2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 692.9
Contact dermatitis and other eczema, unspecified cause
- Short description: Dermatitis NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 692.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 692.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2013 version of ICD-9-CM 692.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 692.9: 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
692.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM L25.9 Unspecified contact dermatitis, unspecified cause
Applies To
- Dermatitis:
- contact NOS
- venenata NOS
- Eczema NOS
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Allergy, allergic (reaction) 995.3

skin reaction 692.9
specified substance - see Dermatitis, due to
- Dermatitis (allergic) (contact) (occupational) (venenata) 692.9
acneiform 692.9
due to

burn or scald - see Burn, by site

sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71
anaphylactoid NEC 692.9
atopic (allergic) (intrinsic) 691.8
autoimmune progesterone 279.49
due to

burn or scald - see Burn, by site

cold 692.89

sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71
due to

burn or scald - see Burn, by site

sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71
due to
acetone 692.2

acids 692.4

adhesive plaster 692.4

alcohol (skin contact) (substances classifiable to 980.0
) 692.4

alkalis 692.4

allergy NEC 692.9
ammonia (household) (liquid) 692.4

arnica 692.3

arsenic 692.4

blister beetle 692.89

cantharides 692.3

carbon disulphide 692.2

caterpillar 692.89

caustics 692.4

cereal (ingested) 693.1

chemical(s) NEC 692.4

chlorocompounds 692.2

coffee (ingested) 693.1

cold weather 692.89

cosmetics 692.81

cyclohexanes 692.2

dander, animal (cat) (dog) 692.84

deodorant 692.81

detergents 692.0

dichromate 692.4

drugs and medicinals (correct substance properly administered) (internal use) 693.0

external (in contact with skin) 692.3

wrong substance given or taken 976.9

specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

dyes 692.89

epidermophytosis - see Dermatophytosis
esters 692.2

external irritant NEC 692.9
eye shadow 692.81

fish (ingested) 693.1

flour (ingested) 693.1

food (ingested) 693.1

in contact with skin 692.5

fruit (ingested) 693.1

fungicides 692.3

furs 692.84

glycols 692.2

greases NEC 692.1

hair, animal (cat) (dog) 692.84

hair dyes 692.89


objects and materials - see Burn, by site

weather or places 692.89

hydrocarbons 692.2

infrared rays, except from sun 692.82

solar NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70

ingested substance 693.9

drugs and medicinals (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs and medicinals) 693.0

food 693.1

specified substance NEC 693.8

ingestion or injection of

chemical 693.8

drug (correct substance properly administered) 693.0

wrong substance given or taken 977.9

specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

insecticides 692.4

internal agent 693.9

drugs and medicinals (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs and medicinals) 693.0

food (ingested) 693.1

in contact with skin 692.5

specified agent NEC 693.8

iodine 692.3

iodoform 692.3

irradiation 692.82

jewelry 692.83

keratolytics 692.3

ketones 692.2

lacquer tree (Rhus verniciflua) 692.6

light (sun) NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70

low temperature 692.89

mascara 692.81

meat (ingested) 693.1

mercury, mercurials 692.3

metals 692.83

milk (ingested) 693.1

Neomycin 692.3

nylon 692.4

oils NEC 692.1

paint solvent 692.2

pediculocides 692.3

petroleum products (substances classifiable to 981
) 692.4

phenol 692.3

photosensitiveness, photosensitivity (sun) 692.72

plants NEC 692.6

plasters, medicated (any) 692.3

plastic 692.4


ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) 692.6

oak (Rhus diversiloba) 692.6

plant or vine 692.6

sumac (Rhus venenata) 692.6

vine (Rhus radicans) 692.6

preservatives 692.89

primrose (primula) 692.6

primula 692.6

radiation 692.82

sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70

tanning bed 692.82

radioactive substance 692.82

radium 692.82

ragweed (Senecio jacobae) 692.6

Rhus (diversiloba) (radicans) (toxicodendron) (venenata) (verniciflua) 692.6

rubber 692.4

scabicides 692.3

Senecio jacobae 692.6

solar radiation - see Dermatitis, due to, sun
solvents (any) (substances classifiable to (982.0
) 692.2

specified agent NEC 692.89

sun 692.70

sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71

sunshine NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70

tanning bed 692.82

tetrachlorethylene 692.2

toluene 692.2

topical medications 692.3

turpentine 692.2

ultraviolet rays, except from sun 692.82

sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70

vaccine or vaccination (correct substance properly administered) 693.0

wrong substance given or taken

bacterial vaccine 978.8

specified - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

other vaccines NEC 979.9

specified - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

varicose veins (see also Varicose, vein, inflamed or infected) 454.1

x-rays 692.82
eczematoid NEC 692.9
eczematous NEC 692.9
escharotica - see Burn, by site
exfoliativa, exfoliative 695.89
gangrenosa, gangrenous (infantum) (see also Gangrene) 785.4
herpetiformis (bullous) (erythematous) (pustular) (vesicular) 694.0
hypostatic, hypostatica 454.1
impetiginous 684
infantile (acute) (chronic) (intertriginous) (intrinsic) (seborrheic) 690.12
infectiosa eczematoides 690.8
infectious (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) 686.9
infective eczematoid 690.8
Jacquet's (diaper dermatitis) 691.0
lichenified NEC 692.9
lichenoides purpurica pigmentosa 709.1
medicamentosa (correct substance properly administered) (internal use) (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs or medicinals) 693.0

due to contact with skin 692.3
nummular NEC 692.9
osteatosis, osteatotic 706.8
papillaris capillitii 706.1
pigmented purpuric lichenoid 709.1
polymorpha dolorosa 694.0
primary irritant 692.9
pruritic NEC 692.9
psoriasiform nodularis 696.2
psychogenic 316
pustular contagious 051.2
Schamberg's (progressive pigmentary dermatosis) 709.09
sensitization NEC 692.9
septic (see also Septicemia) 686.00
solar, solare NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
stasis 454.1

due to

postphlebitic syndrome 459.12

varicose veins - see Varicose

ulcerated or with ulcer (varicose) 454.2
sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71
ultraviolet, except from sun 692.82

due to sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
- Dermatosis 709.9

occupational (see also Dermatitis) 692.9
- Eczema (acute) (allergic) (chronic) (erythematous) (fissum) (occupational) (rubrum) (squamous) 692.9
contact NEC 692.9
dermatitis NEC 692.9
due to specified cause - see Dermatitis, due to
hypostatic - see Varicose, vein
impetiginous 684
infantile (acute) (chronic) (due to any substance) (intertriginous) (seborrheic) 690.12
intertriginous NEC 692.9
lichenified NEC 692.9
nummular 692.9
stasis (lower extremity) 454.1
vaccination, vaccinatum 999.0
varicose (lower extremity) - see Varicose, vein
verrucosum callosum 698.3
- Salt-rheum (see also Eczema) 692.9