Specific code 2006 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 752.89
Other specified anomalies of genital organs
  • Short description: GENITAL ORGAN ANOM NEC.
  • ICD-9-CM 752.89 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 752.89 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
  • You are viewing the 2006 version of ICD-9-CM 752.89.
  • More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 752.89: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM: 752.89 converts approximately to:
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q52.8 Other specified congenital malformations of female genitalia
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.0 Absence and aplasia of testis
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.1 Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.21 Polyorchism
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.29 Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.3 Atresia of vas deferens
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q55.8 Other specified congenital malformations of male genital organs
Approximate Synonyms
  • Absence of testicle in scrotum
  • Absent scrotum
  • Absent testes
  • Absent testicle
  • Absent testicle (congenital)
  • Accessory gonad
  • Bifid scrotum
  • Congenital abnormal shape of testis
  • Congenital absence of both testes
  • Congenital absence of epididymis
  • Congenital absence of genital tubercle
  • Congenital absence of germinal epithelium of testes
  • Congenital absence of prostate
  • Congenital absence of spermatic cord
  • Congenital absence of testicle
  • Congenital absence of vas deferens
  • Congenital anomaly of endocrine testis
  • Congenital anomaly of epididymis
  • Congenital anomaly of spermatic cord
  • Congenital anomaly of testis
  • Congenital aplasia of prostate
  • Congenital aplasia of round ligament
  • Congenital aplasia of scrotum
  • Congenital atresia of ejaculatory duct
  • Congenital atresia of vas deferens
  • Congenital bilateral aplasia of vas deferens
  • Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts
  • Congenital fusion of testis
  • Congenital hypertrophy of testis
  • Congenital hypoplasia of epididymis
  • Congenital hypoplasia of gonad
  • Congenital hypoplasia of testis
  • Congenital hypoplasia of vas deferens
  • Congenital inguinal hernia
  • Congenital malposition of epididymis
  • Congenital malposition of testis
  • Congenital malposition of vas deferens
  • Congenital parameatal cyst
  • Cyst of embryonic remnant - male
  • Cyst of hydatid of Morgagni
  • Cyst of Wolffian duct
  • Cystic testicular dysplasia
  • Dysplasia of testis
  • Epididymis absent
  • Female hydatid cyst of Morgagni
  • Finding of consistency of testes
  • Foreskin absent
  • Hydatid cyst of Morgagni - male
  • Hypoplasia of scrotum
  • Infertility due to testicular hypoplasia
  • Leydig cell agenesis
  • Mesonephric cyst
  • Monorchism
  • Mullerian remnant
  • Persistent urogenital sinus
  • Polyorchism
  • Primary spermatogenic failure
  • Reproductive system hereditary disorder
  • Rudimentary uterus in male
  • Soft testes
  • Spermatic cord finding
  • Spermatic cord non-palpable
  • Splenogonadal fusion
  • Streak gonad
  • Testes - transverse lie
  • Testicle out of place
  • Testicular regression syndrome
  • Wolffian duct cyst - male
Applies To
  • Absence of:
    • prostate
    • spermatic cord
    • vas deferens
  • Anorchism
  • Aplasia (congenital) of:
    • prostate
    • round ligament
    • testicle
  • Atresia of:
    • ejaculatory duct
    • vas deferens
  • Fusion of testes
  • Hypoplasia of testis
  • Monorchism
  • Polyorchism
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 752.89:
  • Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
    • ejaculatory duct (congenital) 752.89
    • epididymis (congenital) 752.89
    • genital organs
      • acquired V45.77
      • congenital
        • female 752.89
          • external 752.49
          • internal NEC 752.89
        • male 752.89
    • genitourinary organs, congenital NEC 752.89
    • prostate (congenital) 752.89
    • round ligament (congenital) 752.89
    • scrotum, congenital 752.89
    • seminal tract or duct (congenital) 752.89
    • spermatic cord (congenital) 752.89
    • testis (congenital) 752.89
    • vas deferens (congenital) 752.89
  • Accessory (congenital)
    • genital organ(s)
      • female 752.89
        • external 752.49
        • internal NEC 752.89
      • male NEC 752.89
    • genitourinary organs NEC 752.89
  • Adhesion(s), adhesive (postinfectional) (postoperative)
    • spermatic cord (acquired) 608.89
      • congenital 752.89
  • Agenesis - see also Absence, by site, congenital
    • ejaculatory duct 752.89
    • genitalia, genital (organ)
      • female 752.89
        • external 752.49
        • internal NEC 752.89
      • male 752.89
    • prostate 752.89
    • round ligament 752.89
    • scrotum 752.89
    • seminal duct or tract 752.89
    • spermatic cord 752.89
    • testicular 752.89
    • testis 752.89
    • vas deferens 752.89
  • Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
    • ejaculatory duct 752.9
      • specified type NEC 752.89
  • Anorchia 752.89
  • Anorchism, anorchidism 752.89
  • Aplasia - see also Agenesis
    • prostate (congenital) 752.89
    • round ligament (congenital) 752.89
    • testis (congenital) 752.89
  • Appendage
    • testicular (organ of Morgagni) 752.89
