ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abscess (acute) (chronic) (infectional) (lymphangitic) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) (with lymphangitis) (see also Cellulitis) 682.9
- genital organ or tract NEC
- female 616.9
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- male 608.4
- peritoneum, peritoneal (perforated) (ruptured) 567.22
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- appendicitis 540.1
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- pelvic, female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
- postoperative 998.59
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.0
- Cellulitis (diffuse) (with lymphangitis) (see also Abscess) 682.9
- pelvis, pelvic
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
- following
- male (see also Abscess, peritoneum) 567.21
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Childbed fever 670
- Deciduitis (acute)
- puerperal, postpartum 670
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- pelvis, pelvic
- female NEC 629.9
- gonococcal (acute) 098.19
- chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.39
- infection (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.9
- inflammatory (female) (PID) 614.9
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- acute 614.3
- chronic 614.4
- complicating pregnancy 646.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
- following
- peritonitis (acute) 614.5
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- specified NEC 614.8
- organ, female NEC 629.9
- peritoneum, female NEC 629.9
- Endometritis (nonspecific) (purulent) (septic) (suppurative) 615.9
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Erysipelas (gangrenous) (infantile) (newborn) (phlegmonous) (suppurative) 035
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Fever 780.6
- childbed 670
- Gangrene, gangrenous (anemia) (artery) (cellulitis) (dermatitis) (dry) (infective) (moist) (pemphigus) (septic) (skin) (stasis) (ulcer) 785.4
- gas (bacillus) 040.0
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Gas
- gangrene 040.0
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9
- genital organ or tract NEC
- female 614.9
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- complicating pregnancy 646.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- minor or localized 646.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
- male 608.4
- major
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- puerperal, postpartum (major) 670
- Intoxication
- septic
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- during labor 659.3
- following
- generalized - see Septicemia
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Lymphangitis 457.2
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Metritis (catarrhal) (septic) (suppurative) (see also Endometritis) 615.9
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Parametritis (chronic) (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Peritonitis (acute) (adhesive) (fibrinous) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (localized) (perforative) (primary) (with adhesions) (with effusion) 567.9
- pelvic
- female (acute) 614.5
- chronic NEC 614.7
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- male (acute) 567.21
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2
- complicated (by) 646.9
- abnormal, abnormality NEC 646.9
- abscess or cellulitis
- adhesion, pelvic peritoneal 648.9
- air embolism 673.0
- albuminuria 646.2
- with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
- amnionitis 658.4
- amniotic fluid embolism 673.1
- anemia (conditions classifiable to 280-285) 648.2
- atrophy, yellow (acute) (liver) (subacute) 646.7
- bacilluria, asymptomatic 646.5
- bacteriuria, asymptomatic 646.5
- bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0
- biliary problems 646.8
- bone and joint disorders (conditions classifiable to 720-724 or conditions affecting lower limbs classifiable to 711-719, 725-738) 648.7
- breech presentation (buttocks) (complete) (frank) 652.2
- with successful version 652.1
- cardiovascular disease (conditions classifiable to 390-398, 410-429) 648.6
- cerebrovascular disorders (conditions classifiable to 430-434, 436-437) 674.0
- cervicitis (conditions classifiable to 616.0) 646.6
- chloasma (gravidarum) 646.8
- cholelithiasis 646.8
- chorea (gravidarum) - see Eclampsia, pregnancy
- contraction, pelvis (general) 653.1
- convulsions (eclamptic) (uremic) 642.6
- with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
- current disease or condition (nonobstetric)
- cystitis 646.6
- cystocele 654.4
- death of fetus (near term) 656.4
- early pregnancy (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- deciduitis 646.6
- decreased fetal movements 655.7
- diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 250) 648.0
- disorders of liver 646.7
- displacement, uterus NEC 654.4
- disproportion - see Disproportion
- double uterus 654.0
- drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304) 648.3
- dysplasia, cervix 654.6
- early onset of delivery (spontaneous) 644.2
- eclampsia, eclamptic (coma) (convulsions) (delirium) (nephritis) (uremia) 642.6
- with pre-existing hypertension 642.7
- edema 646.1
- with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
- effusion, amniotic fluid 658.1
- delayed delivery following 658.2
- embolism
- emesis (gravidarum) - see Pregnancy, complicated, vomiting
- endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 646.6
- excessive weight gain NEC 646.1
- face presentation 652.4
- failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5
- false labor (pains) 644.1
- fatigue 646.8
- fatty metamorphosis of liver 646.7
- female genital mutilation 648.9
- fetal
- death (near term) 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- deformity 653.7
- distress 656.8
- reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7
- fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1
- footling presentation 652.8
- with successful version 652.1
- gallbladder disease 646.8
- goiter 648.1
- gonococcal infection (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1
- gonorrhea (conditions classifiable to 098) 647.1
- hemorrhage 641.9
- accidental 641.2
- before 22 completed weeks gestation NEC 640.9
- cerebrovascular 674.0
- due to
- afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect (conditions classifiable to 286.0-286.9) 641.3
- leiomyoma, uterine 641.8
- marginal sinus (rupture) 641.2
- premature separation, placenta 641.2
- trauma 641.8
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 640.9
- threatened abortion 640.0
- unavoidable 641.1
- hepatitis (acute) (malignant) (subacute) 646.7
- viral 647.6
- herniation of uterus 654.4
- high head at term 652.5
- hydatidiform mole (delivered) (undelivered) 630
- hydramnios 657
- hydrocephalic fetus 653.6
- hydrops amnii 657
- hydrorrhea 658.1
- hyperemesis (gravidarum) - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
- hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
- hypertensive
- hyperthyroidism 648.1
- hypothyroidism 648.1
- hysteralgia 646.8
- icterus gravis 646.7
- incarceration, uterus 654.3
- incompetent cervix (os) 654.5
- infection 647.9
- infective and parasitic diseases NEC 647.8
- inflammation
- injury 648.9
- insufficient weight gain 646.8
- intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- malaria (conditions classifiable to 084) 647.4
- malformation, uterus (congenital) 654.0
- malnutrition (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 648.9
- malposition
- fetus - see Pregnancy, complicated, malpresentation
- uterus or cervix 654.4
- malpresentation 652.9
- with successful version 652.1
- in multiple gestation 652.6
- specified type NEC 652.8
- marginal sinus hemorrhage or rupture 641.2
- maternal obesity syndrome 646.1
- menstruation 640.8
- mental disorders (conditions classifiable to 290-303, 305-316, 317-319) 648.4
- mentum presentation 652.4
- missed
- abortion 632
- delivery (at or near term) 656.4
- labor (at or near term) 656.4
- necrosis
- nephritis or nephrosis (conditions classifiable to 580-589) 646.2
- nephropathy NEC 646.2
- neuritis (peripheral) 646.4
- nutritional deficiency (conditions classifiable to 260-269) 648.9
- oblique lie or presentation 652.3
- with successful version 652.1
- obstetrical trauma NEC 665.9
- oligohydramnios NEC 658.0
- onset of contractions before 37 weeks 644.0
- oversize fetus 653.5
- papyraceous fetus 646.0
- patent cervix 654.5
- pelvic inflammatory disease (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.5, 614.7-614.9, 615) 646.6
- pelvic peritoneal adhesion 648.9
- placenta, placental
- placentitis 658.4
- polyhydramnios 657
- postmaturity
- prediabetes 648.8
- pre-eclampsia (mild) 642.4
- severe 642.5
- superimposed on pre-existing hypertensive disease 642.7
- premature rupture of membranes 658.1
- with delayed delivery 658.2
- previous
- infertility V23.0
- nonobstetric condition V23.89
- poor obstetrical history V23.49
- premature delivery V23.41
- trophoblastic disease (conditions classifiable to 630) V23.1
- prolapse, uterus 654.4
- proteinuria (gestational) 646.2
- with hypertension - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
- pruritus (neurogenic) 646.8
- psychosis or psychoneurosis 648.4
- ptyalism 646.8
- pyelitis (conditions classifiable to 590.0-590.9) 646.6
- renal disease or failure NEC 646.2
- with secondary hypertension 642.1
- hypertensive 642.2
- retention, retained dead ovum 631
- retroversion, uterus 654.3
- Rh immunization, incompatibility, or sensitization 656.1
