Convert to ICD-10-CM:
094.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.19 Other symptomatic neurosyphilis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (ruptured) (saccular) (varicose) 442.9

central nervous system, syphilitic 094.89
spinal (cord) 442.89

congenital 747.82

syphilitic (hemorrhage) 094.89
syphilitic 093.9

aorta 093.0

central nervous system 094.89
congenital 090.5

spine, spinal 094.89
- Aphasia (amnestic) (ataxic) (auditory) (Broca's) (choreatic) (classic) (expressive) (global) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (jargon) (motor) (nominal) (receptive) (semantic) (sensory) (syntactic) (verbal) (visual) (Wernicke's) 784.3

syphilis, tertiary 094.89
- Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, pupil, or syndrome (syphilitic) 094.89
- Arteritis 447.6

brain 437.4

syphilitic 094.89
cerebral 437.4

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
sphylitic 094.89
syphilitic (general) 093.89

brain 094.89
coronary 093.89

spinal 094.89
- Bell's
- Claudication, intermittent 443.9

spinal cord (arteriosclerotic) 435.1

syphilitic 094.89
- Deafness (acquired) (bilateral) (both ears) (complete) (congenital) (hereditary) (middle ear) (partial) (unilateral) 389.9

syphilitic 094.89
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
Heubner's 094.89
- Endarteritis (bacterial, subacute) (infective) (septic) 447.6

syphilitic 093.89

brain or cerebral 094.89
congenital 090.5

spinal 094.89
- Epilepsy, epileptic (idiopathic) 345.9

due to syphilis 094.89
- Erb's
palsy, paralysis (birth) (brachial) (newborn) 767.6

spinal (spastic) syphilitic 094.89
- Erosion
spine, aneurysmal 094.89
- Granuloma NEC 686.1

syphilitic (epidural) 094.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0
- Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9

artery 093.89

cerebral or spinal 094.89
brain 094.89
cauda equina 094.89
intracranial 094.89
spinal cord 094.89
- Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (nontraumatic) 459.0

brain (miliary) (nontraumatic) 431

arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
due to

birth injury 767.0

rupture of aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430

syphilis 094.89

epidural or extradural - see Hemorrhage, extradural
fetus or newborn (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) (nontraumatic) 767.0

iatrogenic 997.02

postoperative 997.02

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0

stem 431

subarachnoid, arachnoid, or meningeal - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
subdural - see Hemorrhage, subdural
traumatic NEC 853.0



contusion - see Contusion, brain

laceration - see Laceration, brain

open intracranial wound 853.1

skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

extradural or epidural 852.4

with open intracranial wound 852.5

subarachnoid 852.0

with open intracranial wound 852.1

subdural 852.2

with open intracranial wound 852.3
- Heubner's disease 094.89
- Meningoencephalocele 742.0

syphilitic 094.89
- Meningomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9

syphilitic 094.89
- Myelitis (acute) (ascending) (cerebellar) (childhood) (chronic) (descending) (diffuse) (disseminated) (pressure) (progressive) (spinal cord) (subacute) (transverse) (see also Encephalitis) 323.9

syphilitic (transverse) 094.89
- Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9

aneurysm 094.89
arteritis (any artery) 094.89
dura (mater) 094.89
specified nature or site NEC 094.89
thrombosis 094.89
vascular 094.89
- Palsy (see also Paralysis) 344.9

brain - see also Palsy, cerebral
noncongenital or noninfantile 344.89

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

syphilitic 094.89
cerebral (congenital) (infantile) (spastic) 343.9

athetoid 333.7

diplegic 343.0

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

hemiplegic 343.1

monoplegic 343.3

noncongenital or noninfantile 437.8

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

paraplegic 343.0

quadriplegic 343.2

spastic, not congenital or infantile 344.89

syphilitic 094.89
tetraplegic 343.2
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9


back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, with spinal cord injury

fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
syphilis 094.89
Erb's syphilitic spastic spinal 094.89
nerve - see also Disorder, nerve
spastic 344.9

cerebral infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral
familial 334.1

hereditary 334.1

infantile 343.9

noncongenital or noninfantile, cerebral 344.9

syphilitic 094.0
spinal (cord) NEC 344.1

accessory nerve 352.4

acute (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9

ascending acute 357.0

atrophic (acute) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1

spastic, syphilitic 094.89

congenital NEC 343.9

hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
hereditary 336.8

infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9

late effect NEC 344.89

monoplegic - see Monoplegia
nerve 355.9

progressive 335.10

quadriplegic - see Quadriplegia
spastic NEC 343.9

traumatic - see Injury, spinal, by site
syphilitic spastic spinal (Erb's) 094.89
- Paraplegia 344.1

Erb's spinal 094.89
hereditary 334.1

not infantile or congenital 344.1
syphilitic (spastic) 094.89
- Poliomyelitis (acute) (anterior) (epidemic) 045.9

syphilitic (chronic) 094.89
- Radiculitis (pressure) (vertebrogenic) 729.2

syphilitic 094.89
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9

aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease

syphilitic 094.87

hemorrhagic (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431

injury at birth 767.0

syphilitic 094.89
spinal cord - see also Injury, spinal, by site
due to injury at birth 767.4

fetus or newborn 767.4

syphilitic 094.89
traumatic - see also Injury, spinal, by site

with fracture - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
spinal (cord) (general) (progressive) (transverse) 336.8

ascending 357.0

combined - see also Degeneration, combined

multiple 340

syphilitic 094.89

disseminated 340

dorsolateral - see Degeneration, combined
hereditary (Friedreich's) (mixed form) 334.0

lateral (amyotrophic) 335.24

multiple 340

posterior (syphilitic) 094.0
- Syndrome - see also Disease
Argyll Robertson's (syphilitic) 094.89
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9

aneurysm (artery) (ruptured) 093.89

aorta 093.0

central nervous system 094.89
congenital 090.5
artery 093.89

cerebral 094.89
spinal 094.89
Bell's palsy 094.89
brain 094.89
bulbar palsy 094.89
central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9

aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87

congenital 090.40

juvenile 090.40

remission in (sustained) 094.9

serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9

specified nature or site NEC 094.89
vascular 094.89
cerebral 094.89
meningovascular 094.2

nerves 094.89
sclerosis 094.89
thrombosis 094.89
cerebrospinal 094.89
cerebrovascular 094.89
combined sclerosis 094.89
cranial nerve 094.89
degeneration, spinal cord 094.89
dura mater 094.89
hemianesthesia 094.89
hemiparesis 094.89
hemiplegia 094.89
monoplegia 094.89
nerve palsy (any cranial nerve) 094.89
ophthalmoplegia 094.89
paralysis 094.89
paraplegia 094.89
paresthesia 094.89
pontine (lesion) 094.89
psychosis (intracranial gumma) 094.89
ptosis (eyelid) 094.89
cerebral 094.89
coronary 093.89

multiple 094.89
subacute 094.89
seventh nerve (paralysis) 094.89
tumor, brain 094.89
vascular 093.89

brain or cerebral 094.89
- Thrombosis, thrombotic (marantic) (multiple) (progressive) (septic) (vein) (vessel) 453.9

brain (artery) (stem) 434.0

due to syphilis 094.89
iatrogenic 997.02

late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
postoperative 997.02

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0

sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) 325
spinal cord 336.1

due to syphilis 094.89
in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5

pyogenic origin 324.1

late effect - see category 326
- Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
syphilitic brain 094.89