2009 HCPCS G0250
Physician review, interpretation, and patient management of home inr testing for a patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chroic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria; includes face-to-face verification by the physician at least once a year (e.g. during an evaluation and management service) that the patient uses the device in the context of the management of the anticoagulation therapy following initiation of the home inr monitoring; not occurring more frequently than once a week

  • This is the 2009 version of HCPCS G0250 - please refer to the 2016 HCPCS code set for the latest version.
  • Added on Monday, July 01, 2002
  • Status changed on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 to: Change in long description of procedure or modifier code
  • BETOS Classification: Office Visits > Established
  • Medicare coverage status: Special coverage instructions apply
  • HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number: 50.55 

  G0249    G0251