Convert to ICD-10-CM:
282.7 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM D56.4 Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin [HPFH]
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM D58.2 Other hemoglobinopathies
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly
hemoglobin (see also Disease, hemoglobin) 282.7
trait - see Trait, hemoglobin, abnormal
- Anemia 285.9

congenital (following fetal blood loss) 776.5

aplastic 284.0

due to isoimmunization NEC 773.2

Heinz-body 282.7
hereditary hemolytic NEC 282.9

pernicious 281.0

spherocytic (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0
Heinz-body, congenital 282.7
hemolytic 283.9

acquired 283.9

with hemoglobinuria NEC 283.2

autoimmune (cold type) (idiopathic) (primary) (secondary) (symptomatic) (warm type) 283.0

due to

cold reactive antibodies 283.0

drug exposure 283.0

warm reactive antibodies 283.0

fragmentation 283.19

idiopathic (chronic) 283.9

infectious 283.19

non-autoimmune 283.10

toxic 283.19

traumatic cardiac 283.19

acute 283.9

due to enzyme deficiency NEC 282.3

fetus or newborn (see also Disease, hemolytic) 773.2

Lederer's (acquired infectious hemolytic anemia) 283.19

autoimmune (acquired) 283.0

chronic 282.9

cold type (secondary) (symptomatic) 283.0

congenital (spherocytic) (see also Spherocytosis) 282.0

nonspherocytic - see Anemia, hemolytic, nonspherocytic, congenital

drug-induced 283.0

due to

cardiac conditions 283.19

drugs 283.0

enzyme deficiency NEC 282.3

presence of shunt or other internal prosthetic device 283.19

thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 446.6

elliptocytotic (see also Elliptocytosis) 282.1

familial 282.9

hereditary 282.9

due to enzyme deficiency NEC 282.3

specified NEC 282.8

idiopathic (chronic) 283.9

infectious (acquired) 283.19

mechanical 283.19

microangiopathic 283.19

nonautoimmune 283.10

of or complicating pregnancy 648.2

resulting from presence of shunt or other internal prosthetic device 283.19

secondary 283.19

sickle-cell - see Disease, sickle-cell
Stransky-Regala type (Hb-E) (see also Disease, hemoglobin) 282.7
symptomatic 283.19

toxic (acquired) 283.19

uremic (adult) (child) 283.11

warm type (secondary) (symptomatic) 283.0
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
hemoglobin (Hb) 282.7
with thalassemia 282.49

abnormal (mixed) NEC 282.7
AS genotype 282.5

Bart's 282.49

C (Hb-C) 282.7

with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7

elliptocytosis 282.7

Hb-S (without crisis) 282.63

sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.63

thalassemia 282.49

constant spring 282.7
D (Hb-D) 282.7

with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7

Hb-S (without crisis) 282.68

sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.68

thalassemia 282.49

E (Hb-E) 282.7

with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC 282.7

Hb-S (without crisis) 282.68

sickle-cell (without crisis) 282.68

thalassemia 282.49

elliptocytosis 282.7
F (Hb-F) 282.7
G (Hb-G) 282.7
H (Hb-H) 282.49

hereditary persistence, fetal (HPFH) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
high fetal gene 282.7
I thalassemia 282.49

M 289.7

S - see also Disease, sickle-cell, Hb-S

thalassemia (without crisis) 282.41

spherocytosis 282.7
unstable, hemolytic 282.7
Zurich (Hb-Zurich) 282.7
hemolytic (fetus) (newborn) 773.2

autoimmune (cold type) (warm type) 283.0

due to or with


ABO (blood group) 773.1

blood (group) (Duffy) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (S) NEC 773.2

Rh (blood group) (factor) 773.0

Rh negative mother 773.0

unstable hemoglobin 282.7
HPFH (hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
unstable hemoglobin hemolytic 282.7
- Elliptocytosis (congenital) (hereditary) 282.1

Hb-C (disease) 282.7
hemoglobin disease 282.7
- Findings, abnormal, without diagnosis (examination) (laboratory test) 796.4

- Heinz-body anemia, congenital 282.7
- Hemoglobin - see also condition
fetal, hereditary persistence 282.7
- Hemoglobinopathy (mixed) (see also Disease, hemoglobin) 282.7
- Persistence, persistent (congenital) 759.89

circulation 747.83

form of cervix (uteri) 752.49

hemoglobin (hereditary) ("Swiss variety") 282.7
pulmonary hypertension 747.83
hemoglobin, fetal (hereditary) (HPFH) 282.7
- Spherocytosis (congenital) (familial) (hereditary) 282.0

hemoglobin disease 282.7
- Trait
abnormal NEC 282.7
C (see also Disease, hemoglobin, C) 282.7

with elliptocytosis 282.7

S (Hb-S) 282.5