Convert to ICD-10-CM:
005.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A05.4 Foodborne Bacillus cereus intoxication
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A05.8 Other specified bacterial foodborne intoxications
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9
- Bacillus NEC 041.89
- abortus 023.1
- anthracis (see also Anthrax) 022.9
- cereus (food poisoning) 005.89
- coli - see Infection, Escherichia coli
- coliform NEC 041.85
- Ducrey's (any location) 099.0
- Flexner's 004.1
- Friedländer's NEC 041.3
- fusiformis 101
- gas (gangrene) (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
- mallei 024
- melitensis 023.0
- paratyphoid, paratyphosus 002.9
- Schmorl's 040.3
- Shiga 004.0
- suipestifer (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9
- swimming pool 031.1
- typhosa 002.0
- welchii (see also Gangrene, gas) 040.0
- Whitmore's 025
- Poisoning (acute) - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- food (acute) (bacterial) (diseased) (infected) NEC 005.9
- due to
- bacillus
- aertrycke (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
- botulinus 005.1
- cereus 005.89
- choleraesuis (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
- paratyphosus (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
- suipestifer (see also Poisoning, food, due to Salmonella) 003.9
- Clostridium 005.3
- Salmonella (aertrycke) (callinarum) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (paratyphi) (suipestifer) 003.9
- with
- gastroenteritis 003.0
- localized infection(s) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.20
- septicemia 003.1
- specified manifestation NEC 003.8
- specified bacterium NEC 005.89
- Staphylococcus 005.0
- Streptococcus 005.89
- Vibrio parahaemolyticus 005.4
- Vibrio vulnificus 005.81
- noxious or naturally toxic 988.0