ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly
- cervix (acquired) NEC 622.9
- congenital 752.40
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- organs or tissues of pelvis NEC
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.9
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- position - see also Malposition
- gravid uterus 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- shape
- cornea 743.41
- gallbladder 751.69
- gravid uterus 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- head (see also Anomaly, skull) 756.0
- organ or site, congenital NEC - see Distortion
- vagina (acquired) (congenital)
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- vulva (acquired) (congenital)
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
- cervix (uterus) 752.40
- with doubling of vagina and uterus 752.2
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- uterus 752.3
- with only one functioning horn 752.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.0
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Anteversion
- uterus, uterine (cervix) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) 621.6
- congenital 752.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Atresia, atretic (congenital) 759.89
- cervix (acquired) 622.4
- congenital 752.49
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Bicornuate or bicornis uterus 752.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.0
- with obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) 709.2
- cervix (postoperative) (postpartal) 622.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vagina 623.4
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
- ovary, ovarian (twisted) 620.2
- adherent 620.2
- chocolate 617.1
- corpus
- dermoid (M9084/0) 220
- developmental 752.0
- due to failure of involution NEC 620.2
- endometrial 617.1
- follicular (atretic) (graafian) (hemorrhagic) 620.0
- hemorrhagic 620.2
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- multilocular (M8000/1) 239.5
- pseudomucinous (M8470/0) 220
- retention 620.2
- serous 620.2
- theca lutein 620.2
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6
- unspecified 620.2
- pelvis, female
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Cystocele
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Deformity 738.9
- soft parts, organs or tissues (of pelvis)
- in pregnancy or childbirth NEC 654.9
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Delivery
- complicated (by) NEC 669.9
- abdominal tumor, fetal 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- abnormal, abnormality of
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- forces of labor 661.9
- formation of uterus 654.0
- pelvic organs or tissues 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- pelvis (bony) (major) NEC 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- presentation or position NEC 652.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- size, fetus 653.5
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- soft parts (of pelvis) 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- uterine contractions NEC 661.9
- uterus (formation) 654.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- abnormally formed uterus (any type) (congenital) 654.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- acromion presentation 652.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- adherent placenta 667.0
- adhesions, uterus (to abdominal wall) 654.4
- advanced maternal age NEC 659.6
- air embolism 673.0
- amnionitis 658.4
- amniotic fluid embolism 673.1
- anesthetic death 668.9
- annular detachment, cervix 665.3
- antepartum hemorrhage - see Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage
- anteversion, cervix or uterus 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- apoplexy 674.0
- arrested active phase 661.1
- asymmetrical pelvis bone 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- atony, uterus with hemorrhage (hypotonic) (inertia) 666.1
- Bandl's ring 661.4
- Battledore placenta - see Placenta, abnormal
- bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- birth injury to mother NEC 665.9
- bleeding (see also Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage) 641.9
- breech presentation (assisted) (buttocks) (complete) (frank) (spontaneous) 652.2
- with successful version 652.1
- brow presentation 652.4
- cephalopelvic disproportion (normally formed fetus) 653.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- cerebral hemorrhage 674.0
- cervical dystocia 661.2
- chin presentation 652.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- cicatrix
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- coagulation defect 649.3
- colporrhexis 665.4
- with perineal laceration 664.0
- compound presentation 652.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- compression of cord (umbilical) 663.2
- contraction, contracted pelvis 653.1
- contraction ring 661.4
- cord (umbilical) 663.9
- Couvelaire uterus 641.2
- cretin pelvis (dwarf type) (male type) 653.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- crossbirth 652.3
- with successful version 652.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- cyst (Gartner's duct) 654.7
- cystocele 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- death of fetus (near term) 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- deformity (acquired) (congenital)
- fetus 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- pelvis (bony) NEC 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- delay, delayed
- delivery in multiple pregnancy 662.3
- due to locked mates 660.5
- following rupture of membranes (spontaneous) 658.2
- depressed fetal heart tones 659.7
- diastasis recti 665.8
- dilatation
- bladder 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- cervix, incomplete, poor or slow 661.0
- diseased placenta 656.7
- displacement uterus NEC 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- disproportion NEC 653.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- disruptio uteri - see Delivery, complicated, rupture, uterus
- distress
- double uterus (congenital) 654.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- dropsy amnion 657
- dysfunction, uterus 661.9
- dystocia
- cervical 661.2
- fetal - see Delivery, complicated, abnormal, presentation
- maternal - see Delivery, complicated, prolonged labor
- pelvic - see Delivery, complicated, contraction pelvis
- positional 652.8
- shoulder girdle 660.4
- eclampsia 642.6
- ectopic kidney 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- edema, cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- effusion, amniotic fluid 658.1
- elderly multigravida 659.6
- elderly primigravida 659.5
- embolism (pulmonary) 673.2
- entanglement, umbilical cord 663.3
- with compression 663.2
- around neck (with compression) 663.1
- eversion, cervix or uterus 665.2
- excessive
