Specific code 2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 995.3
Allergy, unspecified, not elsewhere classified
  • Short description: Allergy, unspecified.
  • ICD-9-CM 995.3 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 995.3 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
  • You are viewing the 2013 version of ICD-9-CM 995.3.
  • More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 995.3: 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM: 995.3 converts approximately to:
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T78.40XA Allergy, unspecified, initial encounter
Approximate Synonyms
  • 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor allergy
  • Acetic acid allergy
  • Acute allergic reaction
  • Adverse cutaneous reaction to diagnostic procedure
  • Adverse reaction to substance
  • Alcohol products allergy
  • Alcoholic disinfectant allergy
  • Aldehyde disinfectant allergy
  • Allergic disorder
  • Allergic disorder - symptom change
  • Allergic disorder by allergen type
  • Allergic disorder by body site affected
  • Allergic disposition
  • Allergic headache
  • Allergic neuropathy
  • Allergic reaction
  • Allergic reaction to adhesive
  • Allergic reaction to animal
  • Allergic reaction to bite and/or sting
  • Allergic reaction to chemical
  • Allergic reaction to cosmetics
  • Allergic reaction to detergent
  • Allergic reaction to dye
  • Allergic reaction to flea bite
  • Allergic reaction to flour dust
  • Allergic reaction to food
  • Allergic reaction to grass pollen
  • Allergic reaction to nickel
  • Allergic reaction to oil
  • Allergic reaction to plant, except food
  • Allergic reaction to platinum
  • Allergic reaction to pollen
  • Allergic reaction to substance
  • Allergic reaction to tattoo ink
  • Allergic reaction to tree pollen
  • Allergic reaction to weed pollen
  • Allergic sensitization by patch test
  • Allergic state
  • Allergy
  • Allergy to adhesive
  • Allergy to adhesive bandage
  • Allergy to almond oil
  • Allergy to aluminum
  • Allergy to angiotensin II receptor antagonist
  • Allergy to apple juice
  • Allergy to aspartame
  • Allergy to bee venom
  • Allergy to biocide
  • Allergy to biocide in cosmetic
  • Allergy to carrot
  • Allergy to cherry
  • Allergy to cinnamon
  • Allergy to citrus fruit
  • Allergy to coconut oil
  • Allergy to corn
  • Allergy to cosmetic
  • Allergy to dairy product
  • Allergy to dog dander
  • Allergy to dye
  • Allergy to ethyl alcohol
  • Allergy to fish
  • Allergy to flavor
  • Allergy to fruit
  • Allergy to gauze
  • Allergy to grass pollen
  • Allergy to horse dander
  • Allergy to lichen
  • Allergy to lobster
  • Allergy to mold
  • Allergy to Myroxylon pereirae
  • Allergy to nickel
  • Allergy to nuts
  • Allergy to oats
  • Allergy to oyster
  • Allergy to peanuts
  • Allergy to plant
  • Allergy to pork
  • Allergy to potato
  • Allergy to ragweed pollen
  • Allergy to red meat
  • Allergy to rubber
  • Allergy to rye
  • Allergy to scorpion venom
  • Allergy to seed
  • Allergy to shrimp
  • Allergy to spider venom
  • Allergy to strawberries
  • Allergy to substance
  • Allergy to sulfite based food preservative
  • Allergy to tomato
  • Allergy to tree pollen
  • Allergy to tree resin
  • Allergy to wasp venom
  • Allergy to watermelon
  • Allergy to weed pollen
  • Allergy to wheat
  • Allergy to wood
  • Allergy to wool
  • Antibody-mediated activation and inactivation
  • Antibody-mediated cytolysis
  • Arthropathy associated with a hypersensitivity reaction
  • Atenolol sensitivity
  • Atopic constitution as co-factor
  • Atopic reaction
  • Atopy
  • Base allergy
  • Belladonna alkaloids allergy
  • Borate allergy
  • Carbamate pesticide allergy
  • Carbaryl allergy
  • Carbomer-940 allergy
  • Carmellose allergy
  • Cell-mediated cytotoxic disorder
  • Cell-mediated cytotoxic reaction
  • Cellulose-derived viscosity modifier allergy
  • Chlorinated pesticide adverse reaction
  • Chlorinated pesticide allergy
  • Chlorinated phenol disinfectant allergy
  • Citrate allergy
  • Cloxacillin allergy
  • Combined oral contraceptive allergy
  • Contact hypersensitivity
  • Contact hypersensitivity reaction
  • Cross sensitivity reaction
  • Cutaneous hypersensitivity
  • Cutis laxa following hypersensitivity reaction
  • Delayed hypersensitivity disorder
  • Dicobalt edetate allergy
  • Digitoxin allergy
  • Dimethicone allergy
  • Disinfectants and cleansers allergy
  • Dithranol paste allergy
  • Enteral and supplement feeds allergy
  • Environmental allergy
  • Fish oils allergy
  • Fludrocortisone allergy
  • Fluoride allergy
  • Food allergy
