- A decrease in red blood cells that occurs when the body cannot absorb vitamin b12
- A megaloblastic anemia occurring in children but more commonly in later life, characterized by histamine-fast achlorhydria, in which the laboratory and clinical manifestations are based on malabsorption of vitamin b 12 due to a failure of the gastric mucosa to secrete adequate and potent intrinsic factor. (Dorland, 27th ed)
- A type of anemia (low red blood cell count) caused by the body's inability to absorb vitamin b12.
- Anemia due to poor intestinal absorption of vitamin b12 caused by defective production of intrinsic factor (a carrier protein) by the gastric mucosa.
- Megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin b-12 deficiency due to impaired absorption. The impaired absorption of vitamin b-12 is secondary to atrophic gastritis and loss of gastric parietal cells.