2006 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 459.89
Other specified circulatory system disorders
- Short description: CIRCULATORY DISEASE NEC.
- ICD-9-CM 459.89 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 459.89 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2006 version of ICD-9-CM 459.89.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 459.89: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
459.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I99.8 Other disorder of circulatory system
Approximate Synonyms
- Abdominal wall veins distended
- Acquired portal-systemic shunt
- Angiectasis pregnancy
- Arterial wall cord-like
- Bilat arm ischemia
- Bilat leg ischemia
- Bilateral arm ischemia
- Bilateral leg ischemia
- Blocked central line
- CABG fibrosis
- Cannon waves
- Cardiovascular device fibrosis
- Cardiovascular device stenosis
- Central line occlusion
- Clotted arteriovenous access
- Critical ischemia of foot
- Device, implant or graft fibrosis
- Dilated subcutaneous veins
- Disorder of blood vessels of thorax
- Disorder of portal systemic vascular shunt
- Distal vessel occluded
- Distal vessel patency reduced
- Distended epigastric veins
- Distention of artery
- Double coronary vessel disease
- Dysplasia of blood vessel of kidney
- Ecchymosis
- Ecchymosis of buccal mucosa
- Ecchymosis of floor of mouth
- Ecchymosis of gingivae
- Ecchymosis of intraoral surface of lip
- Ecchymosis of oral alveolar mucosa
- Ecchymosis of oral cavity
- Ecchymosis of oropharynx
- Ecchymosis of palate
- Ecchymosis of tongue
- Exaggerated JVP 'v' wave
- Fibrosis due to any device, implant AND/OR graft
- Fibrosis due to any device, implant or graft
- Fibrosis of cardiovascular device
- Fibrosis of coronary artery bypass graft
- Fibrosis of genitourinary device, implant AND/OR graft
- Fibrosis of internal orthopedic device, implant AND/OR graft
- Genitourinary device, implant or graft fibrosis
- Hepatojugular reflux
- Incompetent perforator
- Increased central venous pressure
- Increased collateral circulation
- Increased vascular resistance
- Increased venous pressure
- Increased venous wedge pressure
- Internal orthopedic device, implant or graft fibrosis
- Intrahepatic phlebosclerosis and fibrosis
- Ischemia of hand
- Ischemia of viscera
- Ischemia, extremity
- Ischemia, hand
- Ischemia, limb
- Ischemia, viscera
- Ischemic hand
- Jugular venous pressure raised on inspiration
- Left arm ischemia
- Left leg ischemia
- Limb ischemia
- Muscle ecchymosis
- Necrotizing vasculopathy
- Occlusion of central line
- On examination - ecchymosis
- Organ or tissue vascular perfusion decreased
- Partial portal-systemic vascular shunt
- Pelvic phleboliths
- Phlebolithiasis
- Phlebosclerosis
- Poor venous access
- Portal and splenic vein sclerosis
- Portal systemic vascular shunt disorder
- Portosystemic venous shunt
- Precipitate JVP 'y' descent
- Prominent leg veins
- Prominent leg veins - symptom
- Prominent veins
- Pulmonary venous congestion
- Radiofemoral delay
- Raised jugular venous pressure
- Right arm ischemia
- Right leg ischemia
- Slow JVP 'y' descent
- Stenosis (narrowing) of arteriovenous graft
- Stenosis of arteriovenous dialysis fistula
- Stenosis of cardiovascular device
- Steroidal ecchymosis
- Superficial ecchymosis
- Surgical arteriovenous fistula stenosis
- Surgical arteriovenous fistula thrombosis
- Thrombosis of surgically created arteriovenous fistula
- Trash foot
- Vascular coiling
- Vascular disease of abdomen
- Vascular graft fibrosis
- Venospasm
- Venous collateral circulation, any site
- Venous hypertension of hand
- Venous hypertension of lower limb
- Venous hypertension of upper limb
- Visceral ischemia
Applies To
- Collateral circulation (venous), any site
- Phlebosclerosis
- Venofibrosis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Absorbent system disease 459.89
- Angiectasis 459.89
- Atrophy, atrophic
- vascular 459.89
- Circulation
- collateral (venous), any site 459.89
- defective 459.9
- congenital 747.9
- lower extremity 459.89
- Collateral - see also condition
- circulation (venous) 459.89
- dilation, veins 459.89
- Dilatation
- blood vessel 459.89
- vein 459.89
- venule 459.89
- anus - see Hemorrhoids
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- absorbent system 459.89
- angiopastic, angiospasmodic 443.9
- cerebral 435.9
- with transient neurologic deficit 435.9
- vein 459.89
- circulatory (system) NEC 459.9
- chronic, maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 760.3
- specified NEC 459.89
- syphilitic 093.9
- Wallgren's (obstruction of splenic vein with collateral circulation) 459.89
- Ecchymosis (multiple) 459.89
- eyelids (traumatic) 921.1
- traumatic - see Contusion
- Edema, edematous 782.3
- orbit 376.33
- circulatory 459.89
- Elevation
- venous pressure 459.89
- Fibrosis, fibrotic
- vein 459.89
- lower extremities 459.89
- Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
- vein 459.89
- Increase, increased
- venous pressure 459.89
- Phlebofibrosis 459.89
- Phleboliths 459.89
- Phlebosclerosis 459.89
- Pressure
- venous, increased 459.89
- Rise, venous pressure 459.89
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
- vein 459.89
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
- vein NEC 459.89
- Venofibrosis 459.89
- Wallgren's
- disease (obstruction of splenic vein with collateral circulation) 459.89