ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Delivery
complicated (by) NEC 669.9

abdominal tumor, fetal 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

abnormal, abnormality of

cervix 654.6

causing obstructed labor 660.2

forces of labor 661.9

formation of uterus 654.0

pelvic organs or tissues 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

pelvis (bony) (major) NEC 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

presentation or position NEC 652.9

causing obstructed labor 660.0

size, fetus 653.5

causing obstructed labor 660.1

soft parts (of pelvis) 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

uterine contractions NEC 661.9

uterus (formation) 654.0

causing obstructed labor 660.2

vagina 654.7

causing obstructed labor 660.2

abnormally formed uterus (any type) (congenital) 654.0

causing obstructed labor 660.2

acromion presentation 652.8

causing obstructed labor 660.0

adherent placenta 667.0

adhesions, uterus (to abdominal wall) 654.4

advanced maternal age NEC 659.6

air embolism 673.0

amnionitis 658.4

amniotic fluid embolism 673.1

anesthetic death 668.9

annular detachment, cervix 665.3

antepartum hemorrhage - see Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage
anteversion, cervix or uterus 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

apoplexy 674.0

arrested active phase 661.1

asymmetrical pelvis bone 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

atony, uterus with hemorrhage (hypotonic) (inertia) 666.1

Bandl's ring 661.4

Battledore placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0

causing obstructed labor 660.2

birth injury to mother NEC 665.9

bleeding (see also Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage) 641.9

breech presentation (assisted) (buttocks) (complete) (frank) (spontaneous) 652.2

with successful version 652.1

brow presentation 652.4

cephalopelvic disproportion (normally formed fetus) 653.4

causing obstructed labor 660.1

cerebral hemorrhage 674.0

cervical dystocia 661.2

chin presentation 652.4

causing obstructed labor 660.0

coagulation defect 649.3

colporrhexis 665.4

with perineal laceration 664.0

compound presentation 652.8

causing obstructed labor 660.0

compression of cord (umbilical) 663.2

contraction, contracted pelvis 653.1

contraction ring 661.4

cord (umbilical) 663.9

Couvelaire uterus 641.2

cretin pelvis (dwarf type) (male type) 653.1

causing obstructed labor 660.1

crossbirth 652.3

with successful version 652.1

causing obstructed labor 660.0

cyst (Gartner's duct) 654.7

cystocele 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

death of fetus (near term) 656.4

early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632

deformity (acquired) (congenital)

fetus 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

pelvis (bony) NEC 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

delay, delayed

delivery in multiple pregnancy 662.3

due to locked mates 660.5

following rupture of membranes (spontaneous) 658.2

depressed fetal heart tones 659.7

diastasis recti 665.8


bladder 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

cervix, incomplete, poor or slow 661.0

diseased placenta 656.7

displacement uterus NEC 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

disproportion NEC 653.9

causing obstructed labor 660.1

disruptio uteri - see Delivery, complicated, rupture, uterus
double uterus (congenital) 654.0

causing obstructed labor 660.2

dropsy amnion 657

dysfunction, uterus 661.9


cervical 661.2

fetal - see Delivery, complicated, abnormal, presentation

maternal - see Delivery, complicated, prolonged labor

pelvic - see Delivery, complicated, contraction pelvis

positional 652.8

shoulder girdle 660.4

eclampsia 642.6

ectopic kidney 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

edema, cervix 654.6

causing obstructed labor 660.2

effusion, amniotic fluid 658.1
elderly multigravida 659.6

elderly primigravida 659.5

embolism (pulmonary) 673.2

entanglement, umbilical cord 663.3

with compression 663.2

around neck (with compression) 663.1

eversion, cervix or uterus 665.2

face presentation 652.4

failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5

causing obstructed labor 660.0

female genital mutilation 660.8


acid-base balance 656.8

death (near term) NEC 656.4

early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632

deformity 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

distress 656.8

heart rate or rhythm 659.7

reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7

fetopelvic disproportion 653.4

causing obstructed labor 660.1

fever during labor 659.2

fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1

causing obstructed labor 660.2

fibromyomata 654.1

causing obstructed labor 660.2

forelying umbilical cord 663.0

fracture of coccyx 665.6

hematoma 664.5

hemorrhage (uterine) (antepartum) (intrapartum) (pregnancy) 641.9

accidental 641.2

associated with

cerebral 674.0

due to

low-lying placenta 641.1

placenta previa 641.1

premature separation of placenta (normally implanted) 641.2

retained placenta 666.0

trauma 641.8

uterine leiomyoma 641.8

marginal sinus rupture 641.2

placenta NEC 641.9

postpartum (atonic) (immediate) (within 24 hours) 666.1

hourglass contraction, uterus 661.4

hydramnios 657

hydrocephalic fetus 653.6

causing obstructed labor 660.1

hydrops fetalis 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
hypertonic uterine dysfunction 661.4

