Convert to ICD-10-CM:
306.4 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abdomen, abdominal - see also condition
- accordion 306.4
- Achalasia 530.0
- psychogenic 306.4
- Achlorhydria, achlorhydric 536.0
- psychogenic 306.4
- Achylia
- Acid
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Acidity, gastric (high) (low) 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Aerophagy, aerophagia 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Anacidity, gastric 536.0
- psychogenic 306.4
- Apepsia 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Atonia, atony, atonic
- dyspepsia 536.3
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestine 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.3
- neurotic or psychogenic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Colic (recurrent) 789.7
- psychogenic 306.4
- Complaint - see also Disease
- bowel, functional 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestine, functional 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Constipation 564.00
- psychogenic 306.4
- Contraction, contracture, contracted
- hourglass
- bladder 596.8
- gallbladder (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2
- stomach 536.8
- congenital 750.7
- psychogenic 306.4
- uterus 661.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.7
- rectum, rectal (sphincter) 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.8
- hourglass 536.8
- congenital 750.7
- psychogenic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Cramp(s) 729.82
- intestinal 789.0
- psychogenic 306.4
- Cyclical vomiting 536.2
- psychogenic 306.4
- Diarrhea, diarrheal (acute) (autumn) (bilious) (bloody) (catarrhal) (choleraic) (chronic) (gravis) (green) (infantile) (lienteric) (noninfectious) (presumed noninfectious) (putrefactive) (secondary) (sporadic) (summer) (symptomatic) (thermic) 787.91
- functional 564.5
- following gastrointestinal surgery 564.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- hyperperistalsis (nervous) 306.4
- nervous 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Dilatation
- colon 564.7
- congenital 751.3
- due to mechanical obstruction 560.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- jejunum 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- epigastric, functional 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastrointestinal (tract) 569.9
- Rossbach's (hyperchlorhydria) 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach NEC (organic) 537.9
- Disorder - see also Disease
- digestive 536.9
- fetus or newborn 777.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastric (functional) 536.9
- gastrointestinal (functional) NEC 536.9
- newborn (neonatal) 777.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestinal 569.9
- functional NEC 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- psychogenic NEC (see also condition) 300.9
- stomach (functional) (see also Disorder, gastric) 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Distention
- Distress
- gastrointestinal (functional) 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestinal (functional) NEC 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Disturbance - see also Disease
- digestive 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastric (functional) 536.9
- gastrointestinal (functional) 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Dysfunction
- colon 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- rectum 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Dyspepsia (allergic) (congenital) (fermentative) (flatulent) (functional) (gastric) (gastrointestinal) (neurogenic) (occupational) (reflex) 536.8
- atonic 536.3
- psychogenic 306.4
- diarrhea 787.91
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestinal 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- nervous 306.4
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Dysphagia 787.20
- psychogenic 306.4
- Enterospasm 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Eructation 787.3
- nervous 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Fermentation (gastric) (gastrointestinal) (stomach) 536.8
- intestine 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Gastrectasis, gastrectasia 536.1
- psychogenic 306.4
- Gastritis 535.5
- nervous 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Gastrorrhea 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Gastrospasm (neurogenic) (reflex) 536.8
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Gastrosuccorrhea (continuous) (intermittent) 536.8
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Globus 306.4
- Heartburn 787.1
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hourglass contraction, contracture
- Hyperacidity, gastric 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hyperactive, hyperactivity 314.01
- gastrointestinal 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hyperchlorhydria 536.8
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hyperchylia gastrica 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hyperemesis 536.2
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypermobility
- colon 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypermotility
- intestine 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hyperperistalsis 787.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypersecretion
- gastric 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity - see also Allergy
- colon 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach (allergic) (nonallergic) 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypertonicity
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypoacidity, gastric 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypochlorhydria 536.8
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Hypomotility
- gastrointestinal tract 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestine 564.89
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Indigestion (bilious) (functional) 536.8
- nervous 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Inertia
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Irritability 799.22
- colon 564.1
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Irritation
- digestive tract 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastric 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastrointestinal (tract) 536.9
- functional 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- Magenblase syndrome 306.4
- Megacolon (acquired) (functional) (not Hirschsprung's disease) 564.7
- psychogenic 306.4
- Myasthenia 358.00
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Nervous (see also condition) 799.21
- stomach 306.4
- Neurasthenia 300.5
- gastric 306.4
- Neurosis, neurotic 300.9
- colon 306.4
- gastric 306.4
- gastrointestinal 306.4
- intestine 306.4
- rectum 306.4
- rumination 306.4
- stomach 306.4
- visceral 306.4
- Obstipation (see also Constipation) 564.00
- psychogenic 306.4
- Pneumophagia (psychogenic) 306.4
- Proctospasm 564.6
- psychogenic 306.4
- Ptyalism 527.7
- psychogenic 306.4
- Pylorospasm (reflex) 537.81
- neurotic 306.4
- psychogenic 306.4
- Reaction
- psychophysiologic NEC (see also Disorder, psychosomatic) 306.9
- Rossbach's disease (hyperchlorhydria) 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
- anus, ani (sphincter) (reflex) 564.6
- psychogenic 306.4
- bowel 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- cecum 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- colon 564.1
- psychogenic 306.4
- esophagus (diffuse) 530.5
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastrointestinal (tract) 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- intestinal 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- pylorus 537.81
- adult hypertrophic 537.0
- congenital or infantile 750.5
- psychogenic 306.4
- rectum (sphincter) 564.6
- psychogenic 306.4
- sigmoid 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.8
- neurotic 306.4
- Subacidity, gastric 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Magenblase 306.4
- Upset
- gastric 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- gastrointestinal 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- virus (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8
- intestinal (large) (small) 564.9
- psychogenic 306.4
- stomach 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- Vomiting 787.03
- cyclical 536.2
- associated with migraine 346.2
- psychogenic 306.4
- functional 536.8
- psychogenic 306.4
- nervous 306.4
- neurotic 306.4
- pernicious or persistent 536.2
- complicating pregnancy - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
- psychogenic 306.4
- psychic 306.4
- uncontrollable 536.2
- psychogenic 306.4