ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 716.9
- due to or associated with
- acromegaly 253.0 [713.0]
- actinomycosis 039.8 [711.4]
- amyloidosis 277.39 [713.7]
- bacterial disease NEC 040.89 [711.4]
- Behçet's syndrome 136.1 [711.2]
- blastomycosis 116.0 [711.6]
- brucellosis (see also Brucellosis) 023.9 [711.4]
- caisson disease 993.3
- coccidioidomycosis 114.3 [711.6]
- coliform (Escherichia coli) 711.0
- colitis, ulcerative - (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9 [713.1]
- cowpox 051.0 [711.5]
- crystals -(see also Gout)
- dermatoarthritis, lipoid 272.8 [713.0]
- dermatological disorder NEC 709.9 [713.3]
- diabetes 250.6 [713.5]
- diphtheria 032.89 [711.4]
- dracontiasis 125.7 [711.7]
- dysentery 009.0 [711.3]
- endocrine disorder NEC 259.9 [713.0]
- enteritis NEC 009.1 [711.3]
- epiphyseal slip, nontraumatic (old) 716.8
- erysipelas 035 [711.4]
- erythema
- Escherichia coli 711.0
- filariasis NEC 125.9 [711.7]
- gastrointestinal condition NEC 569.9 [713.1]
- glanders 024 [711.4]
- Gonococcus 098.50
- gout 274.0
- H. influenzae 711.0
- helminthiasis NEC 128.9 [711.7]
- hematological disorder NEC 289.9 [713.2]
- hemochromatosis 275.0 [713.0]
- hemoglobinopathy NEC (see also Disease, hemoglobin) 282.7 [713.2]
- hemophilia (see also Hemophilia) 286.0 [713.2]
- hemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) 711.0
- Henoch (-Schönlein) purpura 287.0 [713.6]
- histoplasmosis NEC (see also Histoplasmosis) 115.99 [711.6]
- hyperparathyroidism 252.00 [713.0]
- hypersensitivity reaction NEC 995.3 [713.6]
- hypogammaglobulinemia (see also Hypogammaglobulinemia) 279.00 [713.0]
- hypothyroidism NEC 244.9 [713.0]
- infection (see also Arthritis, infectious) 711.9
- infectious disease NEC 136.9 [711.8]
- leprosy (see also Leprosy) 030.9 [711.4]
- leukemia NEC (M9800/3) 208.9 [713.2]
- lipoid dermatoarthritis 272.8 [713.0]
- Lyme disease 088.81 [711.8]
- Mediterranean fever, familial 277.31 [713.7]
- meningococcal infection 036.82
- metabolic disorder NEC 277.9 [713.0]
- multiple myelomatosis (M9730/3) 203.0 [713.2]
- mumps 072.79 [711.5]
- mycobacteria 031.8 [711.4]
- mycosis NEC 117.9 [711.6]
- neurological disorder NEC 349.9 [713.5]
- ochronosis 270.2 [713.0]
- O'Nyong Nyong 066.3 [711.5]
- parasitic disease NEC 136.9 [711.8]
- paratyphoid fever (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9 [711.3]
- Pneumococcus 711.0
- poliomyelitis (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9 [711.5]
- Pseudomonas 711.0
- psoriasis 696.0
- pyogenic organism (E. coli) (H. influenzae) (Pseudomonas) (Streptococcus) 711.0
- rat-bite fever 026.1 [711.4]
- regional enteritis (see also Enteritis, regional) 555.9 [713.1]
- Reiter's disease 099.3 [711.1]
- respiratory disorder NEC 519.9 [713.4]
- reticulosis, malignant (M9720/3) 202.3 [713.2]
- rubella 056.71
- salmonellosis 003.23
- sarcoidosis 135 [713.7]
- serum sickness 999.5 [713.6]
- Staphylococcus 711.0
- Streptococcus 711.0
- syphilis (see also Syphilis) 094.0 [711.4]
- syringomyelia 336.0 [713.5]
- thalassemia 282.49 [713.2]
- tuberculosis (see also Tuberculosis, arthritis) 015.9 [711.4]
- typhoid fever 002.0 [711.3]
- ulcerative colitis - (see also Colitis, ulcerative) 556.9 [713.1]
- urethritis
- nongonococcal (see also Urethritis, nongonococcal) 099.40 [711.1]
- nonspecific (see also Urethritis, nongonococcal) 099.40 [711.1]
- Reiter's 099.3 [711.1]
- viral disease NEC 079.99 [711.5]
- urethritica 099.3 [711.1]