2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 008.8
Intestinal infection due to other organism not elsewhere classified
- Short description: Viral enteritis NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 008.8 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 008.8 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2011 version of ICD-9-CM 008.8.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 008.8: 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
008.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A08.8 Other specified intestinal infections
Approximate Synonyms
- Enteritis due to specified virus
- Fibricoliasis
- Gastric hemorrhage due to viral gastritis
- Gastroenteric plague
- Infantile gastroenteritis
- Infantile viral gastroenteritis
- Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis due to virus
- Viral and ill-defined gastrointestinal infections
- Viral colitis
- Viral enteritis
- Viral gastritis
- Viral gastritis w hemorrhage
- Viral gastritis with hemorrhage
- Viral gastroenteritis
- Viral infection of the digestive tract
008.8 Excludes
Applies To
- Viral:
- enteritis NOS
- gastroenteritis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Diarrhea, diarrheal (acute) (autumn) (bilious) (bloody) (catarrhal) (choleraic) (chronic) (gravis) (green) (infantile) (lienteric) (noninfectious) (presumed noninfectious) (putrefactive) (secondary) (sporadic) (summer) (symptomatic) (thermic) 787.91
- due to
- achylia gastrica 536.8
- Aerobacter aerogenes 008.2
- Bacillus coli - see Enteritis, E. coli
- bacteria NEC 008.5
- bile salts 579.8
- Capillaria
- Clostridium perfringens (C) (F) 008.46
- Enterobacter aerogenes 008.2
- enterococci 008.49
- Escherichia coli - see Enteritis, E. coli
- Giardia lamblia 007.1
- Heterophyes heterophyes 121.6
- irritating foods 787.91
- Metagonimus yokogawai 121.5
- Necator americanus 126.1
- Paracolobactrum arizonae 008.1
- Paracolon bacillus NEC 008.47
- Proteus (bacillus) (mirabilis) (Morganii) 008.3
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa 008.42
- S. japonicum 120.2
- specified organism NEC 008.8
- Staphylococcus 008.41
- Streptococcus 008.49
- Strongyloides stercoralis 127.2
- Trichuris trichiuria 127.3
- virus NEC (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.69
- dysenteric 009.2
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- endemic 009.3
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- epidemic 009.2
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- infectious 009.2
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- presumed 009.3
- inflammatory 787.91
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- septic 009.2
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- specified organism NEC 008.8
- travelers' 009.2
- due to specified organism NEC 008.8
- viral (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8
- Dysentery, dysenteric (bilious) (catarrhal) (diarrhea) (epidemic) (gangrenous) (hemorrhagic) (infectious) (sporadic) (tropical) (ulcerative) 009.0
- viral (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8
- Enteritis (acute) (catarrhal) (choleraic) (chronic) (congestive) (diarrheal) (exudative) (follicular) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (lienteric) (noninfectious) (perforative) (phlegmonous) (presumed noninfectious) (pseudomembranous) 558.9
- due to
- viral 008.8
- Flu - see also Influenza
- gastric NEC 008.8
- Gastroduodenitis (see also Gastritis) 535.5
- virus, viral 008.8
- Gastroenteritis (acute) (catarrhal) (congestive) (hemorrhagic) (noninfectious) (see also Enteritis) 558.9
- viral NEC 008.8
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9
- virus, viral 079.99
- adenovirus
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079
- unspecified nature or site 079.0
- central nervous system NEC 049.9
- chest 519.8
- conjunctivitis 077.99
- specified type NEC 077.89
- coronavirus 079.89
- Coxsackie (see also Infection, Coxsackie) 079.2
- Ebola 065.8
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079
- unspecified nature or site 079.1
- encephalitis 049.9
- enteritis NEC (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8
- exanthem NEC 057.9
- Hantavirus 079.81
- human papilloma 079.4
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079
- intestine (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8
- Lung - see Pneumonia, viral
- respiratory syncytial (RSV) 079.6
- Retrovirus 079.50
- rhinovirus
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079
- unspecified nature or site 079.3
- salivary gland disease 078.5
- slow 046.9
- specified condition NEC 046.8
- specified type NEC 079.89
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079
- unspecified nature or site 079.99
- warts 078.10
- yaba monkey tumor 059.22
- Upset
- gastrointestinal 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- virus (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8