2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 090.40
Juvenile neurosyphilis, unspecified
- Short description: Juvenile neurosyph NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 090.40 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 090.40 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2013 version of ICD-9-CM 090.40.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 090.40: 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
090.40 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A50.40 Late congenital neurosyphilis, unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A50.45 Juvenile general paresis
Approximate Synonyms
- Dementia paralytica juvenilis
- Juvenile neurosyphilis
- Juvenile tabes dorsalis
- Late congenital neurosyphilis
- Late congenital syphilitic polyneuropathy
- Neurosyphilis, juvenile
Applies To
- Congenital neurosyphilis
- Dementia paralytica juvenilis
- Juvenile:
- general paresis
- tabes
- taboparesis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Dementia 294.20
- paralytica, paralytic 094.1
- juvenilis 090.40
- syphilitic 094.1
- tabetic form 094.1
- Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9
- congenital 090.40
- juvenile (asymptomatic) (meningeal) 090.40
- tabes (dorsalis) 094.0
- juvenile 090.40
- tabetic 094.0
- juvenile 090.40
- taboparesis 094.1
- juvenile 090.40
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- juvenile general 090.40
- Paresis (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- juvenile 090.40
- syphilitic (general) 094.1
- congenital 090.40
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
- central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9
- with
- aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87
- congenital 090.40
- juvenile 090.40
- remission in (sustained) 094.9
- serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9
- specified nature or site NEC 094.89
- vascular 094.89
- congenital 090.9
- with
- encephalitis 090.41
- paresis (general) 090.40
- tabes (dorsalis) 090.40
- taborparesis 090.40
- chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.0 [363.13]
- early or less than 2 years after birth NEC 090.2
- with manifestations 090.0
- latent (without manifestations) 090.1
- negative spinal fluid test 090.1
- serology, positive 090.1
- symptomatic 090.0
- interstitial keratitis 090.3
- juvenile neurosyphilis 090.40
- late or 2 years or more after birth NEC 090.7
- chorioretinitis, choroiditis 090.5 [363.13]
- interstitial keratitis 090.3
- juvenile neurosyphilis NEC 090.40
- latent (without manifestations) 090.6
- negative spinal fluid test 090.6
- serology, positive 090.6
- symptomatic or with manifestations NEC 090.5
- interstitial keratitis 090.3
- paresis (general) 094.1
- juvenile 090.40
- tabes dorsalis (early) (late) 094.0
- juvenile 090.40
- tabetic type 094.0
- juvenile 090.40
- taboparesis 094.1
- juvenile 090.40
- Tabes, tabetic
- congenital 090.40
- juvenile 090.40
- Taboparesis (remission) 094.1
- juvenile 090.40