Convert to ICD-10-CM:
429.71 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I51.0 Cardiac septal defect, acquired
ICD-9-CM Coding Information
- 429.71 is only applicable to adult patients aged 15 - 124 years inclusive.
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9
- heart 746.9
- auricle 746.9
- bands 746.9
- fibroelastosis cordis 425.3
- folds 746.9
- malposition 746.87
- maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
- obstructive NEC 746.84
- patent ductus arteriosus (Botalli) 747.0
- septum 745.9
- acquired 429.71
- aortic 745.0
- aorticopulmonary 745.0
- atrial 745.5
- auricular 745.5
- between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0
- endocardial cushion type 745.60
- interatrial 745.5
- interventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- specified type NEC 745.8
- ventricular 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- specified type NEC 746.89
- tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- valve NEC 746.9
- ventricle 746.9
- Defect, defective 759.9
- atrial septal (ostium secundum type) 745.5
- acquired 429.71
- ostium primum type 745.61
- sinus venosus 745.8
- atrioventricular
- atrium secundum 745.5
- acquired 429.71
- auricular septal 745.5
- acquired 429.71
- interatrial septal 745.5
- acquired 429.71
- interauricular septal 745.5
- acquired 429.71
- interventricular septal 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- septal (closure) (heart) NEC 745.9
- acquired 429.71
- atrial 745.5
- specified type NEC 745.8
- ventricular septal 745.4
- with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2
- acquired 429.71
- atrioventricular canal type 745.69
- between infundibulum and anterior portion 745.4
- in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2
- isolated anterior 745.4