Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
- adenoids (infectional) 474.12
- and tonsils (faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid) 474.10
- adrenal 255.8
- alveolar process or ridge 525.8
- anal papillae 569.49
- apocrine gland 705.82
- artery NEC 447.8
- arthritis (chronic) (see also Osteoarthrosis) 715.9
- spine (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
- arytenoid 478.79
- asymmetrical (heart) 429.9
- auricular - see Hypertrophy, cardiac
- Bartholin's gland 624.8
- bile duct 576.8
- bladder (sphincter) (trigone) 596.8
- blind spot, visual field 368.42
- bone 733.99
- brain 348.8
- breast 611.1
- cardiac (chronic) (idiopathic) 429.3
- with
- rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390)
- congenital NEC 746.89
- fatty (see also Degeneration, myocardial) 429.1
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- rheumatic (with chorea) 398.99
- valve (see also Endocarditis) 424.90
- cartilage 733.99
- cecum 569.89
- cervix (uteri) 622.6
- clitoris (cirrhotic) 624.2
- colon 569.89
- conjunctiva, lymphoid 372.73
- cornea 371.89
- corpora cavernosa 607.89
- duodenum 537.89
- endometrium (uterus) (see also Hyperplasia, endometrium) 621.30
- epididymis 608.89
- esophageal hiatus (congenital) 756.6
- with hernia - see Hernia, diaphragm
- eyelid 374.30
- falx, skull 733.99
- fat pad 729.30
- foot (congenital) 755.67
- frenum, frenulum (tongue) 529.8
- gallbladder or cystic duct 575.8
- gastric mucosa 535.2
- gingiva 523.8
- gland, glandular (general) NEC 785.6
- gum (mucous membrane) 523.8
- heart (idiopathic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
- valve - see also Endocarditis
- hemifacial 754.0
- hepatic - see Hypertrophy, liver
- hiatus (esophageal) 756.6
- hilus gland 785.6
- hymen, congenital 752.49
- ileum 569.89
- infrapatellar fat pad 729.31
- intestine 569.89
- jejunum 569.89
- kidney (compensatory) 593.1
- labial frenulum 528.5
- labium (majus) (minus) 624.3
- lacrimal gland, chronic 375.03
- ligament 728.9
- linguae frenulum 529.8
- lingual tonsil (infectional) 474.11
- lip (frenum) 528.5
- liver 789.1
- acute 573.8
- cirrhotic - see Cirrhosis, liver
- congenital 751.69
- fatty - see Fatty, liver
- lymph gland 785.6
- tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
- mammary gland - see Hypertrophy, breast
- maxillary frenulum 528.5
- Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) 751.0
- medial meniscus, acquired 717.3
- median bar 600.90
- with
- other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
- urinary
- mediastinum 519.3
- meibomian gland 373.2
- meniscus, knee, congenital 755.64
- metatarsal head 733.99
- metatarsus 733.99
- mouth 528.9
- mucous membrane
- muscle 728.9
- muscular coat, artery NEC 447.8
- myocardium (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) 429.3
- myometrium 621.2
- nail 703.8
- nasal 478.19
- nasopharynx, lymphoid (infectional) (tissue) (wall) 478.29
- neck, uterus 622.6
- nipple 611.1
- normal aperture diaphragm (congenital) 756.6
- nose (see also Hypertrophy, nasal) 478.19
- orbit 376.46
- organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
- osteoarthropathy (pulmonary) 731.2
- ovary 620.8
- palate (hard) 526.89
- pancreas (congenital) 751.7
- papillae
- parathyroid (gland) 252.01
- parotid gland 527.1
- penis 607.89
- phallus 607.89
- pharyngeal tonsil 474.12
- pharyngitis 472.1
- pharynx 478.29
- lymphoid (infectional) (tissue) (wall) 478.29
- pituitary (fossa) (gland) 253.8
- popliteal fat pad 729.31
- preauricular (lymph) gland (Hampstead) 785.6
- prepuce (congenital) 605
- prostate (asymptomatic) (early) (recurrent) 600.90
- with
- other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.91
- urinary
- adenofibromatous 600.20
- with
- other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.21
- urinary
- benign 600.00
- with
- other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) 600.01
- urinary
- congenital 752.89
- pseudoedematous hypodermal 757.0
- pseudomuscular 359.1
- pylorus (muscle) (sphincter) 537.0
- rectal sphincter 569.49
- rectum 569.49
- renal 593.1
- rhinitis (turbinate) 472.0
- salivary duct or gland 527.1
- scaphoid (tarsal) 733.99
- scar 701.4
- scrotum 608.89
- sella turcica 253.8
- seminal vesicle 608.89
- sigmoid 569.89
- skin condition NEC 701.9
- spermatic cord 608.89
- spinal ligament 724.8
- spleen - see Splenomegaly
- spondylitis (spine) (see also Spondylosis) 721.90
- stomach 537.89
- subaortic stenosis (idiopathic) 425.1
- sublingual gland 527.1
- submaxillary gland 527.1
- suprarenal (gland) 255.8
- tendon 727.9
- testis 608.89
- thymic, thymus (congenital) (gland) 254.0
- thyroid (gland) (see also Goiter) 240.9
- toe (congenital) 755.65
- tongue 529.8
- tonsil (faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid) 474.11
- tunica vaginalis 608.89
- turbinate (mucous membrane) 478.0
- ureter 593.89
- urethra 599.84
- uterus 621.2
- puerperal, postpartum 674.8
- uvula 528.9
- vagina 623.8
- vas deferens 608.89
- vein 459.89
- ventricle, ventricular (heart) (left) (right) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
- congenital 746.89
- due to hypertension (left) (right) (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- right with ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis or atresia, and dextraposition of aorta 745.2
- verumontanum 599.89
- vesical 596.8
- vocal cord 478.5
- vulva 624.3
- stasis (nonfilarial) 624.3