Convert to ICD-10-CM:
779.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P29.0 Neonatal cardiac failure
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P29.89 Other cardiovascular disorders originating in the perinatal period
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P94.1 Congenital hypertonia
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P94.2 Congenital hypotonia
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P96.89 Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Accident, accidental - see also condition
intrauterine 779.89
- Atonia, atony, atonic
congenital 779.89
- Birth
shock, newborn 779.89
- Breast - see also condition
buds 259.1

in newborn 779.89
- Buds
in newborn 779.89
- Circulation
- Collapse 780.2

during or after labor and delivery 669.1

fetus or newborn 779.89
vascular (peripheral) 785.59


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0
) 639.5

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630
) 639.5

cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436

during or after labor and delivery 669.1

fetus or newborn 779.89
- Degeneration, degenerative
myocardium, myocardial (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.1

with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390
) 398.0

active, acute, or subacute 391.2

inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0

amyloid 277.39
congenital 746.89

fetus or newborn 779.89
gouty 274.82

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90

ischemic 414.8

rheumatic (see also Degeneration, myocardium, with rheumatic fever) 398.0

syphilitic 093.82
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
navel (newborn) NEC 779.89
delayed separation of umbilical cord 779.83
umbilicus (newborn) NEC 779.89
- Edema, edematous 782.3

heart (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

newborn 779.89
- Exhaustion, exhaustive (physical NEC) 780.79

fetus or newborn 779.89
- Failure, failed
cardiac (see also Failure, heart) 428.9

newborn 779.89
circulation, circulatory 799.89

fetus or newborn 779.89
peripheral 785.50
heart (acute) (sudden) 428.9


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with specified complication NEC

acute pulmonary edema (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

with congestion (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

decompensation (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

dilation - see Disease, heart

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0
) 639.8

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630
) 639.8

arteriosclerotic 440.9

combined left-right sided 428.0

combined systolic and diastolic 428.40

compensated (see also Failure, heart) 428.0


abortion - see Abortion, by type, with specified complication NEC

delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) 669.4

ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0
) 639.8

molar pregnancy (see also categories 630
) 639.8

obstetric anesthesia or sedation 668.1

surgery 997.1

congestive (compensated) (decompensated) (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390

fetus or newborn 779.89

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91

with renal disease (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.91

benign 402.11

malignant 402.01

rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with chorea) 398.91

active or acute 391.8

with chorea (Sydenham's) 392.0

decompensated (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

degenerative (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1

diastolic 428.30

due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4

fetus or newborn 779.89
high output NEC 428.9

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91

with renal disease (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.91

benign 402.11

malignant 402.01

left (ventricular) (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1

with right-sided failure (see also Failure, heart) 428.0

low output (syndrome) NEC 428.9

organic - see Disease, heart
postoperative (immediate) 997.1

long term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4

rheumatic (chronic) (congestive) (inactive) 398.91

right (secondary to left heart failure, conditions classifiable to 428.1
) (ventricular) (see also Failure, heart ) 428.0

senile 797

specified during or due to a procedure 997.1

long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4

systolic 428.20

thyrotoxic (see also Thyrotoxicosis) 242.9
valvular - see Endocarditis
vital centers, fetus or newborn 779.89
- Fetus, fetal - see also condition
papyraceous 779.89
- Harlequin (fetus) 757.1

color change syndrome 779.89
- Hypertonicity
fetus or newborn 779.89
infancy 779.89
due to electrolyte imbalance 779.89
- Hypotonia, hypotonicity, hypotony 781.3

congenital 779.89
- Insufficiency, insufficient
circulatory NEC 459.9

fetus or newborn 779.89
heart - see also Insufficiency, myocardial
fetus or newborn 779.89
valve (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
myocardial, myocardium (with arteriosclerosis) 428.0

with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390

active, acute, or subacute 391.2

inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0

congenital 746.89

due to presence of (cardiac) prosthesis 429.4

fetus or newborn 779.89
following cardiac surgery 429.4

hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.91

postoperative 997.1

long-term effect of cardiac surgery 429.4

rheumatic 398.0

active, acute, or subacute 391.2

with chorea (Sydenham's) 392.0

syphilitic 093.82
- Newborn (infant) (liveborn)
breast buds 779.89
specified condition NEC 779.89
- Papyraceous fetus 779.89
complicating pregnancy 646.0
- Prostration 780.79

newborn 779.89
- Shock 785.50

birth, fetus or newborn NEC 779.89
- Strophulus (newborn) 779.89
- Syndrome - see also Disease
harlequin color change 779.89
- Toxemia 799.89

congenital NEC 779.89
fetus or newborn NEC 779.89
- Uremia, uremic (absorption) (amaurosis) (amblyopia) (aphasia) (apoplexy) (coma) (delirium) (dementia) (dropsy) (dyspnea) (fever) (intoxication) (mania) (paralysis) (poisoning) (toxemia) (vomiting) 586

congenital 779.89
- Vitality, lack or want of 780.79

newborn 779.89
- Weak, weakness (generalized) 780.79

congenital 779.89
newborn 779.89