2015 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 829.0
Fracture of unspecified bone, closed
- 2015
- Billable Thru Sept 30/2015
- Non-Billable On/After Oct 1/2015
- ICD-9-CM 829.0 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 829.0 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
829.0 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T14.8 Other injury of unspecified body region
Approximate Synonyms
- Fracture of bone
- FX of bone
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0
- with
- internal injuries in same region (conditions classifiable to 860-869) - see also Injury, internal, by site
- pelvic region - see Fracture, pelvis
- acetabulum (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.0
- acromion (process) (closed) 811.01
- ankle (malleolus) (closed) 824.8
- antrum - see Fracture, skull, base
- arm (closed) 818.0
- and leg(s) (any bones) 828.0
- both (any bones) (with rib(s)) (with sternum) 819.0
- lower 813.80
- open 818.1
- upper - see Fracture, humerus
- atlas - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, first
- axis - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, second
- back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site
- Barton's - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- basal (skull) - see Fracture, skull, base
- bimalleolar (closed) 824.4
- bone (closed) NEC 829.0
- birth injury NEC 767.3
- open 829.1
- pathological NEC (see also Fracture, pathologic) 733.10
- stress NEC (see also Fracture, stress) 733.95
- boot top - see Fracture, fibula
- boxers' - see Fracture, metacarpal bone(s)
- breast bone - see Fracture, sternum
- bucket handle (semilunar cartilage) - see Tear, meniscus
- buckle - see Fracture, torus
- burst - see Fracture, traumatic, by site
- bursting - see Fracture, phalanx, hand, distal
- capitate (bone) (closed) 814.07
- capitellum (humerus) (closed) 812.49
- carpal bone(s) (wrist NEC) (closed) 814.00
- cartilage, knee (semilunar) - see Tear, meniscus
- cervical - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
- chauffeur's - see Fracture, ulna, lower end
- chisel - see Fracture, radius, upper end
- chronic - see Fracture, pathologic
- clavicle (interligamentous part) (closed) 810.00
- clayshovelers' - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
- coccyx - see also Fracture, vertebra, coccyx
- complicating delivery 665.6
- collar bone - see Fracture, clavicle
- Colles' (reversed) (closed) 813.41
- comminuted - see Fracture, by site
- compression - see also Fracture, by site
- nontraumatic - see Fracture, pathologic
- coracoid process (closed) 811.02
- coronoid process (ulna) (closed) 813.02
- corpus cavernosum penis 959.13
- costochondral junction - see Fracture, rib
- costosternal junction - see Fracture, rib
- cranium - see Fracture, skull, by site
- cricoid cartilage (closed) 807.5
- cuboid (ankle) (closed) 825.23
- cuneiform
- dental restorative material
- due to
- birth injury - see Birth injury, fracture
- gunshot - see Fracture, by site, open
- neoplasm - see Fracture, pathologic
- osteoporosis - see Fracture, pathologic
- Dupuytren's (ankle) (fibula) (closed) 824.4
- Duverney's - see Fracture, ilium
- elbow - see also Fracture, humerus, lower end
- olecranon (process) (closed) 813.01
- supracondylar (closed) 812.41
- ethmoid (bone) (sinus) - see Fracture, skull, base
- face bone(s) (closed) NEC 802.8
- with
- other bone(s) - see Fracture, multiple, skull
- skull - see also Fracture, skull
- involving other bones - see Fracture, multiple, skull
- open 802.9
- fatigue - see Fracture, march
- femur, femoral (closed) 821.00
- cervicotrochanteric 820.03
- condyles, epicondyles 821.21
- distal end - see Fracture, femur, lower end
- epiphysis (separation)
- head 820.09
- lower end or extremity (distal end) (closed) 821.20
- neck (closed) 820.8
- open 821.10
- pathologic 733.14
- peritrochanteric (section) 820.20
- shaft (lower third) (middle third) (upper third) 821.01
- subcapital 820.09
- subtrochanteric (region) (section) 820.22
- supracondylar 821.23
- transepiphyseal 820.01
- trochanter (greater) (lesser) (see also Fracture, femur, neck, by site) 820.20
- T-shaped, into knee joint 821.21
- upper end 820.8
- fibula (closed) 823.81