hypotonic uterine dysfunction 661.2

impacted shoulders 660.4

incarceration, uterus 654.3

causing obstructed labor 660.2

incomplete dilation (cervix) 661.0

incoordinate uterus 661.4

indication NEC 659.9

inertia, uterus 661.2

injury (to mother) NEC 665.9

intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4

early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632

inversion, uterus 665.2

kidney, ectopic 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

knot (true), umbilical cord 663.2

labor, premature (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2

laceration 664.9

anus (sphincter) (healed) (old) 654.8

with mucosa 664.3

not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6

bladder (urinary) 665.5

bowel 665.5

central 664.4

cervix (uteri) 665.3

fourchette 664.0

hymen 664.0

labia (majora) (minora) 664.0


perineum, perineal 664.4

peritoneum 665.5

periurethral tissue 664.8

rectovaginal (septum) (without perineal laceration) 665.4

with perineum 664.2

with anal or rectal mucosa 664.3

skin (perineum) 664.0

specified site or type NEC 664.8

sphincter ani (healed) (old) 654.8

with mucosa 664.3

not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6

urethra 665.5

uterus 665.1

vagina, vaginal (deep) (high) (sulcus) (wall) (without perineal laceration) 665.4

vulva 664.0

lateroversion, uterus or cervix 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

locked mates 660.5

low implantation of placenta - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, previa
mal lie 652.9


fetus NEC 652.9

causing obstructed labor 660.0

pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

placenta 641.1

uterus NEC or cervix 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

malpresentation 652.9

causing obstructed labor 660.0

marginal sinus (bleeding) (rupture) 641.2

maternal hypotension syndrome 669.2

meconium in liquor 656.8

membranes, retained - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, retained
mentum presentation 652.4

causing obstructed labor 660.0

metrorrhagia (myopathia) - see Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage
metrorrhexis - see Delivery, complicated, rupture, uterus
multiparity (grand) 659.4

myelomeningocele, fetus 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

Nägele's pelvis 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

nonengagement, fetal head 652.5

causing obstructed labor 660.0

oblique presentation 652.3

causing obstructed labor 660.0

obstructed labor 660.9

due to

abnormality of pelvic organs or tissues (conditions classifiable to 654.0
) 660.2

deep transverse arrest 660.3

impacted shoulders 660.4

locked twins 660.5

malposition and malpresentation of fetus (conditions classifiable to 652.0
) 660.0

persistent occipitoposterior 660.3

shoulder dystocia 660.4

occult prolapse of umbilical cord 663.0

oversize fetus 653.5

causing obstructed labor 660.1

pathological retraction ring, uterus 661.4


arrest (deep) (high) (of fetal head) (transverse) 660.3

deformity (bone) - see also Deformity, pelvis, with disproportion

tumor NEC 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument 665.1

perforation - see Delivery, complicated, laceration
placenta, placental
polyhydramnios 657

polyp, cervix 654.6

causing obstructed labor 660.2

precipitate labor 661.3


labor (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2

rupture, membranes 658.1

delayed delivery following 658.2

presenting umbilical cord 663.0


cesarean delivery, section 654.2


primary uterine inertia 661.0

primipara, elderly or old 659.5


arm or hand 652.7

causing obstructed labor 660.0

cord (umbilical) 663.0

fetal extremity 652.8

foot or leg 652.8

causing obstructed labor 660.0

umbilical cord (complete) (occult) (partial) 663.0

uterus 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

prolonged labor 662.1

pyrexia during labor 659.2

rachitic pelvis 653.2

causing obstructed labor 660.1

rectocele 654.4

causing obstructed labor 660.2

retained membranes or portions of placenta 666.2

retarded (prolonged) birth 662.1

retention secundines (with hemorrhage) 666.2

retroversion, uterus or cervix 654.3

causing obstructed labor 660.2

Robert's pelvis 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

rupture - see also Delivery, complicated, laceration

bladder (urinary) 665.5

cervix 665.3

marginal sinus 641.2

membranes, premature 658.1

pelvic organ NEC 665.5

perineum (without mention of other laceration) - see Delivery, complicated, laceration, perineum

peritoneum 665.5

urethra 665.5

uterus (during labor) 665.1

sacculation, pregnant uterus 654.4

sacral teratomas, fetal 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1


cervix 654.6

causing obstructed labor 660.2

cesarean delivery, section 654.2

causing obstructed labor 660.2

perineum 654.8

causing obstructed labor 660.2

uterus NEC 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

due to previous cesarean delivery, section 654.2

vagina 654.7

causing obstructed labor 660.2

vulva 654.8

causing obstructed labor 660.2

scoliotic pelvis 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

secondary uterine inertia 661.1

secundines, retained - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, retained
septate vagina 654.7

