2014 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 519.19
Other diseases of trachea and bronchus
- 2014
- Billable Thru Sept 30/2015
- Non-Billable On/After Oct 1/2015
- Short description: Trachea & bronch dis NEC.
- ICD-9-CM 519.19 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 519.19 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2014 version of ICD-9-CM 519.19.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 519.19: 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
519.19 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J39.8 Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J98.09 Other diseases of bronchus, not elsewhere classified
Approximate Synonyms
- Acquired bronchial stenosis
- Acquired bronchomalacia
- Acquired tracheal collapse
- Acquired tracheal fistula
- Acquired tracheal stenosis
- Bronchial compression
- Bronchial disease
- Bronchial lesion
- Bronchial stenosis
- Bronchiolar disease
- Bronchocele
- Calcification of bronchus
- Calcification of trachea
- Constriction of bronchioles
- Disease of bronchus
- Disorder of bronchus
- Disorder of trachea
- Extrinsic obstruction of trachea
- Infectious disorder of bronchus
- Lesion of bronchus
- Mucocele of bronchus
- Mucociliary clearance defect
- Mucoid impaction of bronchi
- Necrosis of bronchus
- Obstruction of bronchus
- Obstruction of trachea
- On examination - trachea displaced to left
- On examination - trachea displaced to right
- Primary ciliary dyskinesia due to transposition of ciliary microtubules
- Rupture of bronchus
- Segmental tracheal stenosis
- Stenosis of bronchus
- Stenosis of trachea
- Trachea displaced
- Trachea displaced to right
- Tracheal compression due to food in esophagus
- Tracheal compression due to foreign body in esophagus
- Tracheal compression due to gastric contents in esophagus
- Tracheal disease
- Tracheal rupture
- Tracheal stenosis
- Tracheobroncheopathia osteoplastica
- Tracheobronchial disorder
- Tracheobronchomalacia
- Tracheocele
- Tracheomalacia
- Tracheopathia osteoplastica
- Ulcer of bronchus
- Ulcer of trachea
- Ulceration of bronchioles
Applies To
- Calcification of bronchus or trachea
- Stenosis of bronchus or trachea
- Ulcer of bronchus or trachea
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abscess (acute) (chronic) (infectional) (lymphangitic) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) (with lymphangitis) (see also Cellulitis) 682.9
- bronchus 519.19
- Adhesion(s), adhesive (postinfectional) (postoperative)
- trachea 519.19
- Atrophy, atrophic
- trachea 519.19
- Bronchocele
- meaning
- dilatation of bronchus 519.19
- goiter 240.9
- Bronchostenosis 519.19
- Calcification
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Collapse 780.2
- trachea 519.19
- Compression
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Congestion, congestive
- bronchi 519.19
- bronchial tube 519.19
- Constriction
- bronchus 519.19
- Contraction, contracture, contracted
- bronchus 519.19
- Deformity 738.9
- bronchus (congenital) 748.3
- acquired 519.19
- trachea (rings) (congenital) 748.3
- acquired 519.19
- Deviation
- trachea 519.19
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- bronchi 519.19
- bronchopulmonary 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Diverticula, diverticulosis, diverticulum (acute) (multiple) (perforated) (ruptured) 562.10
- trachea (congenital) 748.3
- acquired 519.19
- Erosion
- bronchus 519.19
- Metaplasia
- squamous cell
- amnion 658.8
- bladder 596.89
- cervix - see condition
- trachea 519.19
- tracheobronchial tree 519.19
- uterus 621.8
- Mounier-Kuhn syndrome 748.3
- acquired 519.19
- with bronchiectasis 494.0
- with (acute) exacerbation 494.1
- Mucus
- plug (see also Asphyxia, mucus) 933.1
- aspiration, of newborn 770.17
- tracheobronchial 519.19
- Necrosis, necrotic
- bronchus, bronchi 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Ossification
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- bronchi 519.19
- Plug
- bronchus NEC 519.19
- Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Mounier-Kuhn 748.3
- with
- acute exacerbation 494.1
- bronchiectasis 494.0
- with (acute) exacerbation 494.1
- acquired 519.19
- with bronchiectasis 494.0
- with (acute) exacerbation 494.1
- Tracheobronchomegaly (congenital) 748.3
- acquired 519.19
- with bronchiectasis 494.0
- with (acute) exacerbation 494.1
- Tracheocele (external) (internal) 519.19
- Tracheomalacia 519.19
- Tracheostenosis 519.19
- Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
- bronchus 519.19
- trachea 519.19