Convert to ICD-10-CM:
306.1 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Air
hunger 786.09

psychogenic 306.1
- Aphonia 784.41

psychogenic 306.1
- Apnea, apneic (spells) 786.03

psychogenic 306.1
- Change(s) (of) - see also Removal of
- Cough 786.2

functional 306.1
psychogenic 306.1
- Disorder - see also Disease
psychogenic NEC (see also condition) 300.9
respiration, respiratory NEC 519.9

due to

aspiration of liquids or solids 508.9

inhalation of fumes or vapors 506.9

psychogenic 306.1
- Dysphonia 784.49

psychogenic 306.1
- Dyspnea (nocturnal) (paroxysmal) 786.09

psychogenic 306.1
- Hiccough 786.8

psychogenic 306.1
- Hunger 994.2

air, psychogenic 306.1
- Hyperventilation (tetany) 786.01

psychogenic 306.1
syndrome 306.1
- Neurosis, neurotic 300.9

incoordination 306.0

larynx 306.1
vocal cord 306.1
larynx 306.1
hysterical 300.11

sensory 306.1
pharynx 306.1
respiratory 306.1
- Rapid
respiration 786.06

psychogenic 306.1
- Reaction
psychophysiologic NEC (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- Respiration
sighing 786.7

psychogenic 306.1
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0

diaphragm (reflex) 786.8

psychogenic 306.1
glottis 478.75

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11

reflex through recurrent laryngeal nerve 478.75
larynx, laryngeal 478.75

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11
pharynx (reflex) 478.29

hysterical 300.11

psychogenic 306.1

specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Syndrome - see also Disease
hyperventilation, psychogenic 306.1
- Tachypnea 786.06

psychogenic 306.1
- Tetany, tetanic 781.7

psychogenic 306.1
specified as conversion reaction 300.11
- Yawning 786.09

psychogenic 306.1