ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fever 780.6

- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9

Bacillus NEC 041.89

abortus 023.1

anthracis (see also Anthrax) 022.9

cereus (food poisoning) 005.89

coli - see Infection, Escherichia coli
coliform NEC 041.85

Ducrey's (any location) 099.0

Flexner's 004.1

Friedländer's NEC 041.3

fusiformis 101

gas (gangrene) (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0

mallei 024

melitensis 023.0

paratyphoid, paratyphosus 002.9

Schmorl's 040.3

Shiga 004.0

suipestifer (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9

swimming pool 031.1

typhosa 002.0

welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0

Whitmore's 025
Salmonella (aertrycke) (callinarum) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (suipestifer) (typhimurium) 003.9

due to food (poisoning) (any serotype) (see also Poisoning, food, due to, Salmonella)
hirschfeldii 002.3
localized 003.20

paratyphi 002.9

schottmuelleri 002.2

specified type NEC 003.8

typhi 002.0

typhosa 002.0