- with tibia 823.82
- distal end 824.8
- epiphysis
- lower 824.8
- upper - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- head - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- involving ankle 824.2
- lower end or extremity 824.8
- malleolus (external) (lateral) 824.2
- open NEC 823.91
- pathologic 733.16
- proximal end - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- shaft 823.21
- stress 733.93
- torus 823.41
- upper end or extremity (epiphysis) (head) (proximal end) (styloid) 823.01
- finger(s), of one hand (closed) (see also Fracture, phalanx, hand) 816.00
- foot, except toe(s) alone (closed) 825.20
- fossa, anterior, middle, or posterior - see Fracture, skull, base
- frontal (bone) - see also Fracture, skull, vault
- sinus - see Fracture, skull, base
- Galeazzi's - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- glenoid (cavity) (fossa) (scapula) (closed) 811.03
- Gosselin's - see Fracture, ankle
- greenstick - see Fracture, by site
- grenade-throwers' - see Fracture, humerus, shaft
- gutter - see Fracture, skull, vault
- healing
- aftercare (see also Aftercare, fracture) V54.89
- change of cast V54.89
- complications - see condition
- convalescence V66.4
- removal of
- hip (closed) (see also Fracture, femur, neck) 820.8
- humerus (closed) 812.20
- anatomical neck 812.02
- articular process (see also Fracture humerus, condyle(s)) 812.44
- capitellum 812.49
- condyle(s) 812.44
- distal end - see Fracture, humerus, lower end
- epiphysis
- lower (see also Fracture, humerus, condyle(s)) 812.44
- upper 812.09
- external condyle 812.42
- great tuberosity 812.03
- head 812.09
- internal epicondyle 812.43
- lesser tuberosity 812.09
- lower end or extremity (distal end) (see also Fracture, humerus, by site) 812.40
- neck 812.01
- open 812.30
- pathologic 733.11
- proximal end - see Fracture, humerus, upper end
- shaft 812.21
- supracondylar 812.41
- surgical neck 812.01
- trochlea 812.49
- T-shaped 812.44
- tuberosity - see Fracture, humerus, upper end
- upper end or extremity (proximal end) (see also Fracture, humerus, by site) 812.00
- hyoid bone (closed) 807.5
- hyperextension - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- ilium (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.41
- impaction, impacted - see Fracture, by site
- incus - see Fracture, skull, base
- innominate bone (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.49
- instep, of one foot (closed) 825.20
- insufficiency - see Fracture, pathologic, by site
- internal
- ear - see Fracture, skull, base
- semilunar cartilage, knee - see Tear, meniscus, medial
- intertrochanteric - see Fracture, femur, neck, intertrochanteric
- ischium (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.42
- jaw (bone) (lower) (closed) (see also Fracture, mandible) 802.20
- knee
- cap (closed) 822.0
- cartilage (semilunar) - see Tear, meniscus
- labyrinth (osseous) - see Fracture, skull, base
- late effect - see Late, effects (of), fracture
- Le Fort's - see Fracture, maxilla
- leg (closed) 827.0
- with rib(s) or sternum 828.0
- both (any bones) 828.0
- lower - see Fracture, tibia
- open 827.1
- upper - see Fracture, femur
- limb
- lower (multiple) (closed) NEC 827.0
- upper (multiple) (closed) NEC 818.0
- long bones, due to birth trauma - see Birth injury, fracture
- lumbar - see Fracture, vertebra, lumbar
- malar bone (closed) 802.4
- malleolus (closed) 824.8
- bimalleolar 824.4
- lateral 824.2
- and medial - see also Fracture, malleolus, bimalleolar
- with lip of tibia - see Fracture, malleolus, trimalleolar
- open 824.3
- medial (closed) 824.0
- and lateral - see also Fracture, malleolus, bimalleolar
- with lip of tibia - see Fracture, malleolus, trimalleolar
- open 824.1
- open 824.9
- trimalleolar (closed) 824.6
- malleus - see Fracture, skull, base
- manubrium - see Fracture, sternum
- maxilla, maxillary (superior) (upper jaw) (closed) 802.4
- inferior - see Fracture, mandible
- open 802.5
- meniscus, knee - see Tear, meniscus
- metacarpus, metacarpal (bone(s)), of one hand (closed) 815.00
- metatarsus, metatarsal (bone(s)), of one foot (closed) 825.25
- Moore's - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- multangular bone (closed)
