Convert to ICD-10-CM:
255.2 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.0 Congenital adrenogenital disorders associated with enzyme deficiency
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.8 Other adrenogenital disorders
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E25.9 Adrenogenital disorder, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Achard-Thiers syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Adrenocortical syndrome 255.2
- Adrenogenital syndrome (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
iatrogenic, fetus or newborn 760.79
- Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Cooke-Apert-Gallais syndrome (adrenogenital) 255.2
- Corticosexual syndrome 255.2
- Defect, defective 759.9

3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
11-hydroxylase 255.2
21-hydroxylase 255.2
- Defeminization syndrome 255.2
- Deficiency, deficient
3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
11-beta-hydroxylase 255.2
17-alpha-hydroxylase 255.2
18-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 255.2
20-alpha-hydroxylase 255.2
21-hydroxylase 255.2
desmolase 255.2
hydroxylase 255.2
- Disorder - see also Disease
adrenogenital 255.2
corticosteroid metabolism NEC 255.2
steroid metabolism NEC 255.2
- Hyperadrenocorticism 255.3

congenital 255.2
- Hyperfunction
adrenal (cortex) 255.3

androgenic, acquired benign 255.3

medulla 255.6

virilism 255.2
- Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
adrenal (capsule) (cortex) (gland) 255.8


sexual precocity (male) 255.2

virilism, adrenal 255.2

virilization (female) 255.2

congenital 255.2
due to excess ACTH (ectopic) (pituitary) 255.0

medulla 255.8
- "Infant Hercules" syndrome 255.2
- Macrogenitosomia (female) (male) (praecox) 255.2
- Masculinization, female, with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Precocity, sexual (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male) NEC 259.1

with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Pseudohermaphroditism 752.7

adrenal 255.2
female (without adrenocortical disorder) 752.7

with adrenocortical disorder 255.2
adrenal 255.2
male (without gonadal disorder) 752.7


adrenocortical disorder 255.2

cleft scrotum 752.7

feminizing testis 259.5

gonadal disorder 257.9

adrenal 255.2
- Puberty V21.1

precocious (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) NEC 259.1

due to


cortical hyperfunction 255.2

hyperplasia 255.2

cortical hyperfunction 255.2

ovarian hyperfunction 256.1

pineal tumor 259.8

testicular hyperfunction 257.0
premature 259.1

due to

adrenal cortical hyperfunction 255.2

pineal tumor 259.8

pituitary (anterior) hyperfunction 253.1
- Sexual
precocity (constitutional) (cryptogenic) (female) (idiopathic) (male) NEC 259.1

with adrenal hyperplasia 255.2
- Syndrome - see also Disease
Achard-Thiers (adrenogenital) 255.2
adrenogenital (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
feminizing 255.2
iatrogenic 760.79

virilism (acquired) (congenital) 255.2
Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2
Cooke-Apert-Gallais (adrenogenital) 255.2
corticosexual 255.2
defeminization 255.2
pseudohermaphroditism-virilism-hirsutism 255.2
virilizing adrenocortical hyperplasia, congenital 255.2
- Virilism (adrenal) (female) NEC 255.2
3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase defect 255.2
11-hydroxylase defect 255.2
21-hydroxylase defect 255.2
hyperplasia 255.2
insufficiency (congenital) 255.2
cortical hyperfunction 255.2
- Virilization (female) (suprarenal) (see also Virilism) 255.2