2008 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 344.89
Other specified paralytic syndrome
- Short description: OTH SPCF PARALYTIC SYND.
- ICD-9-CM 344.89 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 344.89 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2008 version of ICD-9-CM 344.89.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 344.89: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
344.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G83.81 Brown-Séquard syndrome
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G83.84 Todd's paralysis (postepileptic)
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G83.89 Other specified paralytic syndromes
Approximate Synonyms
- Benedikt's syndrome
- Brown sequard syndrome
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C1 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C2 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C3 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C4 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C5 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C6 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C7 level
- Brown-SÈquard syndrome at C8 level
- Brown-Séquard syndrome (disorder)
- Cerebral paralysis with homolateral ataxia
- Cerebral paresis with homolateral ataxia
- Cervical spinal cord injury with brown sequard syndrome
- Cervical spinal cord injury, brown sequard syndrome
- Chorea, posthemiplegic
- Complete bilateral paresis
- Complete unilateral paralysis
- Cyclic oculomotor paralysis
- Drummers' palsy
- Flaccid paralysis
- Foville syndrome
- Foville's syndrome I
- Foville's syndrome II
- Foville-Wilson syndrome
- Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
- Lethal neonatal spasticity
- Motor level spinal paralysis
- Motor level spinal weakness
- Nontraumatic anterior cord syndrome
- Organophosphate induced paralysis Type II
- Paralysis, postseizure
- Paralytic syndrome from cerebrovascular dis
- Paralytic syndrome, unilat, late effect of cerebrovascular disease
- Paralytic syndromes
- Partial bilateral paresis
- Posthemiplegic chorea
- Post-hemiplegic chorea
- Postseizure paralysis
- Spastic cerebral palsy
- Spinal cord injury C1 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C2 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C3 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C4 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C5 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C6 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C7 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury C8 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury of T1 level with Brown Sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury of T2-T6 level with Brown Sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury T1 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury T11-T12 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury T2-T6 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord injury T7-T10 level, brown sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord lesion of T11-T12 level with Brown Sequard syndrome
- Spinal cord lesion of T7-T10 level with Brown Sequard syndrome
- Spinal hemiplegia
- Tegmental syndrome
- Tegmentum syndrome
- Thoracic spinal cord injury, brown sequard syndrome
- Thoracic spinal cord lesion with Brown Sequard syndrome
- Todd's paresis
- Triparesis
- Triplegia
- Unilateral paralytic syndrome as late effect of stroke
- Weber Gubler syndrome
- Weber-Gubler syndrome
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Avellis' syndrome 344.89
- Babinski-Nageotte syndrome 344.89
- Benedikt's syndrome (paralysis) 344.89
- Brown-Séquard's paralysis (syndrome) 344.89
- Céstan's syndrome 344.89
- Céstan-Chenais paralysis 344.89
- Chorea (gravis) (minor) (spasmodic) 333.5

posthemiplegic 344.89
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
Brown-Séquard 344.89
- Foville's syndrome 344.89
- Gubler (-Millard) paralysis or syndrome 344.89
- Hemiplegia 342.9

alternans facialis 344.89
ascending (spinal) NEC 344.89
middle alternating NEC 344.89
- Jackson's
paralysis or syndrome 344.89
- Millard-Gubler paralysis or syndrome 344.89
- Millard-Gubler-Foville paralysis 344.89
- Palsy (see also Paralysis) 344.9

brain - see also Palsy, cerebral
noncongenital or noninfantile 344.89

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

syphilitic 094.89
bulbar (chronic) (progressive) 335.22

pseudo NEC 335.23

supranuclear NEC 344.89
cerebral (congenital) (infantile) (spastic) 343.9

athetoid 333.71

diplegic 343.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

hemiplegic 343.1

monoplegic 343.3

noncongenital or noninfantile 437.8

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

paraplegic 343.0

quadriplegic 343.2

spastic, not congenital or infantile 344.89
syphilitic 094.89

tetraplegic 343.2
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9

alternating 344.89
oculomotor 344.89
associated, nuclear 344.89
Babinski-Nageotte's 344.89
Benedikt's 344.89
congenital - see Palsy, cerebral
current episode 437.8

diplegia 344.2

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

hemiplegia 342.9

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
monoplegia - see also Monoplegia

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

paraplegia 344.1

quadriplegia - see Quadriplegia
syphilitic, congenital 090.49

triplegia 344.89
Brown-Séquard's 344.89
bulbar (chronic) (progressive) 335.22

infantile (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0

poliomyelitic (see also Poliomyelitis, bulbar) 045.0

pseudo 335.23

supranuclear 344.89
Céstan-Chenais 344.89
crossed leg 344.89
Gubler (-Millard) 344.89
Jackson's 344.89
leg 344.30

both (see also Paraplegia) 344.1

crossed 344.89
hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.0

transient or transitory 781.4

traumatic NEC (see also Injury, nerve, lower limb) 956.9
medullary (tegmental) 344.89
mesencephalic NEC 344.89
tegmental 344.89
middle alternating 344.89
Millard-Gubler-Foville 344.89
oculomotor (nerve) (partial) 378.51
respiratory (muscle) (system) (tract) 786.09
spinal (cord) NEC 344.1

accessory nerve 352.4

acute (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9

ascending acute 357.0

atrophic (acute) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1

congenital NEC 343.9

hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
hereditary 336.8

infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9

late effect NEC 344.89
monoplegic - see Monoplegia
nerve 355.9

progressive 335.10

quadriplegic - see Quadriplegia
spastic NEC 343.9

traumatic - see Injury, spinal, by site
syndrome 344.9

specified NEC 344.89
Todd's (postepileptic transitory paralysis) 344.89
Weber's 344.89
- Posthemiplegic chorea 344.89
- Syndrome - see also Disease
Avellis' 344.89
Babinski-Nageotte 344.89
Benedikt's 344.89
Brown-Séquard 344.89
Céstan's 344.89
Céstan-Chenais 344.89
Foville's (peduncular) 344.89
Gubler-Millard 344.89
Jackson's 344.89
Millard-Gubler 344.89
paralytic 344.9

specified type NEC 344.89
tegmental 344.89
Weber's 344.89
Weber-Gubler 344.89
Weber-Leyden 344.89
- Tegmental syndrome 344.89
- Todd's
paralysis (postepileptic transitory paralysis) 344.89
- Triplegia 344.89
congenital or infantile 343.8
- Weber's paralysis or syndrome 344.89
- Weber-Gubler syndrome 344.89
- Weber-Leyden syndrome 344.89