Convert to ICD-10-CM:
496 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
This code is not to be used with any code from categories
493ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Bronchorrhea (chronic) (purulent) 491.0
- acute 466.0
- with
- asthma - see Asthma
- bronchiolitis, acute 466.19
- due to respiratory syncytial virus 466.11
- bronchitis - see Bronchitis
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 496
- emphysema - see Emphysema
- due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, acute, due to
- acute 519.11
- exercise induced 493.81
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- lung NEC 518.89
- black 500
- congenital 748.60
- cystic 518.89
- fibroid (chronic) (see also Fibrosis, lung) 515
- fluke 121.2
- in
- interstitial (chronic) 515
- nonspecific, chronic 496
- obstructive (chronic) (COPD) 496
- with
- acute
- alveolitis, allergic (see also Alveolitis, allergic) 495.9
- asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
- bronchiectasis 494.0
- with acute exacerbation 494.1
- bronchitis (chronic) 491.20
- decompensated 491.21
- emphysema NEC 492.8
- diffuse (with fibrosis) 496
- of childhood, specified NEC 516.69
- polycystic 518.89
- asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
- congenital 748.4
- purulent (cavitary) 513.0
- restrictive 518.89
- rheumatoid 714.81
- specified NEC 518.89
- pulmonary - see also Disease, lung
- amyloid 277.39 [517.8]
- artery 417.9
- circulation, circulatory 417.9
- diffuse obstructive (chronic) 496
- with
- acute bronchitis 491.22
- asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
- exacerbation NEC (acute) 491.21
- heart (chronic) 416.9
- hypertensive (vascular) 416.0
- obstructive diffuse (chronic) 496
- valve (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3
- respiratory (tract) 519.9
- acute or subacute (upper) NEC 465.9
- chronic 519.9
- arising in the perinatal period 770.7
- due to fumes or vapors 506.4
- due to
- aspiration of liquids or solids 508.9
- external agents NEC 508.9
- fumes or vapors 506.9
- fetus or newborn NEC 770.9
- obstructive 496
- smoke inhalation 508.2
- specified type NEC 519.8
- upper (acute) (infectious) NEC 465.9
- DOPS (diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome) 496
- Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive
- airway NEC 519.8
- with
- allergic alveolitis NEC 495.9
- asthma NEC (see also Asthma) 493.9
- bronchiectasis 494.0
- with acute exacerbation 494.1
- bronchitis (see also Bronchitis, with, obstruction) 491.20
- emphysema NEC 492.8
- chronic 496
- with
- allergic alveolitis NEC 495.5
- asthma NEC (see also Asthma) 493.2
- bronchiectasis 494.0
- with acute exacerbation 494.1
- bronchitis (chronic) (see also Bronchitis, chronic, obstructive) 491.20
- emphysema NEC 492.8
- due to
- lung 518.89
- with
- asthma - see Asthma
- bronchitis (chronic) 491.20
- emphysema NEC 492.8
- airway, chronic 496
- chronic NEC 496
- with
- asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
- disease, chronic 496
- with
- asthma (chronic) (obstructive) 493.2
- emphysematous 492.8
- respiratory 519.8
- chronic 496
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- diffuse obstructive pulmonary 496