- multiple (closed) 829.0
- arm (multiple bones in same arm except in hand alone) (sites classifiable to 810-817 with sites classifiable to a different three-digit category in 810-817 in same arm) (closed) 818.0
- arms, both or arm(s) with rib(s) or sternum (sites classifiable to 810-818 with sites classifiable to same range of categories in other limb or to 807) (closed) 819.0
- bones of trunk NEC (closed) 809.0
- hand, metacarpal bone(s) with phalanx or phalanges of same hand (sites classifiable to 815 with sites classifiable to 816 in same hand) (closed) 817.0
- leg (multiple bones in same leg) (sites classifiable to 820-826 with sites classifiable to a different three-digit category in that range in same leg) (closed) 827.0
- legs, both or leg(s) with arm(s), rib(s), or sternum (sites classifiable to 820-827 with sites classifiable to same range of categories in other leg or to 807 or 810-819) (closed) 828.0
- open 829.1
- pelvis with other bones except skull or face bones (sites classifiable to 808 with sites classifiable to 805-807 or 810-829) (closed) 809.0
- skull, specified or unspecified bones, or face bone(s) with any other bone(s) (sites classifiable to 800-803 with sites classifiable to 805-829) (closed) 804.0
- with
- contusion, cerebral 804.1
- epidural hemorrhage 804.2
- extradural hemorrhage 804.2
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 804.3
- intracranial injury NEC 804.4
- laceration, cerebral 804.1
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 804.2
- subdural hemorrhage 804.2
- open 804.5
- with
- contusion, cerebral 804.6
- epidural hemorrhage 804.7
- extradural hemorrhage 804.7
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 804.8
- intracranial injury NEC 804.9
- laceration, cerebral 804.6
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 804.7
- subdural hemorrhage 804.7
- vertebral column with other bones, except skull or face bones (sites classifiable to 805 or 806 with sites classifiable to 807-808 or 810-829) (closed) 809.0
- nasal (bone(s)) (closed) 802.0
- open 802.1
- sinus - see Fracture, skull, base
- navicular
- carpal (wrist) (closed) 814.01
- tarsal (ankle) (closed) 825.22
- neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
- neural arch - see Fracture, vertebra, by site
- nose, nasal, (bone) (septum) (closed) 802.0
- occiput - see Fracture, skull, base
- odontoid process - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
- olecranon (process) (ulna) (closed) 813.01
- orbit, orbital (bone) (region) (closed) 802.8
- floor (blow-out) 802.6
- open 802.9
- roof - see Fracture, skull, base
- specified part NEC 802.8
- os
- calcis (closed) 825.0
- magnum (closed) 814.07
- pubis (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.2
- triquetrum (closed) 814.03
- osseous
- auditory meatus - see Fracture, skull, base
- labyrinth - see Fracture, skull, base
- ossicles, auditory (incus) (malleus) (stapes) - see Fracture, skull, base
- osteoporotic - see Fracture, pathologic
- paratrooper - see Fracture, tibia, lower end
- parietal bone - see Fracture, skull, vault
- parry - see Fracture, Monteggia's
- pathologic (cause unknown) 733.10
- pedicle (of vertebral arch) - see Fracture, vertebra, by site
- pelvis, pelvic (bone(s)) (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.8
- peritrochanteric (closed) 820.20
- phalanx, phalanges, of one
- pond - see Fracture, skull, vault
- prosthetic device, internal - see Complications, mechanical
- pubis (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.2
- radius (alone) (closed) 813.81
- with ulna NEC 813.83
- distal end - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- epiphysis
- lower - see Fracture, radius, lower end
- upper - see Fracture, radius, upper end
- head - see Fracture, radius, upper end
- lower end or extremity (distal end) (lower epiphysis) 813.42
- neck - see Fracture, radius, upper end
- open NEC 813.91
- pathologic 733.12
- proximal end - see Fracture, radius, upper end
- shaft (closed) 813.21
- upper end 813.07
- ramus
- inferior or superior (with visceral injury) (closed) 808.2
- ischium - see Fracture, ischium
- mandible 802.24
- with flail chest (open) 807.4
- sacrum - see Fracture, vertebra, sacrum
- scaphoid