Convert to ICD-10-CM:
993.2 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T70.20XA Unspecified effects of high altitude, initial encounter
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T70.29XA Other effects of high altitude, initial encounter
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Acosta's disease 993.2
- Aerodontalgia 993.2
- Alpine sickness 993.2
- Andes disease 993.2
- Anoxia 799.02
- altitude 993.2
- high altitude 993.2
- Aviators
- disease or sickness (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
- Balloon disease (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
- Barodontalgia 993.2
- Barotrauma 993.2
- odontalgia 993.2
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Acosta's 993.2
- alpine 993.2
- altitude 993.2
- Andes 993.2
- aviators' (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
- balloon (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) 993.2
- Monge's 993.2
- Edema, edematous 782.3
- lung 514
- acute 518.4
- with heart disease or failure (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1
- chemical (due to fumes or vapors) 506.1
- due to
- external agent(s) NEC 508.9
- fumes and vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.1
- radiation 508.0
- chemical (acute) 506.1
- chronic 514
- chemical (due to fumes or vapors) 506.4
- due to
- external agent(s) NEC 508.9
- fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.4
- radiation 508.1
- due to
- external agent 508.9
- high altitude 993.2
- near drowning 994.1
- postoperative 518.4
- terminal 514
- Effect, adverse NEC
- high altitude NEC 993.2
- anoxia 993.2
- on
- polycythemia 289.0
- High
- altitude effects 993.2
- anoxia 993.2
- on
- polycythemia 289.0
- Hypobarism 993.2
- Hypobaropathy 993.2
- Mountain
- sickness 993.2
- Sickness
- alpine 993.2
- altitude 993.2
- Andes 993.2
- aviators' 993.2
- balloon 993.2
- mountain 993.2
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- low
- atmospheric pressure 993.2
- back 724.2
- output (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9