Convert to ICD-10-CM:
610.1 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM N60.19 Diffuse cystic mastopathy of unspecified breast
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Bloodgood's disease 610.1
- Cooper's
- disease 610.1
- Cystic - see also condition
- breast, chronic 610.1
- disease
- mastitis, chronic 610.1
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Bloodgood's 610.1
- breast 611.9
- cystic (chronic) 610.1
- fibrocystic 610.1
- inflammatory 611.0
- Paget's (M8540/3) 174.0
- puerperal, postpartum NEC 676.3
- specified NEC 611.89
- Cooper's 610.1
- cystic
- breast (chronic) 610.1
- kidney, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10
- liver, congenital 751.62
- lung 518.89
- pancreas 577.2
- renal, congenital (see also Cystic, disease, kidney) 753.10
- semilunar cartilage 717.5
- Phocas' 610.1
- Reclus' (cystic) 610.1
- Schimmelbusch's 610.1
- Dysplasia - see also Anomaly
- mammary (benign) (gland) 610.9
- cystic 610.1
- specified type NEC 610.8
- Fibrocystic
- Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
- Schimmelbusch's 610.1
- Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
- breast 611.1
- cystic 610.1
- fetus or newborn 778.7
- fibrocystic 610.1
- massive pubertal 611.1
- puerperal, postpartum 676.3
- senile (parenchymatous) 611.1
- Involution, involutional - see also condition
- breast, cystic or fibrocystic 610.1
- Mastitis (acute) (adolescent) (diffuse) (interstitial) (lobular) (nonpuerperal) (nonsuppurative) (parenchymatous) (phlegmonous) (simple) (subacute) (suppurative) 611.0
- chronic (cystic) (fibrocystic) 610.1
- cystic 610.1
- Schimmelbusch's type 610.1
- fibrocystic 610.1
- Mastopathy, mastopathia 611.9
- chronica cystica 610.1
- diffuse cystic 610.1
- Papillomatosis (M8060/0) - see also Neoplasm, by site, benign
- ductal, breast 610.1
- Phocas' disease 610.1
- Reclus' disease (cystic) 610.1
- Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia 610.1