2014 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 757.39
Other specified anomalies of skin
- 2014
- Billable Thru Sept 30/2015
- Non-Billable On/After Oct 1/2015
- Short description: Skin anomaly NEC.
- ICD-9-CM 757.39 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 757.39 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2014 version of ICD-9-CM 757.39.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 757.39: 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
757.39 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q81.9 Epidermolysis bullosa, unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q82.8 Other specified congenital malformations of skin
Approximate Synonyms
- Abnl gluteal crease
- Abnormal gluteal crease
- Accessory skin tag, congenital
- Acquired epidermolysis bullosa
- Acquired perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Acquired pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Acral Darier's disease
- Acroerythrokeratoderma
- Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of Bazex
- Acrokeratosis verruciformis
- Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Darier disease
- Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf
- Acrokeratosis verruciforms
- Acromegaloid phenotype with cutis verticis gyrata and corneal leukoma
- Adult junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Aplasia cutis
- Aplasia cutis congenita
- Aplasia cutis congenita due to teratogenic drug
- Aplasia cutis congenita due to underlying malformation
- Aplasia cutis congenita following intra-uterine infection
- Aplasia cutis congenita in association with epidermolysis bullosa
- Aplasia cutis congenita secondary to malformation syndrome
- Aplasia cutis in Chromosome 4 short-arm deletion syndrome
- Aplasia cutis in Johanson-Blizzard syndrome
- Aplasia cutis in Trisomy 13 syndrome
- Aplasia of skin
- Arteriovenous malformation of skin
- Autosomal dominant epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Autosomal dominant mutilating keratoderma
- Autosomal dominant pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Autosomal recessive pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Bloom syndrome
- Brugsch's syndrome
- Bullous eruption of hand
- Cicatricial junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Circumscribed palmoplantar keratoderma
- Congenital absence of skin on scalp
- Congenital absence of skin on scalp with epidermal nevi
- Congenital accessory skin tag
- Congenital junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Congenital junctional epidermolysis bullosa-pyloric atresia syndrome
- Congenital keratoderma
- Congenital keratosis follicularis
- Congenital keratosis pilaris
- Congenital palmoplantar and perioral keratoderma of Olmsted
- Congenital scar
- Congenital skin contracture
- Conjunctivitis associated with epidermolysis bullosa
- Cutaneous lesion resulting from spinal dysraphism
- Cutis verticis gyrata
- Cutis verticis gyrata with acromegaloid phenotype
- Darier disease
- Dariers disease
- Deoxyribonucleic acid instability syndrome
- Diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma of Thost-Unna
- Disorder of apocrine secretion
- Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa with absence of skin
- Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, albopapular type
- Dominant epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Weber-Cockayne type
- Drug induced epidermolysis bullosa
- Drug-induced epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
- Drug-induced pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Dyskeratosis congenita
- Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa inverse type
- Emotional sweating affecting palms and soles
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, Brunsting-Perry type
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, bullous pemphigoid-like
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, cicatricial pemphigoid-like
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, classical acral type
- Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, oral mucosal involvement
- Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
- Epidermolysis bullosa letalis
- Epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex of the hands AND/OR feet
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with hypodontia
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with neuromuscular disease
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Ogna type
- Epidermolysis simplex superficialis
- Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma of Vorner
- Erythrokeratoderma
