- abscess
- accident 674.9
- adnexitis 670
- afibrinogenemia, or other coagulation defect 666.3
- albuminuria (acute) (subacute) 646.2
- anemia (conditions classifiable to 280-285) 648.2
- anuria 669.3
- apoplexy 674.0
- asymptomatic bacteriuria 646.5
- atrophy, breast 676.3
- blood dyscrasia 666.3
- caked breast 676.2
- cardiomyopathy 674.5
- cellulitis - see Puerperal, abscess
- cerebrovascular disorder (conditions classifiable to 430-434, 436-437) 674.0
- cervicitis (conditions classifiable to 616.0) 646.6
- coagulopathy (any) 666.3
- complications 674.9
- convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) 642.6
- with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
- cracked nipple 676.1
- cystitis 646.6
- cystopyelitis 646.6
- deciduitis (acute) 670
- delirium NEC 293.9
- diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 250) 648.0
- disease 674.9
- breast NEC 676.3
- cerebrovascular (acute) 674.0
- nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9
- pelvis inflammatory 670
- renal NEC 646.2
- tubo-ovarian 670
- Valsuani's (progressive pernicious anemia) 648.2
- disorder
- lactation 676.9
- nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9
- disruption
- drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304) 648.3
- eclampsia 642.6
- with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
- embolism (pulmonary) 673.2
- endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 670
- endophlebitis - see Puerperal, phlebitis
- endotrachelitis 646.6
- engorgement, breasts 676.2
- erysipelas 670
- failure
- fever 670
- meaning sepsis 670
- meaning pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672
- fissure, nipple 676.1
- fistula
- galactophoritis 675.2
- galactorrhea 676.6
- gangrene
- gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1
- hematoma, subdural 674.0
- hematosalpinx, infectional 670
- hemiplegia, cerebral 674.0
- hemorrhage 666.1
- hemorrhoids 671.8
- hepatorenal syndrome 674.8
- hypertrophy
- induration breast (fibrous) 676.3
- infarction
- lung - see Puerperal, embolism
- pulmonary - see Puerperal, embolism
- infection
- inflammation - see also Puerperal, infection
- inversion, nipple 676.3
- ischemia, cerebral 674.0
- lymphangitis 670
- malaria (conditions classifiable to 084) 647.4
- malnutrition 648.9
- mammillitis 675.0
- mammitis 675.2
- mania 296.0
- mastitis 675.2
- melancholia 296.2
- mental disorder (conditions classifiable to 290-303, 305-316, 317-319) 648.4
- metritis (septic) (suppurative) 670
- metroperitonitis 670
- metrorrhagia 666.2
- metrosalpingitis 670
- metrovaginitis 670
- milk leg 671.4
- monoplegia, cerebral 674.0
- necrosis
- kidney, tubular 669.3
- liver (acute) (subacute) (conditions classifiable to 570) 674.8
- ovary 670
- renal cortex 669.3
- nephritis or nephrosis (conditions classifiable to 580-589) 646.2
- nutritional deficiency (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 648.9
- occlusion, precerebral artery 674.0
- oliguria 669.3
- oophoritis 670
- ovaritis 670
- paralysis
- paralytic stroke 674.0
- parametritis 670
- paravaginitis 646.6
- pelviperitonitis 670
- perimetritis 670
- perimetrosalpingitis 670
- perinephritis 646.6
- perioophoritis 670
- periphlebitis - see Puerperal, phlebitis
- perisalpingitis 670
- peritoneal infection 670
- peritonitis (pelvic) 670
- perivaginitis 646.6
- phlebitis 671.9
- phlegmasia alba dolens 671.4
- placental polyp 674.4
- pneumonia, embolic - see Puerperal, embolism
- prediabetes 648.8
- pre-eclampsia (mild) 642.4
- psychosis, unspecified (see also Psychosis, puerperal) 293.89
- pyelitis 646.6
- pyelocystitis 646.6
- pyelohydronephrosis 646.6
- pyelonephritis 646.6
- pyelonephrosis 646.6
- pyemia 670
- pyocystitis 646.6
- pyohemia 670
- pyometra 670
- pyonephritis 646.6
- pyonephrosis 646.6
- pyo-oophoritis 670
- pyosalpingitis 670
- pyosalpinx 670
- pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672
- renal
- retention
- decidua (fragments) (with delayed hemorrhage) 666.2
- placenta (fragments) (with delayed hemorrhage) 666.2
- secundines (fragments) (with delayed hemorrhage) 666.2
- retracted nipple 676.0
- rubella (conditions classifiable to 056) 647.5
- salpingitis 670
- salpingo-oophoritis 670
- salpingo-ovaritis 670
- salpingoperitonitis 670
- sapremia 670
- secondary perineal tear 674.2
- sepsis (pelvic) 670
- septicemia 670
- subinvolution (uterus) 674.8
- sudden death (cause unknown) 674.9
- suppuration - see Puerperal, abscess
- syphilis (conditions classifiable to 090-097) 647.0
- tetanus 670
- thelitis 675.0
- thrombocytopenia 666.3
- thrombophlebitis (superficial) 671.2
- thrombosis (venous) - see Thrombosis, puerperal
- thyroid dysfunction (conditions classifiable to 240-246) 648.1
- toxemia (see also Toxemia, of pregnancy) 642.4
- eclamptic 642.6
- with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
- pre-eclamptic (mild) 642.4
- tuberculosis (conditions classifiable to 010-018) 647.3
- uremia 669.3
- vaginitis (conditions classifiable to 616.1) 646.6
- varicose veins (legs) 671.0
- vulvitis (conditions classifiable to 616.1) 646.6
- vulvovaginitis (conditions classifiable to 616.1) 646.6
- white leg 671.4