Convert to ICD-10-CM:
389.14 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM H90.5 Unspecified sensorineural hearing loss
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Deafness (acquired) (complete) (congenital) (hereditary) (middle ear) (partial) 389.9
- central, bilateral 389.14
- with conductive hearing loss 389.2
- perceptive 389.10
- with conductive hearing loss 389.2
- central, bilateral 389.14
- combined types, bilateral 389.18
- multiple types, bilateral 389.18
- neural, bilateral 389.12
- sensorineural 389.10
- sensory, bilateral 389.11
- Loss
- hearing - see also Deafness
- central, bilateral 389.14
- conductive (air) 389.00
- mixed type 389.2
- nerve, bilateral 389.12
- neural, bilateral 389.12
- noise-induced 388.12
- perceptive NEC (see also Loss, hearing, sensorineural) 389.10
- sensorineural 389.10
- with conductive hearing loss 389.2
- asymmetrical 389.16
- central, bilateral 389.14
- combined types, bilateral 389.18
- multiple types, bilateral 389.18
- neural, bilateral 389.12
- sensory, bilateral 389.11
- unilateral 389.15
- sensory, bilateral 389.11
- specified type NEC 389.8
- sudden NEC 388.2