic (acute NEC) 729.0

psychogenic 306.0
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0

nervous 306.0
psychogenic 306.0
- Syndrome - see also Disease
atmospheric pressure 993.2

back 724.2

output (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- Torticollis (intermittent) (spastic) 723.5

psychogenic 306.0
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Tremor 781.0

psychogenic 306.0
specified as conversion reaction 300.11