Convert to ICD-10-CM:
435.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G45.9 Transient cerebral ischemic attack, unspecified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I67.848 Other cerebrovascular vasospasm and vasoconstriction
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Accident, accidental - see also condition
- cerebrovascular (current) (CVA) (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 434.91
- embolic 434.11
- healed or old V12.59
- hemorrhagic - see Hemorrhage, brain
- impending 435.9
- ischemic 434.91
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- postoperative 997.02
- thrombotic 434.01
- Alvarez syndrome (transient cerebral ischemia) 435.9
- Angiospasm 443.9
- cerebral 435.9
- Attack
- transient ischemic (TIA) 435.9
- Claudication, intermittent 443.9
- cerebral (artery) (see also Ischemia, cerebral, transient) 435.9
- Deficit
- neurologic NEC 781.99
- due to
- cerebrovascular lesion (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- transient ischemic attack 435.9
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- angiopastic, angiospasmodic 443.9
- cerebral 435.9
- with transient neurologic deficit 435.9
- vein 459.89
- Encephalomalacia (brain) (cerebellar) (cerebral) (cerebrospinal) (see also Softening, brain) 434.9
- due to
- hemorrhage (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
- recurrent spasm of artery 435.9
- Impending
- cerebrovascular accident or attack 435.9
- Insufficiency, insufficient
- cerebrovascular 437.9
- with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms 435.9
- acute 437.1
- with transient focal neurological signs and symptoms 435.9
- Ischemia, ischemic 459.9
- brain - see also Ischemia, cerebral
- recurrent focal 435.9
- cerebral (chronic) (generalized) 437.1
- arteriosclerotic 437.0
- intermittent (with transient neurologic deficit) 435.9
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
- recurrent focal (with transient neurologic deficit) 435.9
- transient (with transient neurologic deficit) 435.9
- Little
- stroke syndrome 435.9
- Spasm, spastic, spasticity (see also condition) 781.0
- cerebral (arteries) (vascular) 435.9
- specified artery NEC 435.8
- cerebrovascular 435.9
- Stroke 434.91
- in evolution 435.9
- progressive 435.9
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Alvarez (transient cerebral ischemia) 435.9
- stroke (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- little 435.9
- TIA (transient ischemic attack) 435.9
- with transient neurologic deficit 435.9
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- Vasospasm 443.9
- cerebral (artery) 435.9
- with transient neurologic deficit 435.9