- Erythrokeratoderma progressiva of Gottron
- Familial benign pemphigus
- Familial dyskeratotic comedones
- Flegels disease
- Flexural Darier's disease
- Focal dermal hypoplasia
- Generalized dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Generalized junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Generalized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa mitis
- Generalized recessive non-mutilating dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Giant porokeratosis
- Goltz Gorlin syndrome
- Goltz syndrome
- Goltz-Gorlin (dermal hypoplasia) syndrome
- Gronblad-Strandberg syndrome
- Hailey disease
- Hailey Hailey disease
- Hereditary acantholytic dermatosis
- Hereditary benign acanthosis nigricans
- Hereditary benign acanthosis nigricans with insulin resistance
- Hereditary diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma
- Hereditary erythrokeratolysis
- Hereditary follicular keratoses
- Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma
- Howel Evans syndrome
- Howel-Evans' syndrome
- Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans
- Hypertrophic Darier's disease
- Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis
- Hystrix ichthyosis with deafness
- Ichthyosis hystrix
- Ichthyosis hystrix gravior of Rheydt
- Ichthyosis hystrix of Curth-Macklin
- Inherited disorder of keratinization
- Inherited epidermolysis bullosa
- Inherited pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Inverse junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa gravis of Herlitz
- Junctional epidermolysis bullosa mitis
- Juvenile elastoma
- Keratoderma areata
- Keratoderma due to Dowling-Meara type epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Keratoderma plantare sulcata
- Keratoderma with deafness
- Keratoderma with mental retardation and spastic paraplegia
- Keratoderma with pachyonychia congenita
- Keratoderma with scleroatrophy of the extremities
- Keratoderma, congenital
- Keratolysis exfoliativa
- Keratosis follicularis
- Keratosis pilaris atrophicans
- Keratosis pilaris decalvans
- Keratosis pilaris with ichthyosis and deafness
- Keratosis pilaris, congenital
- Keratosis rubra pilaris
- Lethal autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex
- Lichen spinulosus
- Linear porokeratosis
- Linear/nevoid/zosteriform Darier's disease
- Livedo telangiectatica
- Localized dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Localized junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Localized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Lymphedematous keratoderma
- Maleformatio ectodermalis generalisata of Bafverstedt
- Mutilating keratoderma
- Nail dystrophy due to Darier's disease
- Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis
- Pachydermoperiostosis - familial
- Palmar pitting due to Darier's disease
- Palmoplantar keratoderma transgrediens
- Palmoplantar keratoderma with leukoplakia
- Papuloverrucous palmoplantar keratoderma of Jakac-Wolf
- Porcupine man
- Porokeratosis
- Porokeratosis (skin condition)
- Porokeratosis of Mantoux
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli, linear unilateral type
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli, plaque type
- Porokeratosis of Mibelli, superficial disseminated type
- Pretibial epidermolysis bullosa
- Progressive junctional epidermolysis bullosa
- Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma of Greither
- Progressive recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Proteus syndrome
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis
- Sacral dimple
- Scar, congenital
- Symmetrical keratoderma
- Xeroderma in genetic syndrome
757.39 Excludes
Applies To
- Accessory skin tags, congenital
- Congenital scar
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Keratoderma (congenital)
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
- skin (congenital) 757.39
- Acantholysis 701.8
- bullosa 757.39
- Acanthosis (acquired) (nigricans) 701.2
- benign (congenital) 757.39
- congenital 757.39
- Accessory (congenital)
- skin tags 757.39
- Acrokeratosis verruciformis 757.39
- Acropachyderma 757.39
- Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
- skin (appendage) 757.9
- specified type NEC 757.39
- specified type NEC
- adrenal (gland) 759.1
- alimentary tract (complete) (partial) 751.8
- ankle 755.69
- anus, anal (canal) 751.5
- aorta, aortic 747.29
- appendix 751.5
- arm 755.59
- artery (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- auditory canal 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.02
- bile duct or passage 751.69
- bladder 753.8
- bone(s) 756.9
- brain 742.4
- breast 757.6