causing obstructed labor 660.2

shock (birth) (obstetric) (puerperal) 669.1

short cord syndrome 663.4

Siamese twins 678.1

slow slope active phase 661.2

spondylolisthesis, pelvis 653.3

causing obstructed labor 660.1

spondylolysis (lumbosacral) 653.3

causing obstructed labor 660.1

spondylosis 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1

stenosis or stricture
sudden death, unknown cause 669.9

tear (pelvic organ) (see also Delivery, complicated, laceration) 664.9

anal sphincter (healed) (old) 654.8

not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6

teratomas, sacral, fetal 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

tetanic uterus 661.4

tipping pelvis 653.0

causing obstructed labor 660.1


arrest (deep) 660.3

presentation or lie 652.3

with successful version 652.1

causing obstructed labor 660.0

trauma (obstetrical) NEC 665.9


abdominal, fetal 653.7

causing obstructed labor 660.1

pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9

causing obstructed labor 660.2

umbilical cord (see also Delivery, complicated, cord) 663.9

around neck tightly, or with compression 663.1

entanglement NEC 663.3

prolapse (complete) (occult) (partial) 663.0

unstable lie 652.0

causing obstructed labor 660.0


inertia (see also Delivery, complicated, inertia, uterus) 661.2

spasm 661.4

vasa previa 663.5

velamentous insertion of cord 663.8

young maternal age 659.8
- Effusion
amniotic fluid (see also Rupture, membranes, premature) 658.1
- Hydrorrhea (nasal) 478.19

gravidarum 658.1
pregnancy 658.1
- Leakage
amniotic fluid 658.1
with delayed delivery 658.2

affecting fetus or newborn 761.1
- Oligohydramnios 658.0

due to premature rupture of membranes 658.1
affecting fetus or newborn 761.2
- Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2

complicated (by) 646.9

abnormal, abnormality NEC 646.9

abscess or cellulitis
adhesion, pelvic peritoneal 648.9

air embolism 673.0

albuminuria 646.2

with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy

amnionitis 658.4

amniotic fluid embolism 673.1

anemia (conditions classifiable to 280
) 648.2

appendicitis 648.9

atrophy, yellow (acute) (liver) (subacute) 646.7

bacilluria, asymptomatic 646.5

bacteriuria, asymptomatic 646.5

bariatric surgery status 649.2

bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0

biliary problems 646.8

bone and joint disorders (conditions classifiable to 720
or conditions affecting lower limbs classifiable to 711
, 725
) 648.7

breech presentation (buttocks) (complete) (frank) 652.2

with successful version 652.1

cardiovascular disease (conditions classifiable to 390
, 410
) 648.6

cerebrovascular disorders (conditions classifiable to 430
, 436
) 674.0

cervicitis (conditions classifiable to 616.0
) 646.6

chloasma (gravidarum) 646.8

cholelithiasis 646.8

chorea (gravidarum) - see Eclampsia, pregnancy
coagulation defect 649.3

conjoined twins 678.1

contraction, pelvis (general) 653.1

convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) 642.6

with pre-existing hypertension 642.7

current disease or condition (nonobstetric)
cystitis 646.6

cystocele 654.4

death of fetus (near term) 656.4

early pregnancy (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632

deciduitis 646.6

decreased fetal movements 655.7

diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 249
and 250
) 648.0

disorders of liver 646.7

displacement, uterus NEC 654.4

disproportion - see Disproportion
double uterus 654.0

drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304
) 648.3

dysplasia, cervix 654.6

early onset of delivery (spontaneous) 644.2

eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (nephritis) (uremia) 642.6

with pre-existing hypertension 642.7

edema 646.1

with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy

effusion, amniotic fluid 658.1

delayed delivery following 658.2

emesis (gravidarum) - see Pregnancy, complicated, vomiting
endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0
) 670.1

epilepsy 649.4

excessive weight gain NEC 646.1

face presentation 652.4

failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5

false labor (pains) 644.1

fatigue 646.8

fatty metamorphosis of liver 646.7

female genital mutilation 648.9


anemia 678.0

complications from in utero procedure 679.1

conjoined twins 678.1

death (near term) 656.4

early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632

deformity 653.7

distress 656.8

hematologic conditions 678.0

thrombocytopenia 678.0

twin to twin transfusion 678.0

reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7

fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1

footling presentation 652.8

with successful version 652.1

gallbladder disease 646.8

gastric banding status 649.2

gastric bypass status for obesity 649.2

goiter 648.1

gonococcal infection (conditions classifiable to 098
) 647.1

gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098
) 647.1

hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease 642.2

hemorrhage 641.9

accidental 641.2

before 22 completed weeks gestation NEC 640.9

cerebrovascular 674.0

due to

afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect (conditions classifiable to 286.0
) 641.3

leiomyoma, uterine 641.8

marginal sinus (rupture) 641.2

premature separation, placenta 641.2

trauma 641.8

early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 640.9

threatened abortion 640.0

unavoidable 641.1

hepatitis (acute) (malignant) (subacute) 646.7

viral 647.6

herniation of uterus 654.4

high head at term 652.5

hydatidiform mole (delivered) (undelivered) 630

hydramnios 657

hydrocephalic fetus 653.6

hydrops amnii 657

hydrorrhea 658.1
hyperemesis (gravidarum) - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy

chronic kidney disease 642.2

heart and chronic kidney disease 642.2

heart and renal disease 642.2

heart disease 642.2

renal disease 642.2

hyperthyroidism 648.1

hypothyroidism 648.1

hysteralgia 646.8

icterus gravis 646.7![]()