Convert to ICD-10-CM:
990 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T66.XXXA Radiation sickness, unspecified, initial encounter
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Complications
- phototherapy 990
- radiation 990
- radiotherapy 990
- Effect, adverse NEC
- cobalt, radioactive (see also Effect, adverse, radioactive substance) 990
- fallout (radioactive) NEC 990
- fluoroscopy NEC 990
- implantation (removable) of isotope or radium NEC 990
- infrared (radiation) (rays) NEC 990
- burn - see Burn, by site
- dermatitis or eczema 692.82
- ingestion or injection of isotope (therapeutic) NEC 990
- irradiation NEC (see also Effect, adverse, radiation) 990
- isotope (radioactive) NEC 990
- mesothorium NEC 990
- polonium NEC 990
- radiation (diagnostic) (fallout) (infrared) (natural source) (therapeutic) (tracer) (ultraviolet) (x-ray) NEC 990
- with pulmonary manifestations
- dermatitis or eczema 692.82
- due to sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
- fibrosis of lungs 508.1
- maternal with suspected damage to fetus affecting management of pregnancy 655.6
- pneumonitis 508.0
- radioactive substance NEC 990
- radioactivity NEC 990
- radiotherapy NEC 990
- radium NEC 990
- roentgenography NEC 990
- roentgenoscopy NEC 990
- roentgen rays NEC 990
- teletherapy NEC 990
- ultraviolet (radiation) (rays) NEC 990
- burn - see also Burn, by site
- from sun (see also Sunburn) 692.71
- dermatitis or eczema 692.82
- due to sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
- uranium NEC 990
- working environment V62.1
- x-rays NEC 990
- dermatitis or eczema 692.82
- Fallout, radioactive (adverse effect) NEC 990
- Injury 959.9
- cathode ray 990
- infrared rays NEC 990
- radiation NEC 990
- radioactive substance or radium NEC 990
- roentgen rays NEC 990
- ultraviolet rays NEC 990
- x-ray NEC 990
- Irradiation
- effects, adverse 990
- Lesion
- radiation NEC 990
- radium NEC 990
- x-ray NEC 990
- Misadventure (prophylactic) (therapeutic) (see also Complications) 999.9
- radiation NEC 990
- radiotherapy NEC 990
- Sickness
- radiation NEC 990
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- postirradiation 990
- Teletherapy, adverse effect NEC 990
- X-ray
- effects, adverse, NEC 990