  • Formaldehyde allergy
  • Gastrointestinal food allergy
  • Glutaraldehyde allergy
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose allergy
  • Hypersensitivity disorder
  • Hypersensitivity disorder mediated by immune complex
  • Hypersensitivity reaction
  • Hypersensitivity reaction mediated by antibody
  • Hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immune complex
  • Hypersensitivity reaction with blocking antibody
  • Hypersensitivity reaction without blocking antibody
  • Hypersensitivity to endogenous antigen
  • Hypersensitivity to foreign antigen
  • Hypromellose allergy
  • Hypromellose eye drops allergy
  • Idiosyncrasy
  • IgE-mediated allergic disorder
  • Immune hypersensitivity disorder
  • Immune hypersensitivity disorder by mechanism
  • Immune hypersensitivity reaction
  • Injection site hypersensitivity
  • Intravenous nutrition allergy
  • Jarisch Herxheimer reaction
  • Jones-Mote type hypersensitivity
  • Latex allergy
  • Lichenoid allergic contact reaction
  • Lichenoid allergic contact reaction affecting oral mucosa
  • Lichenoid reaction to color developer
  • Lichenoid reaction to tattoo
  • Lindane allergy
  • Liquid paraffin allergy
  • Malathion allergy
  • Metal allergy
  • Multiple electrolyte infusion allergy
  • Multiple environmental allergies
  • Nonatopic IgE-mediated allergic disorder
  • Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
  • Non-IgE-mediated allergic disorder
  • Nonimmune hypersensitivity disorder
  • Nonimmune hypersensitivity reaction
  • Non-ionic surfactant allergy
  • Nonoxinol allergy
  • Octoxinol allergy
  • Olive oil allergy
  • Omega 3-marine triglycerides allergy
  • Oral allergy syndrome
  • Oral rehydration salts allergy
  • Organophosphate pesticide allergy
  • Paraffin allergy
  • Paraffin-white soft allergy
  • Paraffin-yellow soft allergy
  • Perfume allergy
  • Permethrin allergy
  • Pesticide allergy
  • Phenol allergy
  • Phenothrin allergy
  • Pollen-food allergy
  • Polyvinyl alcohol allergy
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L ankle
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L elbow
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L hand
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L hip
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L knee
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L shoulder
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of L wrist
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left ankle
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left ankle and/or foot
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left elbow
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left elbow
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left hand
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left hand
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left hip
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left hip
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left knee
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left knee
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left shoulder
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left shoulder
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of left wrist
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of left wrist
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of multiple sites
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of multiple sites
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R ankle
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R elbow
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R hand
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R hip
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R knee
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of R shoulder
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right ankle
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right ankle and/or foot
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right elbow
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right elbow
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right hand
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right hand
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right hip
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right hip
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right knee
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right knee
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of right shoulder
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of right shoulder
