Convert to ICD-10-CM:
779.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P29.0 Neonatal cardiac failure
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P29.89 Other cardiovascular disorders originating in the perinatal period
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P94.1 Congenital hypertonia
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P94.2 Congenital hypotonia
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P96.89 Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Accident, accidental - see also condition
- intrauterine 779.89
- Arrest, arrested
- cardiac 427.5
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with specified complication NEC
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.8
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.8
- complicating
- anesthesia
- correct substance properly administered 427.5
- obstetric 668.1
- overdose or wrong substance given 968.4
- specified anesthetic - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) 669.4
- ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.8
- surgery (nontherapeutic) (therapeutic) 997.1
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following
- postoperative (immediate) 997.1
- long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- Atonia, atony, atonic
- congenital 779.89
- Birth
- shock, newborn 779.89
- Circulation
- Collapse 780.2
- cardiorespiratory 785.51
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- cardiovascular (see also Disease, heart) 785.51
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- circulatory (peripheral) 785.59
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5
- during or after labor and delivery 669.1
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following
- during or after labor and delivery 669.1
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- vascular (peripheral) 785.59
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.5
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.5
- cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- during or after labor and delivery 669.1
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following
- Degeneration, degenerative
- myocardium, myocardial (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.1
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
- amyloid 277.3 [425.7]
- congenital 746.89
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- gouty 274.82
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- ischemic 414.8
- rheumatic (see also Degeneration, myocardium, with rheumatic fever) 398.0
- syphilitic 093.82
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- navel (newborn) NEC 779.89
- delayed separation of umbilical cord 779.83
- umbilicus (newborn) NEC 779.89
- Edema, edematous 782.3
- heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- newborn 779.89
- Exhaustion, exhaustive (physical NEC) 780.79
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- Failure, failed
- cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- newborn 779.89
- circulation, circulatory 799.89
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- peripheral 785.50
- heart (acute) (sudden) 428.9
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with specified complication NEC
- acute pulmonary edema (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1
- with congestion (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- decompensation (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- dilation - see Disease, heart
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.8
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.8
- arteriosclerotic 440.9
- combined left-right sided 428.0
- combined systolic and diastolic 428.40
- compensated (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- complicating
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with specified complication NEC
- delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) 669.4
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.8
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.8
- obstetric anesthesia or sedation 668.1
- surgery 997.1
- congestive (compensated) (decompensated) (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91
- with renal disease (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.91
- benign 402.11
- malignant 402.01
- rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with chorea) 398.91
- active or acute 391.8
- with chorea (Sydenham's) 392.0
- decompensated (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- degenerative (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
- diastolic 428.30
- due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following
- high output NEC 428.9
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91
- with renal disease (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.91
- benign 402.11
- malignant 402.01
- left (ventricular) (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1
- with right-sided failure (see also Failure, heart) 428.0
- low output (syndrome) NEC 428.9
- organic - see Disease, heart
- postoperative (immediate) 997.1
- long term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- rheumatic (chronic) (congestive) (inactive) 398.91
- right (secondary to left heart failure, conditions classifiable to 428.1) (ventricular) (see also Failure, heart ) 428.0
- senile 797
- specified during or due to a procedure 997.1
- long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- systolic 428.20
- thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9 [425.7]
- valvular - see Endocarditis
- vital centers, fetus or newborn 779.89
- Fetus, fetal - see also condition
- papyraceous 779.89
- Harlequin (fetus) 757.1
- color change syndrome 779.89
- Hypertonicity
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- infancy 779.89
- due to electrolyte imbalance 779.89
- Hypotonia, hypotonicity, hypotony 781.3
- congenital 779.89
- Insufficiency, insufficient
- circulatory NEC 459.9
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- heart - see also Insufficiency, myocardial
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- valve (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- myocardial, myocardium (with arteriosclerosis) 428.0
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
- congenital 746.89
- due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- following cardiac surgery 429.4
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91
- postoperative 997.1
- long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4
- rheumatic 398.0
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- with chorea (Sydenham's) 392.0
- syphilitic 093.82
- Newborn (infant) (liveborn)
- specified condition NEC 779.89
- Papyraceous fetus 779.89
- complicating pregnancy 646.0
- Prostration 780.79
- newborn 779.89
- Shock 785.50
- birth, fetus or newborn NEC 779.89
- Strophulus (newborn) 779.89
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- harlequin color change 779.89
- Toxemia 799.89
- congenital NEC 779.89
- fetus or newborn NEC 779.89
- Uremia, uremic (absorption) (amaurosis) (amblyopia) (aphasia) (apoplexy) (coma) (delirium) (dementia) (dropsy) (dyspnea) (fever) (intoxication) (mania) (paralysis) (poisoning) (toxemia) (vomiting) 586
- congenital 779.89
- Vitality, lack or want of 780.79
- newborn 779.89
- Weak, weakness (generalized) 780.79
- congenital 779.89
- newborn 779.89