ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic) 493.9

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Atelectasis (absorption collapse) (complete) (compression) (massive) (partial) (postinfective) (pressure collapse) (pulmonary) (relaxation) 518.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Cachexia 799.4

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Calcification
lung 518.89

active 518.89

postinfectional 518.89

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) 709.2

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Degeneration, degenerative
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Destruction
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
fibrocaseous, of lung (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Emphysema (atrophic) (centriacinar) (centrilobular) (chronic) (diffuse) (essential) (hypertrophic) (interlobular) (lung) (obstructive) (panlobular) (paracicatricial) (paracinar) (postural) (pulmonary) (senile) (subpleural) (traction) (unilateral) (unilobular) (vesicular) 492.8

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Fistula (sinus) 686.9

pulmonary 510.0

arteriovenous 417.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Gangrene, gangrenous (anemia) (artery) (cellulitis) (dermatitis) (dry) (infective) (moist) (pemphigus) (septic) (skin) (stasis) (ulcer) 785.4

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Hemoptysis 786.30

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (nontraumatic) 459.0

lung 786.30

newborn 770.3

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9

Koch's (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
lung 518.89

atypical Mycobacterium 031.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

basilar 518.89

chronic 518.89

fungus NEC 117.9

spirochetal 104.8

virus - see Pneumonia, virus
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)
tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Koch's
infection (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Marasmus 261

tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
- Mycobacterium, mycobacterial (infection) 031.9

atypical (acid-fast bacilli) 031.9

cutaneous 031.1

pulmonary 031.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9

specified site NEC 031.8
pulmonary 031.0

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Phthisis (see also Tuberculosis) 011.9
eyeball (due to infection) 360.41
- Pneumorrhagia 786.30

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
- Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9
abscess 011.9
accessory sinus - see Tuberculosis, sinus
adenitis (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2
adenopathy (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2
adrenal (capsule) (gland) 017.6
apex (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
apical (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
articular - see Tuberculosis, joint
asthma (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
bilateral (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
bone (see also Osteomyelitis, due to, tuberculosis) 015.9
bronchi, bronchial, bronchus 011.3
bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonic 011.6
bronchus - see Tuberculosis, bronchi
bronze disease (Addison's) 017.6
bulbourethral gland 016.5
bursa (see also Tuberculosis, joint) 015.9
cachexia NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
caries (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
cartilage (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
catarrhal (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
cellular tissue (primary) 017.0
cellulitis (primary) 017.0
central nervous system 013.9
cerebellum (current) 013.2
chest (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
childhood type or first infection 010.0
colliquativa (primary) 017.0
complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium 647.3

affecting fetus or newborn 760.2
connective tissue 017.9

bone - see Tuberculosis, bone
converter (tuberculin skin test) (without disease) 795.51
cul-de-sac of Douglas 014.8
cutis (colliquativa) (primary) 017.0
diffuse (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9

lung - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
meninges 013.0
disseminated (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9
ear (inner) (middle) 017.4
emphysema - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
endocrine glands NEC 017.9
erythema (induratum) (nodosum) (primary) 017.1
fistula, perirectal 014.8
galloping (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
gastrocolic fistula 014.8
gastrointestinal tract 014.8
general, generalized 018.9
glandulae suprarenalis 017.6
hematogenous - see Tuberculosis, miliary
hemoptysis (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
hemorrhage NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
hip (disease) (joint) 015.1
ileocecal (hyperplastic) 014.8
incipient NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
indurativa (primary) 017.1
infection NEC 011.9
without clinical manifestation 010.0
infraclavicular gland 017.2
intestine (any part) 014.8
lacrimal apparatus, gland 017.3
leptomeninges, leptomeningitis (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0
lichenoides (primary) 017.0
lung - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
lymphadenitis - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
lymphangitis - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
lymphatic (gland) (vessel) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
lymph gland or node (peripheral) 017.2
malignant NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
marasmus NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.2
mediastinal (lymph) gland or node 012.1

primary, progressive 010.8
melanosis, Addisonian 017.6
meninges (cerebral) (spinal) 013.0
meningitis (basilar) (brain) (cerebral) (cerebrospinal) (spinal) 013.0
meningoencephalitis 013.0
mesentery, mesenteric 014.8

lymph gland or node 014.8
nasal (passage) (sinus) 012.8
oophoritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6
organ, specified NEC 017.9
orificialis (primary) 017.0
osseous (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
osteitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
osteomyelitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
ovaritis (acute) (chronic) 016.6
ovary (acute) (chronic) 016.6
oviducts (acute) (chronic) 016.6
papulonecrotic (primary) 017.0
paronychia (primary) 017.0
parotid gland or region 017.9
perichondritis, larynx 012.3
periostitis (see also Tuberculosis, bone) 015.9
pernicious NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
phthisis NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pleura, pleural, pleurisy, pleuritis (fibrinous) (obliterative) (purulent) (simple plastic) (with effusion) 012.0

primary, progressive 010.1
pneumonia, pneumonic 011.6
pulmonaris (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
pulmonary (artery) (incipient) (malignant) (multiple round foci) (pernicious) (reinfection stage) 011.9
cavitated or with cavitation 011.2

primary, progressive 010.8

childhood type or first infection 010.0

chromogenic acid-fast bacilli 795.39

fibrosis or fibrotic 011.4

infiltrative 011.0

primary, progressive 010.9

nodular 011.1

specified NEC 011.8

sputum positive only 795.39

status following surgical collapse of lung NEC 011.9
pyemia - see Tuberculosis, miliary
rectum (with abscess) 014.8
reinfection stage (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
respiratory NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
retroperitoneal (lymph gland or node) 014.8
retropharyngeal abscess 012.8
salpingitis (acute) (chronic) 016.6
senile NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9
septic NEC (see also Tuberculosis, miliary) 018.9
sinus (accessory) (nasal) 012.8
skeletal NEC (see also Osteomyelitis, due to tuberculosis) 015.9
skin (any site) (primary) 017.0
spontaneous pneumothorax - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
sternoclavicular joint 015.8
subcutaneous tissue (cellular) (primary) 017.0
supraclavicular gland 017.2
suprarenal (capsule) (gland) 017.6
swelling, joint (see also Tuberculosis, joint) 015.9
systemic - see Tuberculosis, miliary
tendon (sheath) - see Tuberculosis, tenosynovitis
ulcer (primary) (skin) 017.0

bowel or intestine 014.8

specified site NEC - see Tuberculosis, by site
unspecified site - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
urinary organ or tract 016.3
vaccination, prophylactic (against) V03.2
verrucosa (cutis) (primary) 017.0