2008 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 427.9
Cardiac dysrhythmia unspecified
- Short description: CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIA NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 427.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 427.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2008 version of ICD-9-CM 427.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 427.9: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
427.9 converts directly to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I49.9 Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified
Approximate Synonyms
- Abnormal cardiac conduction
- Abnormal heart beat
- Alteration in heart rate
- Atrial arrhythmia
- Cardiac arrhythmia
- Cardiac arrythmia complicating childbirth
- Cardiac arrythmia in childbirth
- Cardiac dysrhythmia
- Cardiac dysrhythmia (heart rhythm disorder)
- Conduction disorder of the heart
- Conduction disorder of the heart postpartum
- Disorder of cardiac function
- Electrocardiogram: supraventricular arrhythmia
- Electrocardiogram: ventricular arrhythmia
- Fibrillation
- Heart irregular
- Heart irregularly irregular
- Heart regularly irregular
- Irregular heart beat
- Irregular heart rate
- Neonatal (newborn) arrhythmia
- Neonatal arrhythmia
- Neonatal dysrhythmia
- Postpartum (after childbirth) cardiac arrythmia
- Postpartum cardiac arrythmia
- Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
- Slow ventricular response
- Supraventricular arrhythmia
- Ventricular arrhythmia
- Ventricular arrhythmia (heart beat disorder)
- Ventricular pre-excitation
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Action, heart
disorder 427.9
irregular 427.9
- Arrhythmia (auricle) (cardiac) (cordis) (gallop rhythm) (juvenile) (nodal) (reflex) (sinus) (supraventricular) (transitory) (ventricle) 427.9
contractions, premature 427.60
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
heart (organic) 429.9


acute pulmonary edema (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

hypertensive 402.91

kidney disease - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390

amyloid 277.39
aortic (valve) (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1

arteriosclerotic or sclerotic (minimal) (senile) - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
artery, arterial - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
atherosclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
beer drinkers' 425.5

beriberi 265.0
black 416.0

congenital NEC 746.9

cyanotic 746.9

maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3

specified type NEC 746.89

congestive (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

coronary 414.9

cryptogenic 429.9

due to
fetal 746.9

fibroid (see also Myocarditis) 429.0

functional 427.9
glycogen storage 271.0
gonococcal NEC 098.85

gouty 274.82

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

hyperthyroid (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9
incompletely diagnosed - see Disease, heart
ischemic (chronic) (see also Ischemia, heart) 414.9

acute (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9

without myocardial infarction 411.89

with coronary (artery) occlusion 411.81

asymptomatic 412

diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation but currently presenting no symptoms 412

kyphoscoliotic 416.1

mitral (see also Endocarditis, mitral) 394.9

muscular (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

postpartum 674.8

psychogenic (functional) 306.2

pulmonary (chronic) 416.9

rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (old) (quiescent) (with chorea) 398.90

active or acute 391.9

with chorea (active) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) 392.0

specified type NEC 391.8

maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3

rheumatoid - see Arthritis, rheumatoid
sclerotic - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
senile (see also Myocarditis) 429.0

specified type NEC 429.89

syphilitic 093.89

thyroid (gland) (see also Hyperthyroidism) 242.9
thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.9
valve, valvular (obstructive) (regurgitant) - see also Endocarditis

congenital NEC (see also Anomaly, heart, valve) 746.9

vascular - see Disease, cardiovascular
- Disorder - see also Disease
cardiac, functional 427.9
heart action 427.9
- Disturbance - see also Disease
rhythm, heart 427.9
postoperative (immediate) 997.1

long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4

psychogenic 306.2
- Dysfunction
heart 427.9
postoperative (immediate) 997.1

long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- Dysrhythmia
cardiac 427.9
postoperative (immediate) 997.1

long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4

specified type NEC 427.89
- Irregular, irregularity
action, heart 427.9
- Rhythm
disorder 427.9
heart, abnormal 427.9
fetus or newborn - see Abnormal, heart rate