- broad ligament 752.19
- bronchus 748.3
- canal of Nuck 752.89
- cardiac septal closure 745.8
- carpus 755.59
- cartilaginous 756.9
- cecum 751.5
- cervix 752.49
- chest (wall) 756.3
- chin 744.89
- ciliary body 743.46
- circulatory system 747.89
- clavicle 755.51
- clitoris 752.49
- coccyx 756.19
- colon 751.5
- common duct 751.69
- connective tissue 756.89
- cricoid cartilage 748.3
- cystic duct 751.69
- diaphragm 756.6
- digestive organ(s) or tract 751.8
- duodenum 751.5
- ear 744.29
- auricle 744.29
- causing impairment of hearing 744.02
- causing impairment of hearing 744.09
- inner (causing impairment of hearing) 744.05
- middle, except ossicles 744.03
- ejaculatory duct 752.89
- endocrine 759.2
- epiglottis 748.3
- esophagus 750.4
- Eustachian tube 744.24
- eye 743.8
- face 744.89
- fallopian tube 752.19
- fascia 756.89
- femur 755.69
- fibula 755.69
- finger 755.59
- foot 755.67
- fovea centralis 743.55
- gallbladder 751.69
- Gartner's duct 752.89
- gastrointestinal tract 751.8
- genitalia, genital organ(s)
- genitourinary tract NEC 752.89
- glottis 748.3
- hair 757.4
- hand 755.59
- heart 746.89
- hepatic duct 751.69
- hydatid of Morgagni 752.89
- hymen 752.49
- integument 757.8
- intestine (large) (small) 751.5
- iris 743.46
- jejunum 751.5
- joint 755.8
- kidney 753.3
- knee 755.64
- labium (majus) (minus) 752.49
- labyrinth, membranous 744.05
- larynx 748.3
- leg 755.69
- lens 743.39
- limb, except reduction deformity 755.8
- lower 755.69
- reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.30
- upper 755.59
- reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.20
- lip 750.26
- liver 751.69
- lung (fissure) (lobe) 748.69
- meatus urinarius 753.8
- metacarpus 755.59
- mouth 750.26
- Müllerian
- muscle 756.89
- musculoskeletal system, except limbs 756.9
- nail 757.5
- neck 744.89
- nerve 742.8
- nervous system 742.8
- nipple 757.6
- nose 748.1
- organ NEC 759.89
- osseous meatus (ear) 744.03
- ovary 752.0
- oviduct 752.19
- pancreas 751.7
- parathyroid 759.2
- patella 755.64
- pelvic girdle 755.69
- penis 752.69
- pericardium 746.89
- peripheral vascular system NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- pharynx 750.29
- pituitary 759.2
- prostate 752.89
- radius 755.59
- rectum 751.5
- respiratory system 748.8
- rib 756.3
- round ligament 752.89
- sacrum 756.19
- salivary duct or gland 750.26
- scapula 755.59
- sclera 743.47
- scrotum 752.89
- seminal duct or tract 752.89
- shoulder girdle 755.59
- site NEC 759.89
- skin 757.39
- skull (bone(s)) 756.0
- specified organ or site NEC 759.89
- spermatic cord 752.89
- spinal cord 742.59
- spine 756.19
- spleen 759.0
- sternum 756.3
- stomach 750.7
- tarsus 755.67
- tendon 756.89
- testis 752.89
- thorax (wall) 756.3
- thymus 759.2
- thyroid (gland) 759.2
- tibia 755.69
- toe 755.66
- tongue 750.19
- trachea (cartilage) 748.3
- ulna 755.59
- urachus 753.7
- ureter 753.4
- urethra 753.8
- urinary tract 753.8
- uterus (Müllerian) 752.39
- uvula 750.26
- vagina 752.49
- vascular NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- vas deferens 752.89
- vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60
- vena cava (inferior) (superior) 747.49
- vertebra 756.19
- vulva 752.49
- Aplasia - see also Agenesis
- skin (congenital) 757.39
- Audry's syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Bloom (-Machacek) (-Torre) syndrome 757.39
- Brugsch's syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Chalazoderma 757.39
- Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) 709.2
- congenital 757.39
- Cockayne-Weber syndrome (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Cutis - see also condition
- verticis gyrata 757.39
- Darier's disease (congenital) (keratosis follicularis) 757.39
- due to vitamin A deficiency 264.8
- meaning erythema annulare centrifugum 695.0
- Dermatolysis (congenital) (exfoliativa) 757.39
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Darier's (congenital) (keratosis follicularis) 757.39
- erythema annulare centrifugum 695.0
- vitamin A deficiency 264.8
- Goldscheider's (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
- Hailey-Hailey (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
- Köbner's (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Marie-Bamberger (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) (secondary) 731.2
- primary or idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39
- pulmonary (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy) 731.2
- Meleda 757.39
- Mibelli's 757.39
- Mljet (mal de Meleda) 757.39
- White's (congenital) (keratosis follicularis) 757.39
- Dyskeratosis (see also Keratosis) 701.1
