Convert to ICD-10-CM:
094.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.19 Other symptomatic neurosyphilis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (ruptured) (saccular) (varicose) 442.9
- central nervous system, syphilitic 094.89
- spinal (cord) 442.89
- congenital 747.82
- syphilitic (hemorrhage) 094.89
- syphilitic 093.9
- aorta 093.0
- central nervous system 094.89
- congenital 090.5
- spine, spinal 094.89
- Aphasia (amnestic) (ataxic) (auditory) (Broca's) (choreatic) (classic) (expressive) (global) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (jargon) (motor) (nominal) (receptive) (semantic) (sensory) (syntactic) (verbal) (visual) (Wernicke's) 784.3
- syphilis, tertiary 094.89
- Argyll-Robertson phenomenon, pupil, or syndrome (syphilitic) 094.89
- Arteritis 447.6
- brain 437.4
- syphilitic 094.89
- cerebral 437.4
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- sphylitic 094.89
- syphilitic (general) 093.89
- brain 094.89
- coronary 093.89
- spinal 094.89
- Bell's
- Claudication, intermittent 443.9
- spinal cord (arteriosclerotic) 435.1
- syphilitic 094.89
- Deafness (acquired) (bilateral) (both ears) (complete) (congenital) (hereditary) (middle ear) (partial) (unilateral) 389.9
- syphilitic 094.89
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Heubner's 094.89
- Endarteritis (bacterial, subacute) (infective) (septic) 447.6
- syphilitic 093.89
- brain or cerebral 094.89
- congenital 090.5
- spinal 094.89
- Epilepsy, epileptic (idiopathic) 345.9
- due to syphilis 094.89
- Erb's
- palsy, paralysis (birth) (brachial) (newborn) 767.6
- spinal (spastic) syphilitic 094.89
- Erosion
- spine, aneurysmal 094.89
- Granuloma NEC 686.1
- spine
- syphilitic (epidural) 094.89
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 015.0 [730.88]
- Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9
- artery 093.89
- cerebral or spinal 094.89
- brain 094.89
- cauda equina 094.89
- intracranial 094.89
- spinal cord 094.89
- Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (nontraumatic) 459.0
- brain (miliary) (nontraumatic) 431
- with
- arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
- due to
- birth injury 767.0
- rupture of aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
- syphilis 094.89
- epidural or extradural - see Hemorrhage, extradural
- fetus or newborn (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) (nontraumatic) 767.0
- iatrogenic 997.02
- postoperative 997.02
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
- stem 431
- subarachnoid, arachnoid, or meningeal - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
- subdural - see Hemorrhage, subdural
- traumatic NEC 853.0
- with
- cerebral
- contusion - see Contusion, brain
- laceration - see Laceration, brain
- open intracranial wound 853.1
- skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site
- extradural or epidural 852.4
- with open intracranial wound 852.5
- subarachnoid 852.0
- with open intracranial wound 852.1
- subdural 852.2
- with open intracranial wound 852.3
- Heubner's disease 094.89
- Meningoencephalocele 742.0
- syphilitic 094.89
- Meningomyelocele (see also Spina bifida) 741.9
- syphilitic 094.89
- Myelitis (acute) (ascending) (cerebellar) (childhood) (chronic) (descending) (diffuse) (disseminated) (pressure) (progressive) (spinal cord) (subacute) (transverse) (see also Encephalitis) 323.9
- syphilitic (transverse) 094.89
- Neurosyphilis (arrested) (early) (inactive) (late) (latent) (recurrent) 094.9
- aneurysm 094.89
- arteritis (any artery) 094.89
- dura (mater) 094.89
- specified nature or site NEC 094.89
- thrombosis 094.89
- vascular 094.89
- Palsy (see also Paralysis) 344.9
- brain - see also Palsy, cerebral
- noncongenital or noninfantile 344.89
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- syphilitic 094.89
- cerebral (congenital) (infantile) (spastic) 343.9
- athetoid 333.7
- diplegic 343.0
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- hemiplegic 343.1
- monoplegic 343.3
- noncongenital or noninfantile 437.8
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- paraplegic 343.0
- quadriplegic 343.2
- spastic, not congenital or infantile 344.89
- syphilitic 094.89
- tetraplegic 343.2
