ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly
- Mantoux test 795.51
- Converter, tuberculosis (test reaction) 795.51
- Findings, (abnormal), without diagnosis (examination) (laboratory test) 796.4
- PPD 795.51
- skin test, positive 795.79
- tuberculin (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
- tuberculin skin test (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
- Positive
- PPD 795.51
- skin test 795.7
- tuberculin (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
- Reaction
- nonspecific
- to
- cell mediated immunity measurement of gamma interferon antigen response without active tuberculosis 795.52
- QuantiFERON-TB test (QFT) without active tuberculosis 795.52
- tuberculin test (see also Reaction, tuberculin skin test) 795.51
- tuberculin skin test, nonspecific (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
- positive (without active tuberculosis) 795.51
- Sensitivity, sensitization - see also Allergy
- tuberculin, without clinical or radiological symptoms 795.51
- Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9
- converter (tuberculin skin test) (without disease) 795.51
- latent 795.51