ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Anemia 285.9
- fetus or newborn
- due to
- Rh
- antibodies 773.0
- incompatibility, maternal/fetal 773.0
- isoimmunization 773.0
- following fetal blood loss 776.5
- Antibodies
- maternal (blood group) (see also Incompatibility) 656.2
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- hemolytic (fetus) (newborn) 773.2
- autoimmune (cold type) (warm type) 283.0
- due to or with
- incompatibility
- ABO (blood group) 773.1
- blood (group) (Duffy) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (S) NEC 773.2
- Rh (blood group) (factor) 773.0
- Rh negative mother 773.0
- unstable hemoglobin 282.7
- Erythroblastosis (fetalis) (newborn) 773.2
- due to
- Rh
- antibodies 773.0
- incompatibility, maternal/fetal 773.0
- isoimmunization 773.0
- Icterus (see also Jaundice) 782.4
- gravis (see also Necrosis, liver) 570
- complicating pregnancy 646.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
- fetus or newborn NEC 773.0
- obstetrical 646.7
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.8
- Immunization
- Rh factor
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.1
- from transfusion 999.7
- Immunodeficiency 279.3
- to Rh factor
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.1
- Incompatibility
- Rh (blood group) (factor)
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.1
- fetus or newborn 773.0
- infusion or transfusion reaction 999.7
- Isoimmunization NEC (see also Incompatibility) 656.2
- fetus or newborn 773.2
- ABO blood groups 773.1
- Rhesus (Rh) factor 773.0
- Jaundice (yellow) 782.4
- fetus or newborn 774.6
- due to or associated with
- absence or deficiency of enzyme system for bilirubin conjugation (congenital) 774.39
- blood group incompatibility NEC 773.2
- breast milk inhibitors to conjugation 774.39
- associated with preterm delivery 774.2
- bruising 774.1
- Crigler-Najjar syndrome 277.4 [774.31]
- delayed conjugation 774.30
- associated with preterm delivery 774.2
- development 774.39
- drugs or toxins transmitted from mother 774.1
- G-6-PD deficiency 282.2 [774.0]
- galactosemia 271.1 [774.5]
- Gilbert's syndrome 277.4 [774.31]
- hepatocellular damage 774.4
- hereditary hemolytic anemia (see also Anemia, hemolytic) 282.9 [774.0]
- hypothyroidism, congenital 243 [774.31]
- incompatibility, maternal/fetal NEC 773.2
- infection 774.1
- inspissated bile syndrome 774.4
- isoimmunization NEC 773.2
- mucoviscidosis 277.01 [774.5]
- obliteration of bile duct, congenital 751.61 [774.5]
- polycythemia 774.1
- preterm delivery 774.2
- red cell defect 282.9 [774.0]
- Rh
- antibodies 773.0
- incompatibility, maternal/fetal 773.0
- isoimmunization 773.0
- spherocytosis (congenital) 282.0 [774.0]
- swallowed maternal blood 774.1
- physiological NEC 774.6
- Rh (factor)
- hemolytic disease 773.0
- incompatibility, immunization, or sensitization
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.1
- fetus or newborn 773.0
- transfusion reaction 999.7
- negative mother, affecting fetus or newborn 773.0