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- with
- broken
- back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, with spinal cord injury
- fracture, vertebra - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- syphilis 094.89
- Erb's syphilitic spastic spinal 094.89
- nerve - see also Disorder, nerve
- spastic 344.9
- cerebral infantile - see Palsy, cerebral
- congenital (cerebral) - see Palsy, cerebral
- familial 334.1
- hereditary 334.1
- infantile 343.9
- noncongenital or noninfantile, cerebral 344.9
- syphilitic 094.0
- spinal (cord) NEC 344.1
- accessory nerve 352.4
- acute (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- ascending acute 357.0
- atrophic (acute) (see also Poliomyelitis, with paralysis) 045.1
- spastic, syphilitic 094.89
- congenital NEC 343.9
- hemiplegic - see Hemiplegia
- hereditary 336.8
- infantile (see also Poliomyelitis) 045.9
- late effect NEC 344.89
- monoplegic - see Monoplegia
- nerve 355.9
- progressive 335.10
- quadriplegic - see Quadriplegia
- spastic NEC 343.9
- traumatic - see Injury, spinal, by site
- syphilitic spastic spinal (Erb's) 094.89
- Paraplegia 344.1
- spastic
- Erb's spinal 094.89
- hereditary 334.1
- not infantile or congenital 344.1
- syphilitic (spastic) 094.89
- Poliomyelitis (acute) (anterior) (epidemic) 045.9
- syphilitic (chronic) 094.89
- Radiculitis (pressure) (vertebrogenic) 729.2
- syphilitic 094.89
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9
- brain
- aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- syphilitic 094.87
- hemorrhagic (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
- injury at birth 767.0
- syphilitic 094.89
- spinal cord - see also Injury, spinal, by site
- due to injury at birth 767.4
- fetus or newborn 767.4
- syphilitic 094.89
- traumatic - see also Injury, spinal, by site
- with fracture - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
- spinal (cord) (general) (progressive) (transverse) 336.8
- ascending 357.0
- combined - see also Degeneration, combined
- multiple 340
- syphilitic 094.89
- disseminated 340
- dorsolateral - see Degeneration, combined
- hereditary (Friedreich's) (mixed form) 334.0
- lateral (amyotrophic) 335.24
- multiple 340
- posterior (syphilitic) 094.0
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Argyll Robertson's (syphilitic) 094.89
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
- aneurysm (artery) (ruptured) 093.89
- aorta 093.0
- central nervous system 094.89
- congenital 090.5
- artery 093.89
- cerebral 094.89
- spinal 094.89
- Bell's palsy 094.89
- brain 094.89
- bulbar palsy 094.89
- central nervous system (any site) (early) (late) (latent) (primary) (recurrent) (relapse) (secondary) (tertiary) 094.9
- with
- aneurysm (ruptured) 094.87
- congenital 090.40
- juvenile 090.40
- remission in (sustained) 094.9
- serology doubtful, negative, or positive 094.9
- specified nature or site NEC 094.89
- vascular 094.89
- cerebral 094.89
- meningovascular 094.2
- nerves 094.89
- sclerosis 094.89
- thrombosis 094.89
- cerebrospinal 094.89
- cerebrovascular 094.89
- combined sclerosis 094.89
- cranial nerve 094.89
- degeneration, spinal cord 094.89
- dura mater 094.89
- hemianesthesia 094.89
- hemiparesis 094.89
- hemiplegia 094.89
- monoplegia 094.89
- nerve palsy (any cranial nerve) 094.89
- ophthalmoplegia 094.89
- paralysis 094.89
- paraplegia 094.89
- paresthesia 094.89
- pontine (lesion) 094.89
- psychosis (intracranial gumma) 094.89
- ptosis (eyelid) 094.89
- sclerosis
- cerebral 094.89
- coronary 093.89
- multiple 094.89
- subacute 094.89
- seventh nerve (paralysis) 094.89
- tumor, brain 094.89
- vascular 093.89
- brain or cerebral 094.89
- Thrombosis, thrombotic (marantic) (multiple) (progressive) (septic) (vein) (vessel) 453.9
- brain (artery) (stem) 434.0
- due to syphilis 094.89
- iatrogenic 997.02
- late effect - see Late effect(s) (of) cerebrovascular disease
- postoperative 997.02
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
- sinus (see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus) 325
- spinal cord 336.1
- due to syphilis 094.89
- in pregnancy or puerperium 671.5
- pyogenic origin 324.1
- late effect - see category 326
- Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
- syphilitic brain 094.89