  • Postimmunization arthropathy of vertebra
  • Post-immunization arthropathy of vertebrae
  • Potassium clorazepate allergy
  • Propensity to adverse reactions to food
  • Pyrethroid pesticides allergy
  • Reaction to thorn and/or spine in skin
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Seasonal allergy
  • Silicone allergy
  • Skin reaction to noxious and/or venomous marine invertebrate
  • Skin reaction to vesicant poison
  • Skin sign from acute arsenic toxicity
  • Sodium fluoride allergy
  • Sulfur allergy
  • Tape allergy
  • Terpenes allergy
  • Tetanus immunoglobulin allergy
  • Tetracyclines group allergy
  • Thymol allergy
  • Tissue sensitivity
  • Type 1 hypersensitivity response
  • Type 1 skin hypersensitivity reaction
  • Type 4 hypersensitivity response
  • Viscosity modifier allergy
  • Wool alcohol allergy
  • Zinc allergy
995.3 Excludes
  • allergic reaction NOS to correct medicinal substance properly administered (995.27)
  • allergy to existing dental restorative materials (525.66)
  • specific types of allergic reaction, such as:
Applies To
  • Allergic reaction NOS
  • Hypersensitivity NOS
  • Idiosyncrasy NOS
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 995.3:
  • Allergy, allergic (reaction) 995.3
    • air-borne substance (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
      • specified allergen NEC 477.8
    • alveolitis (extrinsic) 495.9
      • due to
        • Aspergillus clavatus 495.4
        • cryptostroma corticale 495.6
        • organisms (fungal, thermophilic actinomycete, other) growing in ventilation (air conditioning systems) 495.7
      • specified type NEC 495.8
    • anaphylactic reaction or shock 995.0
      • due to food - see Anaphylactic reaction or shock, due to, food
    • angioneurotic edema 995.1
    • arthritis (see also Arthritis, allergic) 716.2
    • asthma - see Asthma
    • bee sting (anaphylactic shock) 989.5
    • biological - see Allergy, drug
    • bronchial asthma - see Asthma
    • conjunctivitis (eczematous) 372.14
    • dander, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
    • dermatitis (venenata) - see Dermatitis
    • drug, medicinal substance, and biological (any) (correct medicinal substance properly administered) (external) (internal) 995.27
      • wrong substance given or taken NEC 977.9
        • specified drug or substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
    • dust (house) (stock) 477.8
    • eczema - see Eczema
    • existing dental restorative material 525.66
    • hair, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
    • hay fever (grass) (pollen) (ragweed) (tree) (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
    • horse serum - see Allergy, serum
    • medicine - see Allergy, drug
    • pollen (any) (hay fever) 477.0
      • asthma (see also Asthma) 493.0
    • ragweed (pollen) (Senecio jacobae) 477.0
    • respiratory (see also Allergy, inhalant) 477.9
      • due to
        • drug - see Allergy, drug
        • food - see Allergy, food
    • rhinitis (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
    • serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.59
      • anaphylactic reaction or shock 999.49
    • shock (anaphylactic) (due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered) 995.0
      • food - see Anaphylactic reaction or shock, due to, food
      • from
    • sinusitis (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
    • skin reaction 692.9
      • specified substance - see Dermatitis, due to
    • tree (any) (hay fever) (pollen) 477.0
      • asthma (see also Asthma) 493.0
    • upper respiratory (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
    • vaccine - see Allergy, serum
  • Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity - see also Allergy
    • reaction (see also Allergy) 995.3
      • upper respiratory tract NEC 478.8
  • Idiosyncrasy (see also Allergy) 995.3
    • drug, medicinal substance, and biological - see Allergy, drug
  • Reaction
    • allergic (see also Allergy) 995.3
      • drug, medicinal substance, and biological - see Allergy, drug
      • due to correct medical substance properly administered 995.27
      • food - see Allergy, food
      • serum 999.59
ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions. ICD-9-CM 995.3 is one of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used in healthcare. Although ICD-9-CM and CPT codes are largely numeric, they differ in that CPT codes describe medical procedures and services. Can't find a code? Start at the root of ICD-9-CM, check the 2013 ICD-9-CM Index or use the search engine at the top of this page to lookup any code.