Convert to ICD-10-CM:
255.2 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.0 Congenital adrenogenital disorders associated with enzyme deficiency
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.8 Other adrenogenital disorders
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.9 Adrenogenital disorder, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Achard-Thiers syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Adrenocortical syndrome 255.2
- Adrenogenital syndrome (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
- iatrogenic, fetus or newborn 760.79
- Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Cooke-Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Corticosexual syndrome 255.2
- Defect, defective 759.9
- 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
- 11-hydroxylase 255.2
- 21-hydroxylase 255.2
- Defeminization syndrome 255.2
- Deficiency, deficient
- 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
- 11-beta-hydroxylase 255.2
- 17-alpha-hydroxylase 255.2
- 18-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
- 20-alpha-hydroxylase 255.2
- 21-hydroxylase 255.2
- desmolase 255.2
- hydroxylase 255.2
- Disorder - see also Disease
- adrenogenital 255.2
- corticosteroid metabolism NEC 255.2
- steroid metabolism NEC 255.2
- Hyperadrenocorticism 255.3
- congenital 255.2
- Hyperfunction
- adrenal (cortex) 255.3
- androgenic, acquired benign 255.3
- medulla 255.6
- virilism 255.2
- Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
- adrenal (capsule) (cortex) (gland) 255.8
- with
- sexual precocity (male) 255.2
- virilism, adrenal 255.2
- virilization (female) 255.2
- congenital 255.2
- due to excess ACTH (ectopic) (pituitary) 255.0
- medulla 255.8
- "Infant Hercules" syndrome 255.2
- Macrogenitosomia (female) (male) (praecox) 255.2
- Masculinization, female, with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Precocity, sexual (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male) NEC 259.1
- with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Pseudohermaphroditism 752.7
- adrenal 255.2
- female (without adrenocortical disorder) 752.7
- with adrenocortical disorder 255.2
- adrenal 255.2
- male (without gonadal disorder) 752.7
- with
- adrenocortical disorder 255.2
- cleft scrotum 752.7
- feminizing testis 259.5
- gonadal disorder 257.9
- adrenal 255.2
- Puberty V21.1
- precocious (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) NEC 259.1
- due to
- adrenal
- cortical hyperfunction 255.2
- hyperplasia 255.2
- cortical hyperfunction 255.2
- ovarian hyperfunction 256.1
- pineal tumor 259.8
- testicular hyperfunction 257.0
- premature 259.1
- due to
- adrenal cortical hyperfunction 255.2
- pineal tumor 259.8
- pituitary (anterior) hyperfunction 253.1
- Sexual
- precocity (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male) NEC 259.1
- with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Achard-Thiers (adrenogenital) 255.2
- adrenogenital (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
- feminizing 255.2
- iatrogenic 760.79
- virilism (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
- Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Cooke-Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2
- corticosexual 255.2
- defeminization 255.2
- infant
- pseudohermaphroditism-virilism-hirsutism 255.2
- virilizing adrenocortical hyperplasia, congenital 255.2
- Virilism (adrenal) (female) NEC 255.2
- with
- 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase defect 255.2
- 11-hydroxylase defect 255.2
- 21-hydroxylase defect 255.2
- adrenal
- hyperplasia 255.2
- insufficiency (congenital) 255.2
- cortical hyperfunction 255.2
- Virilization (female) (suprarenal) (see also Virilism) 255.2