Convert to ICD-10-CM:
094.0 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.11 Tabes dorsalis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Ataxia, ataxy, ataxic 781.3
- locomotor (progressive) 094.0
- partial 094.0
- progressive locomotor 094.0
- spastic 094.0
- hereditary 334.1
- syphilitic 094.0
- spinal
- hereditary 334.0
- progressive locomotor 094.0
- Atrophy, atrophic
- optic nerve (ascending) (descending) (infectional) (nonfamilial) (papillomacular bundle) (postretinal) (secondary NEC) (simple) 377.10
- Charcôt's
- disease 094.0
- spinal cord 094.0
- Cord - see also condition
- bladder NEC 344.61
- tabetic 094.0
- Crisis
- gastric (tabetic) 094.0
- Pel's 094.0
- rectum 094.0
- stomach (tabetic) 094.0
- tabetic 094.0
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Charcôt's (joint) 094.0 [713.5]
- spinal cord 094.0
- Duchenne's 094.0
- locomotor ataxia 094.0
- muscular dystrophy 359.1
- paralysis 335.22
- pseudohypertrophy, muscles 359.1
- Duchenne's
- disease 094.0
- locomotor ataxia 094.0
- muscular dystrophy 359.1
- pseudohypertrophy, muscles 359.1
- Locomotor ataxia (progressive) 094.0
- Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9
- with ataxia (cerebellar) (locomotor) (spastic) (spinal) 094.0
- tabes (dorsalis) 094.0
- tabetic 094.0
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- spastic 344.9
- cerebral infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
- congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral
- familial 334.1
- hereditary 334.1
- infantile 343.9
- noncongenital or noninfantile, cerebral 344.9
- syphilitic 094.0
- Paresis (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- bladder (spastic) (sphincter) (see also Paralysis, bladder) 596.53
- tabetic 094.0
- Pel's crisis 094.0
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
- posterior (spinal cord) (syphilitic) 094.0
- spinal (cord) (general) (progressive) (transverse) 336.8
- ascending 357.0
- combined - see also Degeneration, combined
- disseminated 340
- dorsolateral - see Degeneration, combined
- hereditary (Friedreich's) (mixed form) 334.0
- lateral (amyotrophic) 335.24
- multiple 340
- posterior (syphilitic) 094.0
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
- ataxia, locomotor (progressive) 094.0
- central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9
- with
- ataxia 094.0
- paralysis, general 094.1
- paresis (general) 094.1
- tabes (dorsalis) 094.0
- taboparesis 094.1
- aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87
- congenital 090.40
- juvenile 090.40
- remission in (sustained) 094.9
- serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9
- specified nature or site NEC 094.89
- vascular 094.89
- cerebrospinal 094.89
- tabetic 094.0
- conjugal 097.9
- tabes 094.0
- cord, bladder 094.0
- early NEC 091.0
- cardiovascular 093.9
- central nervous system 094.9
- latent (without manifestations) (less than 2 years after infection) 092.9
- negative spinal fluid test 092.9
- serological relapse following treatment 092.0
- serology positive 092.9
- paresis 094.1
- relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
- skin 091.3
- symptomatic NEC 091.89
- extragenital chancre 091.2
- primary, except extragenital chancre 091.0
- secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.3
- relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
- tabes 094.0
- ulcer 091.3
- late 097.0
- cardiovascular 093.9
- central nervous system 094.9
- latent or 2 years or more after infection (without manifestation) 096
- negative spinal fluid test 096
- serology positive 096
- paresis 094.1
- specified site NEC 095.8
- symptomatic or with symptoms 095.9
- tabes 094.0
- locomotor ataxia 094.0
- spastic spinal paralysis 094.0
- tabes dorsalis (early) (late) 094.0
- tabetic type 094.0
- ulcer (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3
- Tabes, tabetic
- with
- central nervous system syphilis 094.0
- Charcôt's joint 094.0 [713.5]
- cord bladder 094.0
- crisis, viscera (any) 094.0
- paralysis, general 094.1
- paresis (general) 094.1
- perforating ulcer 094.0
- bladder 094.0
- bone 094.0
- cerebrospinal 094.0
- conjugal 094.0
- dorsalis 094.0
- neurosyphilis 094.0
- early 094.0
- latent 094.0
- spasmodic 094.0
- not dorsal or dorsalis 343.9
- syphilis (cerebrospinal) 094.0
- Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
- foot (indolent) (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.15
- syphilitic (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3