- 001-009
Intestinal Infectious Diseases - 010-018
Tuberculosis - 020-027
Zoonotic Bacterial Diseases - 030-041
Other Bacterial Diseases - 042-042
Human Immunodeficiency Virus - 045-049
Poliomyelitis And Other Non-Arthropod-Borne Viral Diseases Of Central Nervous System - 050-059
Viral Diseases Accompanied By Exanthem - 060-066
Arthropod-Borne Viral Diseases - 070-079
Other Diseases Due To Viruses And Chlamydiae - 080-088
Rickettsioses And Other Arthropod-Borne Diseases - 090-099
Syphilis And Other Venereal Diseases - 100-104
Other Spirochetal Diseases - 110-118
Mycoses - 120-129
Helminthiases - 130-136
Other Infectious And Parasitic Diseases - 137-139
Late Effects Of Infectious And Parasitic Diseases