Convert to ICD-10-CM:
787.3 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R14.0 Abdominal distension (gaseous)
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R14.1 Gas pain
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R14.2 Eructation
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R14.3 Flatulence
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Belching (see also Eructation) 787.3
- Bloating 787.3
- Colic (recurrent) 789.7
- flatulent 787.3
- Distention
- abdomen (gaseous) 787.3
- gaseous (abdomen) 787.3
- Eructation 787.3
- Excess, excessive, excessively
- gas 787.3
- Flatulence 787.3
- Flatus 787.3
- Gas 787.3
- asphyxia, asphyxiation, inhalation, poisoning, suffocation NEC 987.9
- specified gas - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- bacillus gangrene or infection - see Gas, gangrene
- excessive 787.3
- gangrene 040.0
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670.8
- on stomach 787.3
- pains 787.3
- Pain(s) (see also Painful) 780.96
- gas (intestinal) 787.3
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- intestinal
- Tympanism 787.3
- Tympanites (abdominal) (intestine) 787.3
- Tympany
- abdomen 787.3