- face presentation 652.4
- failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- female genital mutilation 660.8
- fetal
- acid-base balance 656.8
- death (near term) NEC 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- deformity 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- distress 656.8
- heart rate or rhythm 659.7
- reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7
- fetopelvic disproportion 653.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- fever during labor 659.2
- fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- fibromyomata 654.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- forelying umbilical cord 663.0
- fracture of coccyx 665.6
- hematoma 664.5
- hemorrhage (uterine) (antepartum) (intrapartum) (pregnancy) 641.9
- accidental 641.2
- associated with
- cerebral 674.0
- due to
- low-lying placenta 641.1
- placenta previa 641.1
- premature separation of placenta (normally implanted) 641.2
- retained placenta 666.0
- trauma 641.8
- uterine leiomyoma 641.8
- marginal sinus rupture 641.2
- placenta NEC 641.9
- postpartum (atonic) (immediate) (within 24 hours) 666.1
- hourglass contraction, uterus 661.4
- hydramnios 657
- hydrocephalic fetus 653.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- hydrops fetalis 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
- hypertonic uterine dysfunction 661.4
- hypotonic uterine dysfunction 661.2
- impacted shoulders 660.4
- incarceration, uterus 654.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- incomplete dilation (cervix) 661.0
- incoordinate uterus 661.4
- indication NEC 659.9
- inertia, uterus 661.2
- infantile
- genitalia 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- uterus (os) 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- injury (to mother) NEC 665.9
- intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- inversion, uterus 665.2
- kidney, ectopic 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- knot (true), umbilical cord 663.2
- labor, premature (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2
- laceration 664.9
- anus (sphincter) (healed) (old) 654.8
- with mucosa 664.3
- not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6
- bladder (urinary) 665.5
- bowel 665.5
- central 664.4
- cervix (uteri) 665.3
- fourchette 664.0
- hymen 664.0
- labia (majora) (minora) 664.0
- pelvic
- perineum, perineal 664.4
- peritoneum 665.5
- periurethral tissue 664.8
- rectovaginal (septum) (without perineal laceration) 665.4
- with perineum 664.2
- with anal or rectal mucosa 664.3
- skin (perineum) 664.0
- specified site or type NEC 664.8
- sphincter ani (healed) (old) 654.8
- with mucosa 664.3
- not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6
- urethra 665.5
- uterus 665.1
- vagina, vaginal (deep) (high) (sulcus) (wall) (without perineal laceration) 665.4
- vulva 664.0
- lateroversion, uterus or cervix 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- locked mates 660.5
- low implantation of placenta - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, previa
- mal lie 652.9
- malposition
- fetus NEC 652.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- placenta 641.1
- uterus NEC or cervix 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- malpresentation 652.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- marginal sinus (bleeding) (rupture) 641.2
- maternal hypotension syndrome 669.2
- meconium in liquor 656.8
- membranes, retained - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, retained
- mentum presentation 652.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- metrorrhagia (myopathia) - see Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage
- metrorrhexis - see Delivery, complicated, rupture, uterus
- multiparity (grand) 659.4
- myelomeningocele, fetus 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- Nägele's pelvis 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- nonengagement, fetal head 652.5
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- oblique presentation 652.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- obstetric
- obstructed labor 660.9
- due to
- abnormality of pelvic organs or tissues (conditions classifiable to 654.0-654.9) 660.2
- deep transverse arrest 660.3
- impacted shoulders 660.4
- locked twins 660.5
- malposition and malpresentation of fetus (conditions classifiable to 652.0-652.9) 660.0
- persistent occipitoposterior 660.3
- shoulder dystocia 660.4
- occult prolapse of umbilical cord 663.0
- oversize fetus 653.5
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- pathological retraction ring, uterus 661.4
- pelvic
- arrest (deep) (high) (of fetal head) (transverse) 660.3
- deformity (bone) - see also Deformity, pelvis, with disproportion
- soft tissue 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- tumor NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument 665.1
- perforation - see Delivery, complicated, laceration
- persistent
- hymen 654.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- occipitoposterior 660.3
- placenta, placental
- polyhydramnios 657
- polyp, cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- precipitate labor 661.3
- premature
- labor (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2
- rupture, membranes 658.1
- delayed delivery following 658.2
- presenting umbilical cord 663.0
- previous
- cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- surgery
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- gynecological NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- perineum 654.8
- rectum 654.8
- uterus NEC 654.9
- due to previous cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vulva 654.8
- primary uterine inertia 661.0
- primipara, elderly or old 659.5
- prolapse
- arm or hand 652.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- cord (umbilical) 663.0
- fetal extremity 652.8
- foot or leg 652.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- umbilical cord (complete) (occult) (partial) 663.0
- uterus 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- prolonged labor 662.1
- pyrexia during labor 659.2
- rachitic pelvis 653.2
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- rectocele 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- retained membranes or portions of placenta 666.2
- retarded (prolonged) birth 662.1
- retention secundines (with hemorrhage) 666.2
- retroversion, uterus or cervix 654.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- rigid
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- pelvic floor 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- perineum or vulva 654.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- Robert's pelvis 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- rupture - see also Delivery, complicated, laceration
- bladder (urinary) 665.5
- cervix 665.3
- marginal sinus 641.2
- membranes, premature 658.1