- bullosa hereditaria 757.39
- congenital 757.39
- follicularis 757.39
- vitamin A deficiency 264.8
- Elastoma 757.39
- juvenile 757.39
- Miescher's (elastosis perforans serpiginosa) 701.1
- Epidermolysis
- bullosa 757.39
- Friedrich-Erb-Arnold syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Goldscheider's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Goltz-Gorlin syndrome (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39
- Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey disease (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
- Gyrate scalp 757.39
- Hailey-Hailey disease (benign familial chronic pemphigus) 757.39
- Hydromphalus (congenital) (since birth) 757.39
- Hyperkeratosis (see also Keratosis) 701.1
- congenital 757.39
- eccentrica 757.39
- figurata centrifuga atrophica 757.39
- follicularis 757.39
- Hypoplasia, hypoplasis 759.89
- dermal, focal (Goltz) 757.39
- focal dermal 757.39
- skin 757.39
- Ichthyosis (congenita) 757.1
- hystrix 757.39
- palmaris and plantaris 757.39
- Keratoderma, keratodermia (congenital) (palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical) 757.39
- eccentrica 757.39
- tylodes, progressive 701.1
- Keratolysis exfoliativa (congenital) 757.39
- neonatorum 757.39
- Keratoma 701.1
- congenital 757.39
- palmaris et plantaris hereditarium 757.39
- Keratosis 701.1
- congenital (any type) 757.39
- follicularis 757.39
- acquired 701.1
- congenital (acneiformis) (Siemens') 757.39
- spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39
- vitamin A deficiency 264.8
- nigricans 701.2
- congenital 757.39
- palmaris et plantaris (symmetrical) 757.39
- pilaris 757.39
- suprafollicularis 757.39
- vegetans 757.39
- Köbner's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Lichen 697.9
- pilaris 757.39
- spinulosus 757.39
- Mal
- de Meleda 757.39
- Marie-Bamberger disease or syndrome (hypertrophic) (pulmonary) (secondary) 731.2
- idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39
- primary (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Megalia, cutis et ossium 757.39
- Mibelli's disease 757.39
- Mljet disease (mal de Meleda) 757.39
- Osteoarthropathy (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
- chronic idiopathic hypertrophic 757.39
- familial idiopathic 757.39
- idiopathic hypertrophic 757.39
- Osteosis
- acromegaloid 757.39
- Pachydermatocele (congenital) 757.39
- Pachydermoperiostosis
- primary idiopathic 757.39
- Pachyperiosteodermia
- primary or idiopathic 757.39
- Pachyperiostosis
- primary or idiopathic 757.39
- Particolored infant 757.39
- Pemphigus 694.4
- benign 694.5
- chronic familial 757.39
- congenital, traumatic 757.39
- Pityriasis 696.5
- pilaris 757.39
- Porokeratosis 757.39
- disseminated superficial actinic (DSAP) 692.75
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 757.39
- Psorospermosis 136.4
- follicularis (vegetans) 757.39
- Roy (-Jutras) syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Sauriderma 757.39
- Scar, scarring (see also Cicatrix) 709.2
- congenital 757.39
- Siemens' syndrome
- keratosis follicularis spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Audry's (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Bloom (-Machacek) (-Torre) 757.39
- Brugsch's (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Cockayne-Weber (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- FDH (focal dermal hypoplasia) 757.39
- Friedrich-Erb-Arnold (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Goltz-Gorlin (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39
- Marie's (acromegaly) 253.0
- primary or idiopathic (acropachyderma) 757.39
- secondary (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy) 731.2
- osteodermopathic hyperostosis 757.39
- Proteus (dermal hypoplasia) 757.39
- Roy (-Jutras) (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Siemens'
- ectodermal dysplasia 757.31
- keratosis follicularis spinulosa (decalvans) 757.39
- Touraine-Solente-Golé (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Uehlinger's (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Weber-Cockayne (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- Tag (hypertrophied skin) (infected) 701.9
- Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
- White-Darier 757.39
- Tylosis 700
- palmaris et plantaris 757.39
- Uehlinger's syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39
- Urticaria 708.9
- perstans hemorrhagica 757.39
- Weber-Cockayne syndrome (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
- White's disease (congenital) (keratosis follicularis) 757.39
- Xeroderma (congenital) 757.39
- vitamin A deficiency 264.8