  • Appendix, appendicular - see also condition
    • Morgagni (male) 752.89
  • Atresia, atretic (congenital) 759.89
    • ejaculatory duct 752.89
    • genital organ
      • external
      • internal
        • female 752.89
        • male 752.89
    • vas deferens 752.89
  • Bifid (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
    • scrotum 752.89
  • Cleft (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
    • scrotum 752.89
  • Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
    • mesonephric duct 752.89
    • Morgagni (hydatid) 752.89
    • mullerian duct 752.89
    • wolffian 752.89
  • Distortion (congenital)
    • genitalia, genital organ(s)
      • female 752.89
        • external 752.49
        • internal NEC 752.89
      • male 752.89
  • Duplication - see also Accessory
    • vas deferens 752.89
  • Embryonic
    • vas deferens 752.89
  • Fusion, fused (congenital)
    • testes 752.89
  • Hernia, hernial (acquired) (recurrent) 553.9
    • tunica
      • albuginea 608.89
      • vaginalis 752.89
  • Hydatid
    • Morgagni (congenital) 752.89
  • Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
    • prostate (asymptomatic) (early) (recurrent) 600.90
    • testis 608.89
      • congenital 752.89
  • Hypogenitalism (congenital) (female) (male) 752.89
  • Hypoplasia, hypoplasis 759.89
    • epididymis 752.89
    • genitalia, genital organ(s)
      • female 752.89
        • external 752.49
        • internal NEC 752.89
      • in adiposogenital dystrophy 253.8
      • male 752.89
    • testis, testicle 752.89
  • Imperfect
    • closure (congenital)
      • alimentary tract NEC 751.8
      • atrioventricular ostium 745.69
      • atrium (secundum) 745.5
      • branchial cleft or sinus 744.41
      • choroid 743.59
      • cricoid cartilage 748.3
      • cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89
      • ductus
      • ear drum 744.29
        • causing impairment of hearing 744.03
      • endocardial cushion 745.60
      • epiglottis 748.3
      • esophagus with communication to bronchus or trachea 750.3
      • Eustachian valve 746.89
      • eyelid 743.62
      • face, facial (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10
      • foramen
      • genitalia, genital organ(s) or system
      • glottis 748.3
      • heart valve (cusps) NEC 746.89
      • interatrial ostium or septum 745.5
      • interauricular ostium or septum 745.5
      • interventricular ostium or septum 745.4
      • iris 743.46
      • kidney 753.3
      • larynx 748.3
      • lens 743.36
      • lip (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10
      • nasal septum or sinus 748.1
      • nose 748.1
      • omphalomesenteric duct 751.0
      • optic nerve entry 743.57
      • organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type, by site
      • ostium
      • palate (see also Cleft, palate) 749.00
      • preauricular sinus 744.46
      • retina 743.56
      • roof of orbit 742.0
      • sclera 743.47
      • septum
        • aortic 745.0
        • aorticopulmonary 745.0
        • atrial (secundum) 745.5
        • between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
        • heart 745.9
        • interatrial (secundum) 745.5
        • interauricular (secundum) 745.5
        • interventricular 745.4
          • with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
          • in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
        • nasal 748.1
        • ventricular 745.4
          • with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
          • in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
      • skull 756.0
        • with
      • spine (with meningocele) (see also Spina bifida) 741.90
      • thyroid cartilage 748.3
      • trachea 748.3
      • tympanic membrane 744.29
        • causing impairment of hearing 744.03
      • uterus (with communication to bladder, intestine, or rectum) 752.3
      • uvula 749.02
        • with cleft lip (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20
      • vitelline duct 751.0
  • Malposition
  • Microgenitalia (congenital) 752.89
  • Monorchism, monorchidism 752.89
  • Morgagni
    • cyst, organ, hydatid, or appendage 752.89
  • Overdevelopment - see also Hypertrophy
    • prostate, congenital 752.89
  • Persistence, persistent (congenital) 759.89
    • mesonephric duct 752.89
    • sinus
      • urogenitalis 752.89
      • venosus with imperfect incorporation in right auricle 747.49
    • wolffian duct 752.89
  • Polyorchism, polyorchidism (three testes) 752.89
  • Rest, rests
    • mesonephric duct 752.89
    • wolffian duct 752.89
  • Spermatocele 608.1
    • congenital 752.89
  • Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
    • vas deferens 608.85
      • congenital 752.89
  • Supernumerary (congenital)
    • testis 752.89
  • Syndrome - see also Disease
    • functional
      • bowel 564.9
      • prepubertal castrate 752.89
  • Synorchidism 752.89
  • Synorchism 752.89
ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions. ICD-9-CM 752.89 is one of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used in healthcare. Although ICD-9-CM and CPT codes are largely numeric, they differ in that CPT codes describe medical procedures and services. Can't find a code? Start at the root of ICD-9-CM, check the 2006 ICD-9-CM Index or use the search engine at the top of this page to lookup any code.