2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 729.2
Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis, unspecified
- Short description: Neuralgia/neuritis NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 729.2 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 729.2 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2012 version of ICD-9-CM 729.2.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 729.2: 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
729.2 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M54.10 Radiculopathy, site unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified
Approximate Synonyms
- Nerve root disorder
- Neuralgia
- Neuralgia (nerve pain)
- Neuritis
- Neuritis (nerve inflammation)
- Neuropathic (nerve) pain
- Neuropathic pain
- Radicular pain
- Radiculitis
- Radiculitis (inflamed spinal nerve root)
- Radiculopathy
- Radiculopathy (disease of spinal nerve root)
- Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
729.2 Excludes
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- policeman's 729.2
- Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)
- nerve NEC 729.2
- Neuralgia, neuralgic (acute) (see also Neuritis) 729.2
- brain - see Disorder nerve, cranial
- cerebral - see Disorder, nerve, cranial
- cranial nerve - see also Disorder, nerve, cranial
- fifth or trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
- Fothergill's (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
- glossopharyngeal (nerve) 352.1
- hypoglossal (nerve) 352.5
- infraorbital (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
- intercostal (nerve) 353.8
- malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- nerve, cranial - see Disorder, nerve, cranial
- specified nerve NEC - see Disorder, nerve
- sphenopalatine (ganglion) 337.09
- subscapular (nerve) 723.4
- suprascapular (nerve) 723.4
- trifacial (nerve) (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
- Neuritis (see also Neuralgia) 729.2
- arising during pregnancy 646.4
- brachial (nerve) NEC 723.4
- due to displacement, intervertebral disc 722.0
- cranial nerve - see also Disorder, nerve, cranial
- first or olfactory 352.0
- second or optic 377.30
- third or oculomotor 378.52
- fourth or trochlear 378.53
- fifth or trigeminal (see also Neuralgia, trigeminal) 350.1
- sixth or abducens 378.54
- seventh or facial 351.8
- eighth or acoustic 388.5
- ninth or glossopharyngeal 352.1
- tenth or vagus 352.3
- eleventh or accessory 352.4
- twelfth or hypoglossal 352.5
- due to
- beriberi 265.0 [357.4]
- displacement, prolapse, protrusion, or rupture of intervertebral disc 722.2
- herniation, nucleus pulposus 722.2
- general - see Polyneuropathy
- geniculate ganglion 351.1
- glossopharyngeal (nerve) 352.1
- hypoglossal (nerve) 352.5
- ilioinguinal (nerve) 355.8
- in diseases classified elsewhere - see Polyneuropathy, in
- infectious (multiple) 357.0
- intercostal (nerve) 353.8
- interstitial hypertrophic progressive NEC 356.9
- multiple (acute) (infective) 356.9
- nerve root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- peripheral (nerve) - see also Neuropathy, peripheral
- complicating pregnancy or puerperium 646.4
- specified nerve NEC - see Mononeuritis
- pneumogastric (nerve) 352.3
- progressive hypertrophic interstitial NEC 356.9
- puerperal, postpartum 646.4
- rheumatic (chronic) 729.2
- sciatic (nerve) 724.3
- due to displacement of intervertebral disc 722.10
- specified nerve NEC - see Disorder, nerve
- spinal (nerve) 355.9
- root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- subscapular (nerve) 723.4
- suprascapular (nerve) 723.4
- Neuropathy, neuropathic (see also Disorder, nerve) 355.9
- radicular NEC 729.2
- spinal nerve NEC 355.9
- root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- Pain(s) (see also Painful) 780.96
- nerve NEC 729.2
- radicular (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- root (spinal) (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- spinal root (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- Perineuritis NEC 729.2
- Policeman's disease 729.2
- Radiculitis (pressure) (vertebrogenic) 729.2
- due to displacement of intervertebral disc - see Neuritis, due to, displacement intervertebral disc
- rheumatic 729.2
- thoracic (with visceral pain) 724.4
- Radiculopathy (see also Radiculitis) 729.2
- Rheumatism, rheumatic (acute NEC) 729.0
- neuritis (acute) (chronic) 729.2
- radiculitis 729.2
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- radicular NEC 729.2
- Tarsalgia 729.2