- rubella (conditions classifiable to 056) 647.5
- rupture
- amnion (premature) 658.1
- with delayed delivery 658.2
- marginal sinus (hemorrhage) 641.2
- membranes (premature) 658.1
- with delayed delivery 658.2
- uterus (before onset of labor) 665.0
- salivation (excessive) 646.8
- salpingo-oophoritis (conditions classifiable to 614.0-614.2) 646.6
- septicemia (conditions classifiable to 038.0-038.9) 647.8
- postpartum 670
- puerperal 670
- spasms, uterus (abnormal) 646.8
- specified condition NEC 646.8
- spurious labor pains 644.1
- superfecundation 651.9
- superfetation 651.9
- syphilis (conditions classifiable to 090-097) 647.0
- threatened
- thrombophlebitis (superficial) 671.2
- thrombosis 671.9
- venous (superficial) 671.2
- thyroid dysfunction (conditions classifiable to 240-246) 648.1
- thyroiditis 648.1
- thyrotoxicosis 648.1
- torsion of uterus 654.4
- toxemia - see Toxemia, of pregnancy
- transverse lie or presentation 652.3
- with successful version 652.1
- trauma 648.9
- tuberculosis (conditions classifiable to 010-018) 647.3
- tumor
- unstable lie 652.0
- uremia - see Pregnancy, complicated, renal disease
- urethritis 646.6
- vaginitis or vulvitis (conditions classifiable to 616.1) 646.6
- varicose
- varicosity, labia or vulva 671.1
- venereal disease NEC (conditions classifiable to 099) 647.2
- viral disease NEC (conditions classifiable to 042, 050-055, 057-079) 647.6
- vomiting (incoercible) (pernicious) (persistent) (uncontrollable) (vicious) 643.9
- due to organic disease or other cause 643.8
- early - see Hyperemesis, gravidarum
- late (after 22 completed weeks gestation) 643.2
- young maternal age 659.8
- Puerperal
- abscess
- areola 675.1
- Bartholin's gland 646.6
- breast 675.1
- cervix (uteri) 670
- fallopian tube 670
- genital organ 670
- kidney 646.6
- mammary 675.1
- mesosalpinx 670
- nabothian 646.6
- nipple 675.0
- ovary, ovarian 670
- oviduct 670
- parametric 670
- para-uterine 670
- pelvic 670
- perimetric 670
- periuterine 670
- retro-uterine 670
- subareolar 675.1
- suprapelvic 670
- tubal (ruptured) 670
- tubo-ovarian 670
- urinary tract NEC 646.6
- uterine, uterus 670
- vagina (wall) 646.6
- vaginorectal 646.6
- vulvovaginal gland 646.6
- adnexitis 670
- deciduitis (acute) 670
- disease 674.9
- breast NEC 676.3
- cerebrovascular (acute) 674.0
- nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9
- pelvis inflammatory 670
- renal NEC 646.2
- tubo-ovarian 670
- Valsuani's (progressive pernicious anemia) 648.2
- endometritis (conditions classifiable to 615.0-615.9) 670
- erysipelas 670
- fever 670
- meaning sepsis 670
- meaning pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672
- gangrene
- hematosalpinx, infectional 670
- infection
- Bartholin's gland 646.6
- breast 675.2
- cervix 646.6
- endocervix 646.6
- fallopian tube 670
- generalized 670
- genital tract (major) 670
- kidney (bacillus coli) 646.6
- mammary gland 675.2
- nipple 675.0
- ovary 670
- pelvic 670
- peritoneum 670
- renal 646.6
- tubo-ovarian 670
- urinary (tract) NEC 646.6
- uterus, uterine 670
- vagina 646.6
- inflammation - see also Puerperal, infection
- areola 675.1
- Bartholin's gland 646.6
- breast 675.2
- broad ligament 670
- cervix (uteri) 646.6
- fallopian tube 670
- genital organs 670
- mammary gland 675.2
- nipple 675.0
- ovary 670
- oviduct 670
- pelvis 670
- periuterine 670
- tubal 670
- vagina 646.6
- vein - see Puerperal, phlebitis
- lymphangitis 670
- metritis (septic) (suppurative) 670
- metroperitonitis 670
- metrosalpingitis 670
- metrovaginitis 670
- necrosis
- kidney, tubular 669.3
- liver (acute) (subacute) (conditions classifiable to 570) 674.8
- ovary 670
- renal cortex 669.3
- oophoritis 670
- ovaritis 670
- parametritis 670
- pelviperitonitis 670
- perimetritis 670
- perimetrosalpingitis 670
- perioophoritis 670
- perisalpingitis 670
- peritoneal infection 670
- peritonitis (pelvic) 670
- pyemia 670
- pyohemia 670
- pyometra 670
- pyo-oophoritis 670
- pyosalpingitis 670
- pyosalpinx 670
- salpingitis 670
- salpingo-oophoritis 670
- salpingo-ovaritis 670
- salpingoperitonitis 670
- sapremia 670
- sepsis (pelvic) 670
- septicemia 670
- tetanus 670
- Salpingitis (catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- Salpingo-oophoritis (catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative) 614.2
- acute 614.0
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- following
- gonococcal 098.17
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.6
- puerperal 670
- Sepsis (generalized) 995.91
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth (pelvic) 670
- Septicemia, septicemic (generalized) (suppurative) 038.9
- puerperal, postpartum 670
- Tetanus, tetanic (cephalic) (convulsions) 037
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670