- pelvic organ NEC 665.5
- perineum (without mention of other laceration) - see Delivery, complicated, laceration, perineum
- peritoneum 665.5
- urethra 665.5
- uterus (during labor) 665.1
- sacculation, pregnant uterus 654.4
- sacral teratomas, fetal 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- scar(s)
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- perineum 654.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- uterus NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- due to previous cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vulva 654.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- scoliotic pelvis 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- secondary uterine inertia 661.1
- secundines, retained - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, retained
- separation
- septate vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- shock (birth) (obstetric) (puerperal) 669.1
- short cord syndrome 663.4
- shoulder
- Siamese twins 678.1
- slow slope active phase 661.2
- spasm
- spondylolisthesis, pelvis 653.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- spondylolysis (lumbosacral) 653.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- spondylosis 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- stenosis or stricture
- cervix 654.6
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- vagina 654.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- sudden death, unknown cause 669.9
- tear (pelvic organ) (see also Delivery, complicated, laceration) 664.9
- anal sphincter (healed) (old) 654.8
- not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6
- teratomas, sacral, fetal 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- tetanic uterus 661.4
- tipping pelvis 653.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- transverse
- arrest (deep) 660.3
- presentation or lie 652.3
- with successful version 652.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- trauma (obstetrical) NEC 665.9
- tumor
- abdominal, fetal 653.7
- causing obstructed labor 660.1
- pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- umbilical cord (see also Delivery, complicated, cord) 663.9
- around neck tightly, or with compression 663.1
- entanglement NEC 663.3
- prolapse (complete) (occult) (partial) 663.0
- unstable lie 652.0
- causing obstructed labor 660.0
- uterine
- inertia (see also Delivery, complicated, inertia, uterus) 661.2
- spasm 661.4
- vasa previa 663.5
- velamentous insertion of cord 663.8
- young maternal age 659.8
- Dilatation
- bladder (sphincter) 596.8
- congenital 753.8
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Ectopic, ectopia (congenital) 759.89
- kidney (crossed) (intrathoracic) (pelvis) 753.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- Fibroid (tumor) (M8890/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Fibromyoma (M8890/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
- uterus (corpus) (see also Leiomyoma, uterus) 218.9
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Fibrosis, fibrotic
- perineum, in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Incarceration, incarcerated
- uterus 621.8
- gravid 654.3
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Infantile - see also condition
- genitalia, genitals 259.0
- in pregnancy or childbirth NEC 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly
- pelvic organs or tissues
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.9
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Malposition
- pelvic organs or tissues
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- uterus (acquired) (acute) (adherent) (any degree) (asymptomatic) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) 621.6
- anteflexion or anteversion (see also Anteversion, uterus) 621.6
- congenital 752.3
- flexion 621.6
- lateral (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- inversion 621.6
- lateral (flexion) (version) (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6
- lateroflexion (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6
- lateroversion (see also Lateroversion, uterus) 621.6
- retroflexion or retroversion (see also Retroversion, uterus) 621.6
- Myoma (M8895/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
- uterus (cervix) (corpus) (see also Leiomyoma) 218.9
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive
- Persistence, persistent (congenital) 759.89
- hymen (tag)
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- Polyp, polypus
- cervix (uteri) 622.7
- adenomatous 219.0
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- mucous 622.7
- nonneoplastic 622.7
- uterus (body) (corpus) (mucous) 621.0
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.1
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- Prolapse, prolapsed
- cervix, cervical (hypertrophied) 618.1
- anterior lip, obstructing labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- congenital 752.49
- postpartal (old) 618.1
- stump 618.84
- uterus (first degree) (second degree) (third degree) (complete) (without vaginal wall prolapse) 618.1
- with mention of vaginal wall prolapse - see Prolapse, uterovaginal
- congenital 752.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- postpartal (old) 618.1
- Rectocele
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Retroversion, retroverted
- uterus, uterine (acquired) (acute) (adherent) (any degree) (asymptomatic) (cervix) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) 621.6
- congenital 752.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.3
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Rigid, rigidity - see also condition
- cervix uteri
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- pelvic floor
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- perineum or vulva
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.8
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- vagina
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Sacculation
- pregnant uterus, complicating delivery 654.4
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Scar, scarring (see also Cicatrix) 709.2
- cervix
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Septum, septate (congenital) - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC
- vagina 752.49
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- cervix, cervical (canal) 622.4
- congenital 752.49
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- vagina 623.2
- congenital 752.49
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
- cervix, cervical (canal) 622.4
- congenital 752.49
- in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
- causing obstructed labor 660.2
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- Surgery
- previous, in pregnancy or childbirth
- cervix 654.6
- affecting fetus or newborn (see also Newborn, affected by) 760.63
- causing obstructed labor 660.2